Why Mathematics and Ceramics? Mathematics and art are in polar tension. Especially the ceramist under the pictorial artists has many possibilities to transform mathematical ideas: Ceramical objects are of geometrical shape and the plastic material clay models mathematical forms easily. In addition the ceramical art designs surfaces in many ways: sgrafito, inlay, colours,glazes, and combinations of them. Participant artists of the exhibition "Mathematics and Ceramics" are native ceramists and those from abroad. Some of them had already a big ouevre on mathematical themes, others created completely new works. Announced works are among others:
threedimensional optical illusions by Yasuo Hayashi (Japan)
multiply cut and pasted vases and objects by John M. Middlesmith (Great Britain/Germany)
geometrical objects with inlay surfaces by Hans-Peter Mader (Germany)
(see the embedded picture "Microcosmos - Macrocosmos")
Please send suggestions and corrections to: pahlig@zib.de
Last modified: July 7, 1998