E-mail information service of the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998 29th Circular Letter Subject: ICM98-CL29: Scientific ICM'98 Program, Short Communication and Poster Sessions, Ad-Hoc Presentations and Sessions, New Features of the ICM'98-Server Dear colleague: Below please find information concerning the scientific program at ICM'98. 1. LATE ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS First, I would like to apologize for the delay in presenting the scientific program on the ICM Server (a feature many colleagues have already asked for). This is due to the fact that there were good reasons to process quite a number of contributed abstracts in spite of their late submission dates. Some speakers, e.g., had to wait for affirmative answers to their requests for third party grants before they could register for ICM'98. This was, in particular, often the case for mathematicians from Eastern Europe and developing countries. Thus, the Local Scientific Committee has decided to process submissions that arrived much later than May 1, our (original) deadline. 2. NUMBER OF PRESENTATIONS AT ICM'98 The number of submissions was large. In addition to the 21 plenary and 164 invited lectures you will have the opportunity to choose from at least 1171 contributed talks and poster presentations at ICM'98. No doubt, every participant will find something in his range of interest during any period of time during the Congress. 3. EXTENDED PARTICIPANT INFORMATION ON THE WEB SCHEDULE OF YOUR PRESENTATION, CHAIRPERSON DUTIES I am happy to announce that, starting today, every participant can find the title of his/her presentation, the abstract of the presentation, and the sessions he/she chairs together with his/her personal data via the ICM homepage at the URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98. To this end, just * click on `participants' in the right upper corner of the ICM logo; * find your name in the list of participants; * click on your name; * click on `search'. You will then see your personal data sheet. Please, check the dates of your presentation and your chairperson duties, respectively. If you detect an error, please report it immediately via e-mail to Stephan Hartmann (hartmann@math.tu-berlin.de) for correction. By clicking on "abstract" in the title line of a lecture you can also access the abstract of the presentation. Note that rescheduling is (almost) infeasible, so please don't try to negotiate about this with Stephan. Of course, you can find this way information about the lectures and duties of all other participants. 4. COMPLETE SCIENTIFIC ICM'98 PROGRAM Starting July 10, the complete program of ICM'98 will be accessible under `scientific' at the left bottom on the ICM homepage. You will be able to look at the program from different points of view. 5. SCHEDULED PRESENTATIONS, ABSTRACTS IN THE PRINTED ABSTRACT BOOK Short Communication and Poster Abstracts authored by Ordinary ICM'98 Members (registered participants who have paid the registration fee) and received by the middle of June have been reviewed and scheduled by the Local Scientific Committee. Those abstracts received before June 1 will appear in the printed abstract volumes, abstracts received later will be published electronically. The Local Scientific Committee has stopped handling submissions in the meantime. For those who still would like to speak at ICM'98 we make the special offer of ad-hoc presentations described below. 6. AD-HOC PRESENTATIONS AT ICM'98 There will be AD-HOC SESSIONS of short communications or poster presentations in which spontaneous or late contributions may be presented. Registered participants can now submit title and abstract of a short communication or poster according to the same rules as indicated in the 2nd announcement (which can also be found in the ICM'98 server). We prefer abstract submission by using the electronic form at http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/icm98/ Submission by e-mail to U. Rehmann (rehmann@Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE) is the second best option. Alternatively, it is also possible to announce ad-hoc presentations during ICM'98. In this case, title and abstract must be delivered to the congress office before 15:00 of the day preceding the presentation. The program of the sessions composed of ad-hoc talks will be posted at the ICM information desks and also in the ICM Daily Newsletter. After the conference, the abstracts of talks and posters presented in ad-hoc-sessions will be included into the electronic version of the abstract volume. 7. INFORMAL MATHEMATICAL SEMINARS ON SITE During the Congress it will also be possible to organize INFORMAL MATHEMATICAL SEMINARS ON SITE. Ordinary Members who wish to organize such spontaneous seminars are asked to make all arrangements among themselves and to request a room either in advance (via e-mail to moehring@math.tu-berlin.de), or during ICM'98 from the congress office or from the Local Arrangements Chair Rolf Moehring. Such seminars may take place during the afternoons. If the congress office is notified before 15:00 the previous day, an announcement of the seminar can be included in the daily newsletter to be distributed to all participants on the following day. 8. PRINTED PROGRAM Note that we are not going to distribute printed ICM'98 programs by mail. Program information, see 3. and 4. above, can be found in the ICM'98 server. Every ICM'98 participant will recieve a printed copy of the program at on-site registration as part of the "congress kit". Best Regards Martin Groetschel President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee P.S. Stimulated by the current football (soccer) world championship a group of football enthusiasts at TU Berlin, Zentralblatt, and ZIB is offering a very special "footloose tour": Soccer game for ICM'98 participants Date: Friday August 21, 1998 Hours: 15.00 - 18.00 Persons interested are asked to register, either via e-mail to Wolfgang Dalitz (dalitz@zib.de) or during the Congress at the booth of the Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik. The form of the game(s) will depend on the number of interested persons. The game organizers will stay in contact with the football players who have registered for this activity. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98| |(with registration form and request form for Second Announcement)| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | ICM'98 General E-mail Address: icm98@zib.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Address for ICM'98 ICM'98 | | General Correspondence: c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler | | TU Berlin, MA 8-2 | | Str. des 17. Juni 135 | | D-10623 Berlin, Germany | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Winkler's personal | Phone: +49/30/314-24105 | | phone, fax, e-mail: | Fax: +49/30/314-21604 | | | E-mail: winkler@math.tu-berlin.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel | E-mail: groetschel@zib.de | | Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer | Phone: +49/30/84185-210 | | Informationstechnik (ZIB) | FAX: +49/30/84185-269 | | Takustrasse 7 | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch | | D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Phone: +49/30/84185-208 | | Germany | ZIB-URL: http://www.zib.de | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+