ICM98-CL16 (97/09/27): Financial support for mature mathematicians from developing countries
E-mail information service of the
Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998
Sixteenth Circular Letter
Subject: ICM98-CL16: Financial support for mature mathematicians
from developing countries
Dear colleague:
The Organizing Committee of ICM'98 and the International
Mathematical Union are aware of the fact that there are
many mathematicians of high quality who are interested
in attending ICM'98 but do not have the financial means
for participation. IMU and the Organizing committee have
reacted by setting up the traditional support program for
young mathematicians from developing countries (see the
circular letter ICM98-CL6) and, following the example of
ICM'94, a support program for mathematicians from Eastern
Europe (see ICM98-CL8 and ICM98-CL14).
The Organizing Committe has received a number of requests from
mature mathematicians (35 years and older) from developing
countries, who are not eligible for support under the programs
mentioned above, to help them attend ICM'98. To assist these
colleagues, the Organizing Committee and IMU have approached
sponsoring agencies. The success was limited, nevertheless,
it is now possible to announce a support program offering
financial help for (a few) active mature mathematicians from
developing countries.
Those interested in the program can find the details below.
Martin Groetschel
President of the
ICM'98 Organizing Committee
ICM'98 Committee for Support of Mathematicians from Developing Countries
(short: CSMDC)
APPLICATION FORM FOR GRANTS for Mature Mathematicians
from the CSMDC
Please find below the application form for mature mathematicians
(older than 35 years of age at the occasion of the Congress) with
residence in developing countries for grants to attend ICM98.
The funds for financial support are very limited. To secure the
participation of as many persons as possible, only local costs in
Berlin (registration, board and lodging) will be supported. Travel
grants can only be provided in exceptional cases.
All mathematicians who would like to apply for financial support
are kindly asked to fill out the application form below.
DEADLINE (for the submission of applications):
JANUARY 1, 1998
All applications will be reviewed and all applicants will be
informed about the result immediately after
MAY 1, 1998.
Please fill out the form below and return it by E-MAIL to
The SUBJECT LINE of the E-MAIL HEADER must have the following form
Subject: ICM-CSMDC
If e-mail is not available you can MAIL or FAX the form to the
address at the end of the form.
CSMDC-application form for a grant for participation in ICM'98
I would like to apply for a grant for the participation in ICM'98, Berlin,
August 18-27, 1998.
Name: .....................................................................
Date and place of birth: ..................................................
Citizenship: ................................
Affiliation: ..............................................................
E-mail: ...................................................................
Fax: ......................................................................
Scientific CV
1. Study (places, year, degree)
2. Academic degrees (PhD and/or corresponding degrees)
year .........................
Institution where your title was awarded ..................................
3. Professional career (academic institutions where you were employed,
year, position)
4. Research field
5. Selected list of publications (at most 10 items of your most recent or
important publications)
6. Further scientific activities and merits (Membership in scientific
academies, important academic awards, Editorial activities)
7. Travel grant requested (Please specify why this is an exceptional case
and provide an estimate of the travel costs.)
E-mail: icmcsmdc@math.fu-berlin.de
Fax: ++49/30/838 75 454
Mail: Freie Universitaet Berlin
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Arnimallee 2-6
14195 Berlin
For the CSMDC:
Gerhard Berendt and Eberhard Letzner
berendt@math.fu-berlin.de letzner@math.fu-berlin.de