ICM98-CL23 (98/02/23): List and Schedule of the Invited Speaker

        E-mail information service of the 
       Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998

23rd Circular Letter

Subject: ICM98-CL23: List and Schedule of the Invited Speaker

Dear Colleague:

You were informed about the list and schedule of the one-hour 
Plenary Lectures in the Circular Letter ICM98-CL19 about two
months ago. Now the list of forty-five-minute Invited Lecturers 
is also complete, with one small exception in Section 18.

The ICM'98 Local Organizing Committee has been working on the 
schedule of the Invited Lectures in the recent weeks. Finally,
a schedule could be found to which all speakers agreed.

You can find the schedule below. ENCLOSUREs 1 and 2 are LATEX 
files. We do not want to bother you with typesetting issues, 
but we felt that all speakers' names should appear - at least 
once - correctly spelled. Moreover, this way we can also 
produce a good and readable program overview. 

ENCLOSURE 1 explains our "slot code" and lists, for each section,
the speakers alphabetically and shows the assigned slot. E. g., 
you will find that Idun Reiten (of Section 2 Algebra) speaks in
slot 24-2 which means that she speaks on August 24 in the second
afternoon session which runs from 15:00 to 15:45.

ENCLOSURE 2 gives you a "parallel view" of the program, i. e.,
for each session you can find the speakers talking in parallel.
E.g., in the fourth session on August 20 (having slot code 20-4)
which runs from 17:15 to 18:00 the speakers in parallel are: 
Y. Eliashberg, M. Mahowald, H. Eliasson, D. Buchholz, J. Hastad,
(correct version: H{\aa}stad), G. W. Milton.

The ATTACHMENT, a postscript file, provides a "global view"
of the whole program by showing which section (only the section 
number is shown in the picture) is scheduled into which slots 
(without speaker names). It also shows the numbers of the rooms 
assigned to the slots. E. g., Section 14 (computer science) with
6 speakers is active in the first two slots of August 19 and 21, 
and the last two slots of August 20. All lectures are in room 6.
Here you can easily see which sections are running in parallel
at what times.

Best Regards

Martin Groetschel
President of the 
ICM'98 Organizing Committee

This is a message from the ICM'98 e-mail server distributing  information
about ICM'98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons  who
have  electronically  registered or preregistered  for the  INTERNATIONAL
CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN.  More information about ICM'98  
can be found on the ICM'98 WWW-server.  Its master site in Berlin has the 

 URL:               http://elib.zib.de/ICM98

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|Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98|
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| ICM'98 General E-mail Address:          icm98@zib.de            |
| Address for ICM'98            ICM'98                            |
| General Correspondence:       c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler          |
|                               TU Berlin, MA 8-2                 |
|                               Str. des 17. Juni 135             |
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| phone, fax, e-mail:         | Fax:    +49/30/314-21604          |
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| President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee:                   |
| Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel     | E-mail:    groetschel@zib.de      |
| Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer    | Phone:     +49/30/84185-210       |
| Informationstechnik (ZIB)   | FAX:       +49/30/84185-269       |
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| Germany                     | ZIB-URL:   http://www.zib.de      |


ENCLOSURE 1 (tex,ps,most recent ps-version)



Name & Slot & Affiliation & City & Country\\ \hline}{%


{\bf Last Update: 23.2.98}

{\bf Slot Code}

first number & date (August)\\
second number & time slot on that day \\
              & 1 \dots 14:00 - 14:45   \\
              & 2 \dots 15:00 - 15:45  \\
              & 3 \dots 16:15 - 17:00  \\
              & 4 \dots 17:15 - 18:00  \\
(S)           & if multiple sections, this fixes the section\\

Example: slot 22-3 means: the talk is scheduled on Saturday, August
22, 16:15 h

% sortierte Liste

{\bf Section 1: Logic}

5 speakers.

Matthew Foreman& 25-3 & U.~of California& Irvine& USA \\
Gregory Hjorth& 26-3 & UCLA& Los Angeles& USA \\
Ludomir Newelski& 25-4 & U.~of Wroclaw& Wroclaw& Poland \\
Stevo B. Todorcevic& 26-1 & U.~of Toronto/U.~Paris 7/Matematicki I.& 
Tor./Par./Beo. & Can/Fra/Yug \\
Alex James Wilkie& 26-4 & U.~of Oxford& Oxford& UK \\


{\bf Section 2: Algebra}

8 speakers.

Eric Mark Friedlander& 22-3 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\
Sergei Ivanov& 24-1 &U.~of Illinois& Urbana& USA   \\ 
William M. Kantor&  {21-3} & U.~of Oregon& Eugene& USA  \\
Gunter Malle& 22-4 & I.W.R.& Heidelberg& Germany   \\
Aleksandr Pukhlikov& 21-4 & Moscow State U.& Moscow& Russia   \\
Idun Reiten& 24-2 & Norwegian U.~of Science and Tech.~(NTNU)& Trondheim& Norway\\
Jeremy C. Rickard & 25-4 & U.~of Bristol& Bristol& UK   \\   
Aner Shalev & 25-3 & The Hebrew U.& Jerusalem& Israel   \\


{\bf Section 3: Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry}

9 speakers.

Vladimir Berkovich& 22-1 & Weizmann I.~of Science& Rehovot& Israel   \\
Pierre Colmez& 22-2 & ENS, DMI & Paris& France   \\
William Duke& 24-4 & Rutgers U.& New Brunswick& USA   \\
Fran\c{c}ois Gramain& 24-3 & U.~Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne& Saint Etienne France  \\
Loic Merel& 25-1 & U.~Paris 7& Paris& France   \\
Shinichi Mochizuki& 25-2 & RIMS, Kyoto U.& Kyoto& Japan   \\ 
Hans Peter Schlickewei& 26-4 & U.~Marburg& Marburg& Germany   \\
Takeshi Tsuji& 26-2 & RIMS, Kyoto U.& Kyoto& Japan   \\
Shou-Wu Zhang& 26-3 & Columbia U.& New York& USA   \\


{\bf Section 4: Algebraic Geometry} 

7 speakers, 2 of them also appear in S11.\\
6 presentations in this section.

Paul S.  Aspinwall&  {22-3}(S11)& Duke U.& Durham& USA \\
Victor V. Batyrev& 21-2 & U.~T\"ubingen& T\"ubingen& Germany   \\
Maurizio D. T. Cornalba& 20-2 & U.~of Pavia& Pavia& Italy   \\
Johan de Jong&  {19-4} & Princeton U. & Princeton & USA \\
Robbert Dijkgraaf&  {19-3}(S4) & U.~of Amsterdam& Amsterdam& NL \\
Mark Green& 20-1 & UCLA& Los Angeles& USA  \\ 
Mikhail M. Kapranov& 21-1 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\

{\bf Section 5: Differential Geometry and Global Analysis} 

13 speakers.

Dmitri Burago& 26-1 & Pennsylvania State U.& U.~Park& USA   \\
Tobias H. Colding& 24-2 & Courant I.& New York U.& USA   \\
Simon K. Donaldson& 21-1 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA  \\
Boris Dubrovin& 25-3 & SISSA& Trieste& Italy  \\
Yakov Eliashberg& 20-4 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA   \\
Sylvestre  Gallot& 22-4 & ENS de Lyon, U.M.P.A.& Lyon& France  \\
Gerhard Huisken& 26-2 & U.~T\"ubingen& T\"ubingen& Germany   \\
Dominic Joyce& 22-3 & Lincoln College& Oxford& UK   \\
Fran\c{c}ois Labourie& 21-2 & U.~Paris-Sud& Orsay& France   \\
Joachim Lohkamp&  {20-3} & U.~Augsburg& Augsburg& Germany\\
Ulrich Pinkall& 24-1 & TU Berlin& Berlin& Germany  \\
Leonid Polterovich& 19-1 & Tel Aviv U.& Tel Aviv & Israel  \\
Yongbin Ruan& 19-2 & U.~of Wisconsin-Madison& Madison& USA   \\


{\bf Section 6: Topology}

9 speakers, but 2 give a talk in common.\\
8 presentations.

Alexander N. Dranishnikov&21-1 & U.~of Florida& Gainesville& USA   \\
William G. Dwyer& 22-3 & U.~of Notre Dame& Notre Dame& USA   \\
Ronald A. Fintushel& 19-2 & Michigan State U.& Michigan& USA \\
Michael H. Freedman& 21-2 & UC San Diego& La Jolla& USA   \\
Mark Mahowald& 20-4 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\
Tomotada Ohtsuki& 20-3 & Tokyo I.~of Technology& Tokyo& Japan   \\
Robert A. Oliver& 19-1 & U.~Paris-Nord& Villetaneuse& France   \\
Ronald J. Stern& 19-2 & UC Irvine& Irvine& USA \\
Clifford H.Taubes&  {25-4} & Harvard U. & Cambridge& USA \\


{\bf Section 7: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras}

10 speakers.

James G. Arthur& 22-1 & U.~of Toronto& Toronto& Canada   \\
Joseph Bernstein& 20-2 & Tel Aviv U.& Tel Aviv& Israel   \\
Ivan V. Cherednik& 22-2 & U.~of North Carolina& Chapel Hill& USA  \\
Alexander Eskin& 20-1 & U.~of Chicago& Chicago& USA   \\ 
Robert E. Kottwitz& 19-4 & U.~of Chicago& Chicago& USA   \\
Laurent Lafforgue& 19-3 & U.~Paris-Sud& Orsay& France   \\
Shahar Mozes& 21-4 &Hebrew U.& Jerusalem& Israel   \\
Vera Serganova& 21-3 & UC Berkeley& Berkeley& USA   \\
Kari Vilonen& 19-2 & Brandeis U.& Waltham& USA   \\
Minoru Wakimoto& 19-1 & Kyushu U.& Fukuoka& Japan   \\


{\bf Section 8: Analysis}

14 speakers.

Kari Astala& 22-1 & U.~of Jyv\"askyl\"a& Jyv\"askyl\"a& Finland   \\
Michael Christ& 21-3 & UC Berkeley& Berkeley& USA   \\
Nigel D. Higson& 20-2 & Pennsylvania State U.& U.~Park& USA   \\
Michael T. Lacey& 19-3 & Georgia I.~of Technology& Atlanta& USA   \\
Pertti Mattila& 26-3 & U.~of Jyv\"askyl\"a& Jyv\"askyl\"a& Finland   \\
Vitali Milman& 24-4 & Tel Aviv U.& Tel Aviv& Israel   \\
Detlef H. M\"uller& 22-2 & U.~zu Kiel& Kiel& Germany   \\
Stefan M\"uller& 26-4 & MPI f.~Math.~in den Naturwissenschaften& Leipzig& Germany   \\
Sergey I. Pinchuk& 20-1 & Chelyabinsk State U.~of Technology&  Chelyabinsk & Russia   \\
Kristian Seip& 19-4 & Norwegian U.~of Science and Technology& Trondheim& Norway   \\
Hart F. Smith& 21-4 & U.~of Washington& Seattle& USA   \\
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann& 25-1 & U.~of Alberta& Edmonton& Canada   \\
Stephen Wainger& 24-3 & U.~of Wisconsin& Madison& USA   \\
Thomas Wolff& 25-2 & Caltech& Pasadena& USA   \\


{\bf Section 9: Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems}

10 speakers.

Welington de Melo& 19-2 & IMPA & Rio de Janeiro & Brazil   \\
H{\aa}kan Eliasson& 20-4 & Royal I.~of Technology& Stockholm& Sweden   \\ 
Shuhei Hayashi& 21-1 & School of Commerce, Waseda U.& Tokyo& Japan   \\
Michael Herman& 21-2 & U.~Paris 7& Paris& France   \\
Yuri Kifer& 22-1 & Hebrew U.~of Jerusalem& Jerusalem& Israel   \\
Sergei B. Kuksin& 24-4 & Steklov Math.~I./Heriot-Watt U.& Moscow/Edinburgh & Russia/UK   \\
Krystyna M. Kuperberg& 20-3 & Auburn U.& Auburn& USA   \\
Curtis T. McMullen& 22-2 & Harvard U.& Cambridge& USA   \\
Grzegorz Swiatek& 24-3 & Pennsylvania State U.& U.~Park& USA   \\
Zhihong Xia& 19-1 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\


{\bf Section 10: Partial Differential Equations}

10 speakers.

Fabrice Bethuel& 19-3 & U.~Paris-Sud& Orsay& France   \\
Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric H\'{e}lein& 21-4 & CMLA, ENS-Cachan& Cachan& France   \\
Robert R. Jensen& 19-4 & Loyola U.~of Chicago& Chicago& USA   \\
Hans Lindblad& 24-2 & UC San Diego& La Jolla& USA   \\
Matei Machedon& 20-1 & U.~of Maryland& College Park& USA   \\
Frank E. Merle& 20-2 & U.~ de Cergy-Pontoise& Cergy-Pontoise& France   \\
Gustavo A. Ponce& 21-3 & UC Santa Barbara& Santa Barbara& USA   \\
Mikhail V. Safonov& 22-4 & U.~of Minnesota& Minneapolis& USA   \\
Gunther A. Uhlmann& 22-3 & U.~of Washington& Seattle& USA   \\
Dmitri Yafaev& 24-1 & IRMAR, U.~Rennes-1& Rennes& France   \\


{\bf Section 11: Mathematical Physics}

12 speakers, two of them also appear in S4.\\
11 presentations.

Paul S.  Aspinwall&  {22-3}(S11) & Duke U.& Durham& USA   \\
Eugene Bogomolny& 25-3 & I. de Physique Nucleaire, U.~Paris Sud&
Orsay& France   \\
Detlev Buchholz&  {20-4} & I.~f.~Theoret.~Physik, U. G\"ottingen & 
G\"ottingen & Germany \\
Jennifer Chayes& 20-3 & Microsoft Research& Redmond& USA   \\
Pierre Collet& 22-4 & Centre de Physique Th\'{e}orique& Palaiseau& France   \\
Robbert Dijkgraaf&  {19-3}(S4)& U.~of Amsterdam& Amsterdam& NL \\
Antonio Giorgilli& 26-1 & U.~of Milano& Milano& Italy   \\
Gian M. Graf& 19-1 & ETH-H\"onggerberg& Z\"urich& Switzerland   \\
Barry McCoy& 19-2 & I.~for Theoret.~Physics, State U.~of New York& Stony Brook& USA  \\
Roberto Schonmann& 21-2 & UCLA& Los Angeles& USA   \\ 
Fedor Smirnov& 21-1 & LPTHE, U.~Pierre et Marie Curie& Paris& France   \\
Horng-Tzer Yau& 25-4 & Courant I., U.~of New York& New York& USA   \\

{\bf Section 12: Probability and Statistics} 

13 speakers, one of them also appears in S16.\\
13 presentations. 

David John Aldous&  {19-3} & U.~of California & Berkeley & USA\\
Marco Avellaneda&  {24-2}(12) &Courant I., New York U.& New York & USA  \\
Maury D. Bramson&  {20-2} & Sch.~of Math., U.~of Minnesota& Minneapolis & USA\\ 
Mark Freidlin& 21-3 & U.~of Maryland& College Park& USA\\
Jayanta K. Ghosh& 19-4 & Indian Statistical I.& Calcutta& India\\
Friedrich G\"otze& 24-1 & U.~Bielefeld& Bielefeld& Germany \\
Peter G. Hall& 25-2 & Australian National U.& Canberra& Australia \\
Iain M. Johnstone& 26-4 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA\\
Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Le Gall& 21-4 & ENS, DMI&Paris& France \\
David O. Siegmund& 26-2 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA \\
Alain-Sol Sznitman&  {25-1} & ETH Z\"urich& Z\"urich& Switzerland \\ 
Boris Tsirelson & 26-3 & Tel Aviv U. & Tel Aviv & Israel \\
Ruth J. Williams&  {20-1} & UC San Diego& La Jolla& USA \\


{\bf Section 13: Combinatorics}

8 speakers.

B\'ela Bollob\'as& 22-1 & Trinity College/U.~of Memphis& Cambridge/Memphis& UK/USA   \\
Andr\'as Frank& 24-1 & E\"otv\"os  U.& Budapest& Hungary   \\
Alain Lascoux& 26-1 & U.~de Marne-la-Vall\'ee& Noisy-le-Grand& France   \\
Jiri Matou\v{s}ek& 24-2 & Charles U.& Praha& Czech Republic  \\
Harald Niederreiter& 22-2 & Austrian Academy of Sciences&Vienna& Austria   \\
Neil J. A. Sloane&  {25-3}& AT\&T Research Labs& Florham Park& USA \\
Joseph A. F. Thas& 25-4 & U.~of Gent& Gent& Belgium   \\
Andrei V. Zelevinsky& 26-2 & Northeastern U.& Boston& USA   \\


{\bf Section 14: Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science}

6 speakers.

Miklos Ajtai& 21-2 & IBM Almaden Research Center& San Jose& USA   \\
Joan Feigenbaum&  {19-1} & AT\&T Labs Research& Florham Park& USA\\
Johan H{\aa}stad& 20-4 & Royal I.~of Technology& Stockholm& Sweden   \\
Toniann Pitassi&  {19-2} & U.~of Arizona& Tucson& USA   \\
Madhu Sudan& 20-3 & MIT& Cambridge& USA \\
Emo Welzl & 21-1 & ETH Z\"urich & Z\"urich & Switzerland \\


{\bf Section 15: Numerical Analysis \& Scientific Computing}

6 speakers.

Gregory Beylkin& 24-4 & U.~of Colorado& Boulder& USA   \\
Percy A. Deift&  {25-1} & Courant I., New York U.& New York& USA \\
Bjorn E. Engquist& 26-2 & KTH - NADA/UCLA& Stockholm/Los Angeles& Sweden/USA \\
Hisashi Okamoto& 24-3 & Kyoto U.& Kyoto& Japan   \\
Jan-Olov Str\"omberg& 25-2 & U.~of Troms{\o}& Troms{\o}& Norway   \\
Lloyd N. Trefethen& 26-1 & Oxford U.& Oxford& UK   \\


{\bf Section 16: Applications}

12 Speakers, one of them also appears in S12, another one also in S17.\\
10 presentations.

Marco Avellaneda&  {24-2}(S12) & Courant I., New York U.& New York & USA  \\
Ulf Grenander& 24-4 & Brown U.& Providence& USA   \\
Gerard M. Iooss& 24-3 & I. Universitaire de France, INLN& Valbonne& France \\
Bonnie Berger& 25-2 & MIT & Cambridge& USA  \\
William J.~Cook &  {21-3}(S17)&Rice U. & Houston & USA \\
Andreas W.M. Dress& 25-1 &  U.~Bielefeld& Bielefeld& Germany \\ 
Frank Hoppensteadt& 26-3 & Arizona State U.& Tempe& USA \\
Charles S. Peskin& 26-4 & Courant I., New York U.& New York & USA \\ 
Leslie Frederick Greengard& 22-2 & Courant I., New York U.& New York& USA  \\
Thomas Yizhao Hou& 22-1 & Caltech& Pasadena& USA \\
Graeme W. Milton&  {20-4} & The U.~of Utah& Salt Lake City& USA \\
Rolf Rannacher& 20-3 & U.~Heidelberg& Heidelberg& Germany  \\


{\bf Section 17: Control Theory and Optimization}

7 speakers, one of them also appears in S16.\\
7 presentations. 

William J.~Cook &  {21-3}(S17)&Rice U. & Houston & USA \\
Michel X. Goemans& 20-2 & CORE &Louvain-L.-N.& Belgium   \\ 
Jorge Nocedal& 19-3 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\
William R. Pulleyblank& 22-3 & IBM T.J. Watson Res.~C.& Yorktown
Heights& USA \\
Alexander Schrijver& 20-1 &CWI& Amsterdam& NL   \\
Jan C. Willems& 21-4 & U.~of Groningen& Groningen& NL   \\
Jochem Zowe& 19-4 & U.~Erlangen& Erlangen& Germany   \\


{\bf Section 18: Teaching and Popularization of Mathematics}

8 speakers, an additional round table discussion is in planning. 

James Stigler& 25-2 & UCLA & Los Angeles& USA  \\
Jan de Lange& 25-1 & Freudenthal I., U.~of Utrecht& Utrecht& NL   \\
Mogens Niss& 24-4 & Roskilde U.& Roskilde & Denmark  \\
a) {\it speak and answer}\\
Michele Artigue&  {26-1} & U.~de Paris 7& Paris& France\\
Hans-Georg Steiner&  {26-1} & IDM, U.~Bielefeld& Bielefeld& Germany\\
b) {\it roundtable}\\
George E. Andrews&  {25-3} & Pennsylvania State U.& University Park& USA\\
Donald J. Lewis&  {25-3} & National Science Foundation& Arlington& USA \\
David Alexander Smith&  {25-3}& Duke U.& Durham& USA\\
c) {\it roundtable}\\
Miguel de Guzman& 26-3 & Universidad Complutense de Madrid & Madrid& Spain\\
Bernard R. Hodgson & 26-3& Universit\`e Laval & Qu\'ebec & Canada\\
Aline Robert & 26-3& Universit\'e de Paris 7& Paris & France\\
Vinicia Villani &  26-3& Universit\`a degli Studi di Pisa & Pisa & Italy\\


{\bf Section 19: History of Mathematics }

3 speakers.

Karine Chemla& 24-2 &  & Paris & France   \\
Joseph Dauben&  {24-3} & The City U.~of New York& New York& USA\\
Jeremy J. Gray& 24-1 & Open U.& Milton Keynes& UK  \\



ENCLOSURE 2 (tex,ps,most recent ps-version)


Name & Section & Affiliation & City & Country\\ \hline}{%

{\bf Last Update: 23.2.98}
% sortierte Liste

{\bf August 19: 14:00 -- 14:45}

Leonid Polterovich& S~5 & Tel Aviv U.& Tel Aviv & Israel  \\
Robert A. Oliver& S~6 & U.~Paris-Nord& Villetaneuse& France   \\
Minoru Wakimoto& S~7 & Kyushu U.& Fukuoka& Japan   \\
Zhihong Xia& S~9 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\
Gian M. Graf& S~11 & ETH-H\"onggerberg& Z\"urich& Switzerland   \\
Joan Feigenbaum& S~14 & AT\&T Labs Research& Florham Park& USA\\


{\bf August 19: 15:00 -- 15:45}\\
 Fintushel/Stern give a talk together\\

Yongbin Ruan& S~5 & U.~of Wisconsin-Madison& Madison& USA   \\
Ronald A. Fintushel& S~6 & Michigan State U.& Michigan& USA \\
Ronald J. Stern& S~6 & UC Irvine& Irvine& USA \\
Kari Vilonen& S~7 & Brandeis U.& Waltham& USA   \\
Welington de Melo& S~9 & IMPA & Rio de Janeiro & Brazil   \\
Barry McCoy& S~11 & I.~for Theoret.~Physics, State U.~of New York& Stony
Brook& USA  \\
Toniann Pitassi&  S~14 & U.~of Arizona& Tucson& USA   \\


{\bf August 19: 16:15 -- 17:00}

Robbert Dijkgraaf&  S~4/11 & U.~of Amsterdam& Amsterdam& NL \\
Laurent Lafforgue& S~7 & U.~Paris-Sud& Orsay& France   \\
Michael T. Lacey& S~8 & Georgia I.~of Technology& Atlanta& USA   \\
Fabrice Bethuel& S~10 & U.~Paris-Sud& Orsay& France   \\
David John Aldous& S~12 & U.~of California & Berkeley & USA\\
Jorge Nocedal& S~17 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\


{\bf August 19: 17:15 -- 18:00}

Johan de Jong&  S~4 & Princeton U. & Princeton & USA \\
Robert E. Kottwitz& S~7 & U.~of Chicago& Chicago& USA   \\
Kristian Seip& S~8 & Norwegian U.~of Science and Technology& Trondheim&
Norway   \\
Robert R. Jensen& S~10 & Loyola U.~of Chicago& Chicago& USA   \\
Jayanta K. Ghosh& S~12 & Indian Statistical I.& Calcutta& India\\
Jochem Zowe& S~17 & U.~Erlangen& Erlangen& Germany   \\


{\bf August 20: 14:00 -- 14:45}

Mark Green& S~4 & UCLA& Los Angeles& USA  \\
Alexander Eskin& S~7 & U.~of Chicago& Chicago& USA   \\
Sergey I. Pinchuk& S~8 & Chelyabinsk State U.~of Technology&  Chelyabinsk &
Russia   \\
Matei Machedon& S~10 & U.~of Maryland& College Park& USA   \\
Ruth J. Williams&  S~12 & UC San Diego& La Jolla& USA \\
Alexander Schrijver& S~17 &CWI& Amsterdam& NL   \\



{\bf August 20: 15:00 -- 15:45}

Maurizio D. T. Cornalba& S~4 & U.~of Pavia& Pavia& Italy   \\
Joseph Bernstein& S~7 & Tel Aviv U.& Tel Aviv& Israel   \\
Nigel D. Higson& S~8 & Pennsylvania State U.& U.~Park& USA   \\
Frank E. Merle& S~10 & U.~ de Cergy-Pontoise& Cergy-Pontoise& France   \\
Maury D. Bramson&  S~12 & Sch.~of Math., U.~of Minnesota& Minneapolis & USA\\
Michel X. Goemans& S~17 & CORE &Louvain-L.-N.& Belgium   \\


{\bf August 20: 16:15 -- 17:00}

Joachim Lohkamp&  S~5 & U.~Augsburg& Augsburg& Germany\\
Tomotada Ohtsuki& S~6 & Tokyo I.~of Technology& Tokyo& Japan   \\
Krystyna M. Kuperberg& S~9 & Auburn U.& Auburn& USA   \\
Jennifer Chayes& S~11 & Microsoft Research& Redmond& USA   \\
Madhu Sudan& S~14 & MIT& Cambridge& USA \\
Rolf Rannacher& S~16 & U.~Heidelberg& Heidelberg& Germany  \\


{\bf August 20: 17:15 -- 18:00}

Yakov Eliashberg& S~5 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA   \\
Mark Mahowald& S~6 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\
H{\aa}kan Eliasson& S~9 & Royal I.~of Technology& Stockholm& Sweden   \\
Detlev Buchholz&  S~11 & I.~f.~Theoret.~Physik, U. G\"ottingen &
G\"ottingen & Germany \\
Johan H{\aa}stad& S~14 & Royal I.~of Technology& Stockholm& Sweden   \\
Graeme W. Milton&  S~16 & The U.~of Utah& Salt Lake City& USA \\


{\bf August 21: 14:00 -- 14:45}

Mikhail M. Kapranov& S~4 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\
Simon K. Donaldson& S~5 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA  \\
Alexander N. Dranishnikov&S~6 & U.~of Florida& Gainesville& USA   \\
Shuhei Hayashi& S~9 & School of Commerce, Waseda U.& Tokyo& Japan   \\
Fedor Smirnov& S~11 & LPTHE, U.~Pierre et Marie Curie& Paris& France   \\
Emo Welzl & S~14 & ETH Z\"urich & Z\"urich & Switzerland \\


{\bf August 21: 15:00 -- 15:45}

Victor V. Batyrev& S~4 & U.~T\"ubingen& T\"ubingen& Germany   \\
Fran\c{c}ois Labourie& S~5 & U.~Paris-Sud& Orsay& France   \\
Michael H. Freedman& S~6 & UC San Diego& La Jolla& USA   \\
Michael Herman& S~9 & U.~Paris 7& Paris& France   \\
Roberto Schonmann& S~11 & UCLA& Los Angeles& USA   \\
Miklos Ajtai& S~14 & IBM Almaden Research Center& San Jose& USA   \\


{\bf August 21: 16:15 -- 17:00}

William M. Kantor&  S~2 & U.~of Oregon& Eugene& USA  \\
Vera Serganova& S~7 & UC Berkeley& Berkeley& USA   \\
Michael Christ& S~8 & UC Berkeley& Berkeley& USA   \\
Gustavo A. Ponce& S~10 & UC Santa Barbara& Santa Barbara& USA   \\
Mark Freidlin& S~12 & U.~of Maryland& College Park& USA\\
William J.~Cook &  S~16/17 &Rice U. & Houston & USA \\


{\bf August 21: 17:15 -- 18:00}

Aleksandr Pukhlikov& S~2 & Moscow State U.& Moscow& Russia   \\
Shahar Mozes& S~7 &Hebrew U.& Jerusalem& Israel   \\
Hart F. Smith& S~8 & U.~of Washington& Seattle& USA   \\
Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric H\'{e}lein& S~10 & CMLA, ENS-Cachan& Cachan& France   \\
Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Le Gall& S~12 & ENS, DMI&Paris& France \\
Jan C. Willems& S~17 & U.~of Groningen& Groningen& NL   \\


{\bf August 22: 14:00 -- 14:45}

Vladimir Berkovich& S~3 & Weizmann I.~of Science& Rehovot& Israel   \\
James G. Arthur& S~7 & U.~of Toronto& Toronto& Canada   \\
Kari Astala& S~8 & U.~of Jyv\"askyl\"a& Jyv\"askyl\"a& Finland   \\
Yuri Kifer& S~9 & Hebrew U.~of Jerusalem& Jerusalem& Israel   \\
B\'ela Bollob\'as& S~13 & Trinity College/U.~of Memphis& Cambridge/Memphis&
UK/USA   \\
Thomas Yizhao Hou& S~16 & Caltech& Pasadena& USA \\


{\bf August 22: 15:00 -- 15:45}

Pierre Colmez& S~3 & ENS, DMI & Paris& France   \\
Ivan V. Cherednik& S~7 & U.~of North Carolina& Chapel Hill& USA  \\
Detlef H. M\"uller& S~8 & U.~zu Kiel& Kiel& Germany   \\
Curtis T. McMullen& S~9 & Harvard U.& Cambridge& USA   \\
Harald Niederreiter& S~13 & Austrian Academy of Sciences&Vienna& Austria   \\
Leslie Frederick Greengard& S~16 & Courant I., New York U.& New York& USA  \\


{\bf August 22: 16:15 -- 17:00}

Eric Mark Friedlander& S~2 & Northwestern U.& Evanston& USA   \\
Paul S.  Aspinwall& S~4/11 & Duke U.& Durham& USA   \\
Dominic Joyce& S~5 & Lincoln College& Oxford& UK   \\
William G. Dwyer& S~6 & U.~of Notre Dame& Notre Dame& USA   \\
Gunther A. Uhlmann& S~10 & U.~of Washington& Seattle& USA   \\
William R. Pulleyblank& S~17 & IBM T.J. Watson Res.~C.& Yorktown
Heights& USA \\


{\bf August 22: 17:15 -- 18:00}

Gunter Malle& S~2 & I.W.R.& Heidelberg& Germany   \\
Sylvestre  Gallot& S~5 & ENS de Lyon, U.M.P.A.& Lyon& France  \\
Mikhail V. Safonov& S~10 & U.~of Minnesota& Minneapolis& USA   \\
Pierre Collet& S~11 & Centre de Physique Th\'{e}orique& Palaiseau& France   \\



{\bf August 24: 14:00 -- 14:45}

Sergei Ivanov& S~2 &U.~of Illinois& Urbana& USA   \\
Ulrich Pinkall& S~5 & TU Berlin& Berlin& Germany  \\
Dmitri Yafaev& S~10 & IRMAR, U.~Rennes-1& Rennes& France   \\
Friedrich G\"otze& S~12 & U.~Bielefeld& Bielefeld& Germany \\
Andr\'as Frank& S~13 & E\"otv\"os  U.& Budapest& Hungary   \\
Jeremy J. Gray& S~19 & Open U.& Milton Keynes& UK  \\


{\bf August 24: 15:00 -- 15:45}

Idun Reiten& S~2 & Norwegian U.~of Science and Tech.~(NTNU)& Trondheim& Norway\\
Tobias H. Colding& S~5 & Courant I.& New York U.& USA   \\
Hans Lindblad& S~10 & UC San Diego& La Jolla& USA   \\
Marco Avellaneda& S~12/16 &Courant I., New York U.& New York & USA  \\
Jiri Matou\v{s}ek& S~13 & Charles U.& Praha& Czech Republic  \\
Karine Chemla& S~19 &  & Paris & France   \\


{\bf August 24: 16:15 -- 17:00}

Fran\c{c}ois Gramain& S~3 & U.~Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne& Saint Etienne
France  \\
Stephen Wainger& S~8 & U.~of Wisconsin& Madison& USA   \\
Grzegorz Swiatek& S~9 & Pennsylvania State U.& U.~Park& USA   \\
Hisashi Okamoto& S~15 & Kyoto U.& Kyoto& Japan   \\
Gerard M. Iooss& S~16 & I. Universitaire de France, INLN& Valbonne&
France \\
Joseph Dauben&  S~19 & The City U.~of New York& New York& USA\\


{\bf August 24: 17:15 -- 18:00}

William Duke& S~3 & Rutgers U.& New Brunswick& USA   \\
Vitali Milman& S~8 & Tel Aviv U.& Tel Aviv& Israel   \\
Sergei B. Kuksin& S~9 & Steklov Math.~I./Heriot-Watt U.& Moscow/Edinburgh &
Russia/UK   \\
Gregory Beylkin& S~15 & U.~of Colorado& Boulder& USA   \\
Ulf Grenander& S~16 & Brown U.& Providence& USA   \\
Mogens Niss& S~18 & Roskilde U.& Roskilde & Denmark  \\


{\bf August 25: 14:00 -- 14:45}

Loic Merel& S~3 & U.~Paris 7& Paris& France   \\
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann& S~8 & U.~of Alberta& Edmonton& Canada   \\
Alain-Sol Sznitman& S~12 & ETH Z\"urich& Z\"urich& Switzerland \\
Percy A. Deift& S~15 & Courant I., New York U.& New York& USA \\
Andreas W.M. Dress& S~16 &  U.~Bielefeld& Bielefeld& Germany \\
Jan de Lange& S~18 & Freudenthal I., U.~of Utrecht& Utrecht& NL   \\


{\bf August 25: 15:00 -- 15:45}

Shinichi Mochizuki& S~3 & RIMS, Kyoto U.& Kyoto& Japan   \\
Thomas Wolff& S~8 & Caltech& Pasadena& USA   \\
Peter G. Hall& S~12 & Australian National U.& Canberra& Australia \\
Jan-Olov Str\"omberg& S~15 & U.~of Troms{\o}& Troms{\o}& Norway   \\
Bonnie Berger& S~16 & MIT & Cambridge& USA  \\
James Stigler& S~18 & UCLA & Los Angeles& USA  \\


{\bf August 25: 16:15 -- 17:00}

Matthew Foreman& S~1 & U.~of California& Irvine& USA \\
Aner Shalev & S~2 & The Hebrew U.& Jerusalem& Israel   \\
Boris Dubrovin& S~5 & SISSA& Trieste& Italy  \\
Eugene Bogomolny& S~11 & I. de Physique Nucleaire, U.~Paris Sud&
Orsay& France   \\
Neil J. A. Sloane&  S~13 & AT\&T Research Labs& Florham Park& USA \\ 
{\it Roundtable:}\\
George E. Andrews&  S~18  & Pennsylvania State U.& University Park& USA\\
Donald J. Lewis&  S~18 & National Science Foundation& Arlington& USA \\
David Alexander Smith&  S~18  & Duke U.& Durham& USA\\


{\bf August 25: 17:15 -- 18:00}

Ludomir Newelski& S~1 & U.~of Wroclaw& Wroclaw& Poland \\
Jeremy C. Rickard & S~2 & U.~of Bristol& Bristol& UK   \\
Clifford H.Taubes&  S~6 & Harvard U. & Cambridge& USA \\
Horng-Tzer Yau& S~11 & Courant I., U.~of New York& New York& USA   \\
Joseph A. F. Thas& S~13 & U.~of Gent& Gent& Belgium   \\


{\bf August 26: 14:00 -- 14:45}

Stevo B. Todorcevic& S~1 & U.~of Toronto/U.~Paris 7/Matematicki I.&
Tor./Par./Beo. & Can/Fra/Yug \\
Dmitri Burago& S~5 & Pennsylvania State U.& U.~Park& USA   \\
Antonio Giorgilli& S~11 & U.~of Milano& Milano& Italy   \\
Alain Lascoux& S~13 & U.~de Marne-la-Vall\'ee& Noisy-le-Grand& France   \\
Lloyd N. Trefethen& S~15 & Oxford U.& Oxford& UK   \\
{\it Speak and response:}\\
Michele Artigue&  S~18 & U.~de Paris 7& Paris& France\\
Hans-Georg Steiner&  S~18 & IDM, U.~Bielefeld& Bielefeld& Germany\\


{\bf August 26: 15:00 -- 15:45}

Takeshi Tsuji& S~3 & RIMS, Kyoto U.& Kyoto& Japan   \\
Gerhard Huisken& S~5 & U.~T\"ubingen& T\"ubingen& Germany   \\
David O. Siegmund& S~12 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA \\
Andrei V. Zelevinsky& S~13 & Northeastern U.& Boston& USA   \\
Bjorn E. Engquist& S~15 & KTH - NADA/UCLA& Stockholm/Los Angeles& Sweden/USA \\


{\bf August 26: 16:15 -- 17:00}

Gregory Hjorth& S~1 & UCLA& Los Angeles& USA \\
Shou-Wu Zhang& S~3 & Columbia U.& New York& USA   \\
Pertti Mattila& S~8 & U.~of Jyv\"askyl\"a& Jyv\"askyl\"a& Finland   \\
Boris Tsirelson & S~12 & Tel Aviv U. & Tel Aviv & Israel \\
Frank Hoppensteadt& S~16 & Arizona State U.& Tempe& USA \\ 
{\it Roundtable:}\\
Miguel de Guzman&  S~18 & Universidad Complutense de Madrid & Madrid& Spain\\
Bernard R. Hodgson & S~18 & Universit\`e Laval & Qu\'ebec & Canada\\
Aline Robert & S~18 & Universit\'e de Paris 7& Paris & France\\
Vinicia Villani & S~18 & Universit\`a degli Studi di Pisa & Pisa & Italy\\


{\bf August 26: 17:15 -- 18:00}

Alex James Wilkie& S~1 & U.~of Oxford& Oxford& UK \\
Hans Peter Schlickewei& S~3 & U.~Marburg& Marburg& Germany   \\
Stefan M\"uller& S~8 & MPI f.~Math.~in den Naturwissenschaften& Leipzig&
Germany   \\
Iain M. Johnstone& S~12 & Stanford U.& Stanford& USA\\
Charles S. Peskin& S~16 & Courant I., New York U.& New York & USA \\
