TO ALL MATHEMATICIANS WHO HAVE PRELIMINARILY PREREGISTERED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN Tenth Circular Letter, March 18, 1997 Subject: ICM98-CL10: VideoMath Festival: CALL FOR VIDEOS Dear colleague: In an effort to reach out to the general public, the ICM98 organizers are going to offer - in addition to the scientific program - several cultural activities related to mathematics that are attractive not only for ICM98 attendees. One of the events in the planning process is the VideoMath Festival. Short high-quality videos on mathematical topics will be combined into a film of about two hours length and shown in the movie theater of the Urania, a center for popular science presentations in Berlin. Please find below the CALL FOR VIDEOS for the VideoMath Festival. Consider preparing an entry and let your colleagues interested in mathematical movies know about this project. More information can be found under the URL: Best regards Martin Groetschel ************************************************************************ CALL FOR VIDEOS VideoMath Festival at the International Congress of Mathematicians 1998 (ICM'98) Berlin (Germany) August 18-27, 1998 The International Congresses of Mathematicians, taking place about every four years since 1897, belong to the most important mathematical events in the world. One distinguishing feature, among others, is the award of the Fields Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize (the "mathematical Nobel Prizes") during the opening ceremony. The ICM'98 will take place in Berlin, Germany, from August 18 to 27, 1998. It will be accompanied by a number of cultural events. One of these events will be the VideoMath Festival, a public presentation of a collection of outstanding mathematical videos. The festival is planned to attract a broad audience: ICM attendees, students, teachers, and the proverbial man-in-the-street with an inclination towards mathematics. Performances are open to the public and will take place during the period of the conference. The Urania building, a center for popular science located in downtown Berlin, will host the VideoMath Festival as well as other cultural events in the wake of ICM'98. The collection of videos to be presented will be selected by a program committee. The video pieces chosen will be integrated into a feature film of up to two hours length. For more information about the VideoMath Festival see: PROGRAM COMMITTEE The program committee currently consists of Thomas Banchoff Mathematics Dept., Brown University, Providence, USA Peter Deuflhard Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik, Berlin, Germany George Francis Mathematics Dept. and NCSA, Urbana-Champaign, USA Herbert W. Franke Universitaet Muenchen, Germany David Hoffman Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, USA Heinz-Otto Peitgen Fachbereich Mathematik, Universitaet Bremen, Germany Ulrich Pinkall Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE The organizing committee for the VideoMath Festival consists of Hans-Christian Hege Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin, Germany Email: Konrad Polthier Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany Email: CALL FOR VIDEOS Entries for the VideoMath Festival are encouraged from all areas of mathematical visualization. The submissions should appeal to a general but educated public. They should also meet highest standards with respect to mathematical content, visualization techniques, artistic design and technical quality. We strongly recommend to make the work interesting for a broad audience by selecting an appropriate subject, and by using visual elements, suitable text or narration. The program committee, a group of internationally renowned mathematicians and computer graphics experts, will evaluate the entries and select a number of contributions according to quality and thematic balance. These will be spliced together for the final tape. To facilitate adequate judgement, a submission may include additional notes to the jury on the mathematical content of the work, new techniques that have been used, or a brief statement describing the artistic concept of the work. VIDEO SUBMISSION Submissions should be sent to ICM'98 -- VideoMath Festival c/o Ms. Saida Grase Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum (ZIB) Takustr. 7 D-14195 Berlin Germany Email: and must be received by April 3, 1998 (Deadline for Submission of Video). Submissions that arrive after this deadline will not be considered. Please consider that customs delays of up to two weeks can occur. The following guidelines have been developed to guarantee high quality. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be returned without review. Each entry must include: 1. A completed and signed submission form for each (!) entry. We will use the information on this form for publication if your submission is selected. Do not fax the form. Submission forms will be available under the Web address given above. 2. A jury version of your work on Betacam-SP (NTSC or PAL) videotape. We will accept also S-VHS and VHS (NTSC or PAL) for judging the work. However, we strongly recommend to submit work in Betacam-SP. Accepted work for the demo reel should be delivered in a quality equal or higher than Betacam-SP. 3. Notes to the jury (optionally). To give many good pieces a spot on the video, a contribution should have a length of 3-8 minutes, and under no circumstances exceed 10 minutes. The editors reserve the right to request a shorter version of an accepted contribution. Label both, the videotape and its container, with the contact person's name, affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, the title(s) of the piece(s), and the running time(s). If a videotape contains more than one entry, each one must be separated by color bars and 10 seconds of black. Send originals only if you have more than one first-generation tape. The organizers take no responsibility for safe arrival of your entry and will not track its shipment. Customs labels should bear the words: "Educational material with no commercial value" and in German: "Lehrmaterial ohne kommerziellen Wert". We will not pay any customs fees, duties, or tariffs incurred by your submission. UPON ACCEPTANCE Contributors of accepted video pieces should provide final versions recorded on the highest quality equipment available to them: preferably Betacam-SP, Digital Betacam or D1. Credits must not exceed 15 seconds. Videos shown in the VideoMath Festival will be mastered on Digital Betacam and projected in component RGB. Final versions must be received by June 5, 1998 (Deadline for Submission of Final Version). Final versions that differ significantly from their jury-accepted versions will not be shown. It is the contributor's responsibility to secure any necessary permissions and licenses for visual and audio material contained in entries for the ICM VideoMath Festival. Contributors are encouraged to use original music composed by the producer, a colleague, or a friend. If, however, a commercial soundtrack is used, small performing rights licenses must be secured for the public performance of any copyrighted musical composition. The final version of every accepted video must be accompanied by a short text and, if possible, pictures explaining the content of the contribution. On the basis of this material a program booklet will be produced to be handed out to the audience. PRODUCTION OF A MASTER TAPE The final pieces will be mastered on Digital Betacam in a professional studio. Appropriate trailers will be produced and additional music pieces will be composed by a musician. The whole production will be supervised by a professional computer animator and well-known artist. If a sufficient number of contributors is interested (mark on submission form) it is planned to prepare a second master tape for sale. The video would be available at the ICM'98. DEADLINES Submission of Video by April 3, 1998 Submission of Final Version by June 5, 1998 ************************************************************************ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Electronic Information on ICM98 at URL:| | (with form for preliminary preregistration) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | ICM98 General E-mail Address: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Address for ICM98 ICM98 Secretary | | General Correspondence: Prof. Dr. J. Winkler | | Fachbereich Mathematik | | TU Berlin | | Str. des 17. Juni 135 | | D-10623 Berlin, Germany | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Winkler's personal | Phone: +49 30/314-24105 | | phone, fax, e-mail: | Fax: +49 30/314-21604 | | | E-mail: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | President of the ICM98 Organizing Committee: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel | E-mail: | | Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer | Phone: +49/30/84185-210 | | Informationstechnik (ZIB) | FAX: +49/30/84185-269 | | Takustrasse 7 | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch | | D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Phone: +49/30/84185-208 | | Germany | ZIB-URL: | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ ************************************************************************ This is a message from the ICM98 e-mail server distributing information about ICM98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons who have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM98 can be found in the ICM98 WWW-server. Its master site in Berlin has the URL: Mirror sites of the ICM98 WWW-server are located in Bombay(India), Copenhagen (Denmark), Kyoto (Japan), Marseille (France), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Warsaw (Poland). This WWW-server also offers an electronic preregistration form. If you do not have access to the World Wide Web and would like to subscribe to the ICM98 circular letters, just send an e-mail to writing PRELIMINARY PREREGISTRATION into the SUBJECT line. ************************************************************************