ICM98-CL15 (97/08/18): First Announcement
Fifteenth Circular Letter, August 18, 1997
Subject: ICM98-CL15: First Announcement
Dear colleague:
Imagine, at this moment in exactly one year, you are sitting
in the great lecture hall of the International Congress Center
in Berlin and you are watching the Opening Ceremony of ICM'98
progress. You will be
- listening to words of welcome from the IMU President,
the President and the Honorary President of the ICM'98
Organizing Committee,
- hearing greetings by a representative of the President of
the Federal Republic of Germany (who is the protector of
the Congress), and welcome speeches of the Federal Minister
of Science and Technology and the Governing Mayor of Berlin
(the two most important financial sponsors of ICM'98),
- watching a short movie about Berlin, getting a glimpse of
the VideoMath Festival, and listening to music interludes,
- and, finally, you will be seeing the winners of the Fields
Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize enter the stage.
A modern version of Grimm's "Tischlein deck dich" will link
this event to the afternoon session with the laudationes on
the prize winners and a Plenary Lecture delivered by one of
the leading mathematicians of the world.
Wouldn't you want to tell your friends and colleagues about
this event?
There has been a long tradition that the organizers of an
International Congress send out a so-called First Announcement
to as many mathematicians as possible about one year before
the Congress. We are following this tradition.
The main aim of the First Announcement is to collect the addresses of
those mathematicians who are seriously interested in participating in
ICM'98. These are asked to request the Second Announcement in the way
described in the First Announcement (below). The Second Announcement
will contain all the details about ICM'98 that you would like to know.
(These can, of course, also be found on the ICM'98 server.) Those
who provide an e-mail address with their request will also receive
the circular letters from the ICM'98 e-mail service.
The persons who have submitted the request form for the
Second Announcement (AND ONLY THESE) will receive the Second
Announcement in January 1998 by ordinary mail.
If you have preliminarily preregistered for ICM'98 before (this is the
case if you obtained the present circular letter from the ICM'98 E-Mail
Server) you should not do anything at present. You will automatically
receive a personal e-mail request form for the Second Announcement
within the next week. This way you can check the data we have in our
data base and you may correct your mailing address if necessary. If you
have not received the request form by August 26, 1997 something went
wrong and we have to ask you to follow the procedure described in the
First Announcement.
With this First Announcement we try to reach, in particular, those
mathematicians who are not yet using electronic media intensively. We
have therefore asked all Mathematical Societies in the world (that we
know of), all Adhering Organizations of IMU and all National Committees
of Mathematics to distribute the First Announcement by mail or through
their newsletters. We are grateful for the support of many of these
institutions but quite a number did not react, unfortunately.
That is why we ask you for support.
- Could you please forward this First Announcement to your friends and
colleagues who might be interested in ICM'98?
- If you have relations to a Mathematical Society, please ask the editor
in charge of the newsletter to print the First Announcement in the
next issue.
- Print the First Announcement and post it in your institute.
To make all this easy for you, we have produced a simple two-page
First Announcement without any fancy graphics etc. We provide it in
various versions.
Below you will find the ASCII version suitable for e-mail distribution.
If you call the URL
you will find
- three postscript versions (two pages) of size about 300 Kb each
- with color ICM'98 logo,
- with grey-scale ICM'98 logo,
- with black-white ICM'98 logo,
- a LATEX version (without ICM'98 Logo)
- three WORD versions (two pages) of size about 170 Kb each
- with color ICM'98 logo,
- with grey-scale ICM'98 logo,
- with black-white ICM'98 logo,
- the ASCII version,
- and the corresponding logos in postscript format of size about 94 Kb.
You should be able to print one of these on your printer.
It is also possible to obtain the files by anonymous ftp from elib.zib.de
in the subdirectory pub/IMU/HTML/ICM98/First_Announcement.
The files of interest are
anc_col.ps Announcement Postscript color
anc_grey.ps grey-scale
anc_bw.ps black-white
anc_col.doc Word color
anc_grey.doc grey-scale
anc_bw.doc black-white
anc_la.tex LaTeX (no logo)
anc.asc ASCII (no logo)
logo_col.ps Logo encapsulated Postscript color
logo_grey.ps grey-scale
logo_bw.ps black-white
If you want to help us by mailing First Announcements to some of
your colleagues we are also ready to mail any (reasonable) number of
printed Announcements to you. Just send me an e-mail with your mailing
address and the requested number of First Announcements.
Thanks for your help!
Martin Groetschel
President of the
ICM'98 Organizing Committee
International Congress MCM
of Mathematicians XCV
Berlin, Germany III
August 18-27, 1998 ICM
First Announcement
The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that the next
International Congress of Mathematicians will take place in Berlin,
Germany, from Tuesday, August 18, through Thursday, August 27, 1998.
It will be held under the auspices of the International
Mathematical Union (IMU) and sponsored by many other institutions.
Mathematical Program
Responsibility for the scientific program lies with the Program
Committee appointed by IMU. There will be about twenty one-hour
Plenary Lectures covering recent developments in the major areas
of mathematics and about 170 forty-five-minute Invited Lectures
in nineteen sections. The sections are as follows:
1. Logic
2. Algebra
3. Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
4. Algebraic Geometry
5. Differential Geometry and Global Analysis
6. Topology
7. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
8. Analysis
9. Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
10. Partial Differential Equations
11. Mathematical Physics
12. Probability and Statistics
13. Combinatorics
14. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science
15. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
16. Applications
17. Control Theory and Optimization
18. Teaching and Popularization of Mathematics
19. History of Mathematics
Every registered participant (traditionally called Ordinary
Member) of the Congress will have the opportunity to give a short
presentation, either during a poster session or in the form
of a fifteen-minute lecture. A formal call for such presentations
will be issued in the Second Announcement. Informal mathematical
seminars may be organized at the initiative of groups of
participants. English, French, German, and Russian are
the official languages of the Congress.
All Plenary and Invited Lectures will be published in the
Proceedings of ICM'98; after the Congress, a complimentary copy
of these Proceedings will be sent to each Ordinary Member.
Abstracts of all lectures and of all short presentations will
be distributed free of charge to Ordinary Members at Congress
The Fields Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize will be awarded
during the Opening Ceremony on the first day of the Congress.
This will take place in the International Congress Center
Berlin (ICC); all other scientific events will be held at
Technische Universitaet Berlin. No scientific activities
are scheduled for Sunday, August 23.
In an effort to reach out to a wider audience, the ICM'98
organizers have initiated several cultural activities related
to mathematics that are attractive to the general public.
In particular, there will be a VideoMath Festival, software
demonstrations, talks about mathematics and its relations to
other subjects, several exhibitions (`Mathematics in the Arts',
etc.), and other events (`Mathematics and Music', etc.).
Special consideration will be given to the impact of the Nazi
regime on mathematics in Berlin and Germany.
Social Events
On August 18, a buffet-banquet for all registered participants
will be held at noon directly after the Opening Ceremony in the
ICC. During the Congress, a number of guided tours of Berlin,
visits to museums, and walking tours will be offered. On Sunday,
August 23, it will be possible to choose from several excursions.
For that evening, tickets have been reserved for the opera
`The Magic Flute' at the Deutsche Oper. Registered participants
may purchase tickets in advance for these events as well as for
many day trips and pre- or post-congress tours to places of
interest in the vicinity of Berlin.
Up-to-date information about all aspects of ICM'98 is available
on the following website:
This includes information about registration, abstract
submission, etc. Correspondence should be directed to
It will be forwarded to an appropriate member of the
Organizing Committee. If electronic communication is
not available you may also write to
c/o Prof.Dr. J. Winkler
TU Berlin, MA 8-2
Strasse des 17. Juni 135
D-10623 Berlin, Germany
FAX: +49/30/314-21604
Registration and Accommodation
DER-CONGRESS, a professional congress and tour organizer, has been
appointed by the Organizing Committee to handle all non-scientific
matters for individual participants: registration to the Congress
and the social events, hotel reservation, tourist program, collection
of registration fees, etc. The formal registration procedure for the
Congress will be described in the Second Announcement (see below).
Participants will be housed in a variety of hotels in Berlin;
the necessary reservations have already been made by DER-CONGRESS.
In addition, DER-CONGRESS will make student residences available
and will provide a certain amount of private accommodation at a
cheap rate for participants willing to accept less comfort.
Detailed information on locations and rates will be provided
in the Second Announcement.
Forms for registration and accommodation requests will be
made available on the ICM'98 server in January 1998.
Second Announcement
The Second Announcement of ICM'98 will describe the activities
of the Congress in more detail and give instructions on how to
complete the registration process and obtain accommodation.
It will provide more, although not complete, information on the
scientific program, contain a call for contributed short presentations,
and give instructions regarding the submission of abstracts.
The Second Announcement will also include advice on how to proceed upon
arrival at airports and train stations, and it will be accompanied by a
brochure describing the day trips and tours organized by DER-CONGRESS.
Several conferences of a more specialized nature are scheduled
immediately before or after ICM'98. The Second Announcement
will also contain a list of such `satellite conferences'.
To receive the Second Announcement, fill out the form on the ICM'98
server (http://elib.zib.de/ICM98). Alternatively, send an empty e-mail
to icm98@zib.de with `Second Announcement' in the `SUBJECT' line
to receive an e-mail form. If this is not possible for you,
please fill out the form below and send it to the ICM'98
Secretary Prof. Winkler (see address above).
The Second Announcement will be mailed from Berlin
at the beginning of 1998.
I would like to receive the Second Announcement of ICM'98.
first/given name:
middle name/initial:
street and number:
postal code:
This is a message from the ICM'98 e-mail server distributing information
about ICM'98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons who
have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF
MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM'98 can be found
on the ICM'98 WWW-server. Its master site in Berlin has the URL:
To subscribe to this e-mail service and to obtain the Second Announcement
of ICM'98, fill out the request form on the ICM'98 server. Alternatively,
send an empty e-mail to icm98@zib.de with `Second Announcement' in the
`SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form.
|Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98|
| (with request form for Second Announcement) |
| ICM'98 General E-mail Address: icm98@zib.de |
| Address for ICM'98 ICM'98 |
| General Correspondence: c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler |
| TU Berlin, MA 8-2 |
| Str. des 17. Juni 135 |
| D-10623 Berlin, Germany |
| Winkler's personal | Phone: +49/30/314-24105 |
| phone, fax, e-mail: | Fax: +49/30/314-21604 |
| | E-mail: winkler@math.tu-berlin.de |
| President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee: |
| Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel | E-mail: groetschel@zib.de |
| Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer | Phone: +49/30/84185-210 |
| Informationstechnik (ZIB) | FAX: +49/30/84185-269 |
| Takustrasse 7 | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch |
| D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Phone: +49/30/84185-208 |
| Germany | ZIB-URL: http://www.zib.de |