
Mathematik und Keramik - Mathematics and Ceramics

Exposition at the occasion of ICM 1998

Why Mathematics and Ceramics? Mathematics and art are in polar tension. Especially the ceramist under the pictorial artists has many possibilities to transform mathematical ideas: Ceramical objects are of geometrical shape and the plastic material clay models mathematical forms easily. In addition the ceramical art designs surfaces in many ways: sgrafito, inlay, colours,glazes, and combinations of them. Participant artists of the exhibition "Mathematics and Ceramics" are native ceramists and those from abroad. Some of them had already a big ouevre on mathematical themes, others created completely new works. Announced works are among others:

threedimensional optical illusions by Yasuo Hayashi (Japan)

multiply cut and pasted vases and objects by John M. Middlesmith (Great Britain/Germany)

geometrical objects with inlay surfaces by Hans-Peter Mader (Germany)
(see the embedded picture "Microcosmos - Macrocosmos")

ICM'98 homepage

Please send suggestions and corrections to: pahlig@zib.de
Last modified: July 7, 1998