ICM98-CL17 (97/11/13): CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS, Mathematical Software Session
E-mail information service of the
Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998
Seventeenth Circular Letter
Mathematical Software Session
Dear colleague:
The first (tentavive) call for participation in a Session on
Mathematical Software at ICM'98, see ICM98-CL13, generated
enthusiastic replies from many different groups working on the
design and implementation, distribution and sale of mathematical
software. Therefore, the ICM'98 Organizing Committee and IMU -
consulting various experts in this area - decided to add a
session of this type to the ICM'98 program.
This session will be part of a newly created "Section of Special
Activities", focussing on mathematics related topics of broad
interest, not covered by the scientific program determined by
the IMU appointed Program Committee.
Please find below the CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS. This call will
also be distributed via other channels (such as newsgroups,
digests, etc.).
Martin Groetschel
President of the
ICM98 Organizing Committee
Mathematical Software Session
at the
International Congress of Mathematicians 1998 (ICM'98)
Berlin (Germany)
August 18-27, 1998
The International Congresses of Mathematicians, taking place roughly
every four years since 1897, belong to the most important mathematical
events in the world. One distinguishing feature, among others, is the
award of the Fields Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize (the "mathematical
Nobel Prizes") during the opening ceremony.
The ICM'98 will take place in Berlin, Germany, from August 18 to 27,
1998. In addition to the scientific program (with plenary and invited
speakers chosen by the IMU-appointed ICM'98 Program Committee) a
"Section of Special Activities" is planned. One of these activities
will be a session on mathematical software, to be held on two
afternoons during the congress. The focus of this session will be the
presentation of a broad spectrum of mathematical software systems
ranging from general purpose systems to specialized systems, e.g.,
systems from numerical analysis, computer algebra, optimization,
mathematical visualization, or mathematical education. The
presentations should include typical applications.
This session is planned to attract a broad audience: ICM attendees,
students, teachers, etc., with a special interest in mathematical
software. The session will take place at the conference site of
the ICM'98 congress at the Technische Universitaet Berlin.
A program committee for this particular session has been appointed. It
will be chaired by
Johannes Grabmeier, IBM Germany
(speaker of the special interest group for computer algebra
of DMV (German Mathematical Society), GAMM and GI)
Winfried Neun Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik
Berlin, Germany
Email: neun@zib.de
The systems to be presented should meet the highest standards with
respect to mathematical content. Mathematical originality, new solutions,
or uncommon fields of application will be highly appreciated. The
technical quality in design and implementation is also an important issue.
Submissions for the Session on Mathematical Software are encouraged from
all fields of mathematics where software systems are used. Systems which
are available free of charge (e.g., public domain) are especially invited
and clearly preferred when the presentations will be chosen.
There will be a software exhibition and a book fair in connection with
the ICM'98 congress, too. This may be more suitable for the demands of
vendors of commercial software systems. Please contact the chairman
of the local arrangements committee, Prof. Rolf H. Moehring,
email: moehring@math.tu-berlin.de for details about the exhibition.
Talks in which various commercial packages are compared from an
independent viewpoint, pointing out particular strengths and
weaknesses of the systems, are also sought.
The program committee, a group of internationally renowned
mathematicians and experts on mathematical software, will evaluate the
entries and select a number of contributions according to quality and
thematic balance. To facilitate adequate judgement, a submission should
include material (either in paper form or an electronically readable
format, e.g., an URL) which explains to the committee the mathematical
background of the systems, the fields of application and the software
design and techniques.
Submissions should be sent, preferably by electronic mail, to:
ICM'98 -- Session on Math. Software
c/o W. Neun
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum (ZIB)
Takustr. 7
D-14195 Berlin
EMAIL: neun@zib.de
and must be received by
March 1, 1998 (Deadline for Submission).
Submissions that arrive after this deadline will not be considered.
Some guidelines that will help the program committee to review
the submissions are:
1. For a first glance a URL is usually very helpful.
2. For each system it should be very clear where information about
the mathematical content can be found. This is usually not trivial
if the submission consists, say, of uncommented pictures.
3. The special features and the targetted user community should be
4. The availability of the software and the terms and conditions for
distribution should be easily accessible.
The scheduled length of the presentations including discussion is
30 minutes. This allows the organizers to put approx. 12 lectures
into the time available for the session.
Financial support for presentations is not available. Presenters are
required to register for ICM'98.
Contributors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their
submission by the program committee. Based on this selection, the
organizing committee will arrange a timetable in cooperation with the
contributors of the presentations.
Demands for special equipment needed for presentations can be discussed
at this time, but the resources will be limited. Therefore, it is not
advisable to rely on any special hardware and software support from
the session organizers.
It is the contributor's responsibility to secure any necessary
permissions and licenses for any material contained in his presentation
or handouts. The organizers of ICM'98 would appreciate it if the
commercial attitude of the system providers were modest.
Submission of Presentations March 1, 1998
Notification of Acceptance April 1, 1998
This is a message from the ICM'98 e-mail server distributing information
about ICM'98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons who
have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF
MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM'98 can be found
on the ICM'98 WWW-server. Its master site in Berlin has the URL:
To subscribe to this e-mail service and to obtain the Second Announcement
of ICM'98, fill out the request form on the ICM'98 server. Alternatively,
send an empty e-mail to icm98@zib.de with `Second Announcement' in the
`SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form.