E-mail information service of the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS Berlin, Germany, August 18 - 27, 1998 31st Circular Letter Subject: ICM98-CL31: PROCEEDINGS, ABSTRACT BOOKS, FINAL PROGRAM, BERLIN INTELLIGENCER, DAILY NEWS, PROGRAM CHANGES, AD-HOC PRESENTATIONS Dear Colleague: Four more weeks to go, and many of the recipients of this e-mail will be sitting in the great lecture hall of the International Congress Center in Berlin listening to the speeches at the Opening Ceremony of ICM'98! Those who have not registered yet should seriously consider taking part. You may miss an outstanding event! Registration can be done electronically via the URL http://elib.zib.de/ICM98/RegistrationForm.html Of course, registration upon arrival in Berlin is another possibility. Just go to the on-site registration counter in the Lichthof on the main building of TU Berlin (there will be signs to guide you). The main topic of this Circular Letter are the PRINT PRODUCTS that you will receive with your congress kit at on-site registration in Berlin. You will probably get much more than you expect. Thus, please LEAVE ROOM IN YOUR SUITCASE so that you will be able to carry all the material home. 1. PROCEEDINGS The ICM'98 organizers are proud to be able to announce two absolute HIGHLIGHTS: - two of the three volumes of the ICM'98 proceedings will be distributed at the Congress, - these two volumes are electronically available from today! http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/documenta/ Because of extremely tight deadlines (paper submission deadline: July 1; last paper received on July 17 at 19:00) we were not sure whether we would be able to achieve our publication goals; but thanks to the efforts of all persons involved, in particular, of Ulf Rehmann (who is doing all the technical editing) Volumes II and III of the ICM'98 proceedings went to the printer electronically in the evening of Friday, July 17. The books will be printed in Bavaria and shipped to Berlin on August 14 so that we can distribute them to every ordinary ICM'98 member at the beginning of the Congress! These two volumes will contain 160 of the 166 invited section presentations. They have 883 and 827 pages, respectively, and will be produced as hardcover books. Volume I will contain the plenary addresses, the words of welcome at the Opening Ceremony, the laudationes and photos of the prize winners, the list of participants, and general information about ICM'98. Most of the material of Volume I can only be produced after the Congress. We plan to finish Volume I right after the end of the Congress. This volume will be mailed to every Ordinary ICM'98 Member. (We will use the address under which you registered. So, please check it (call the URL http://elib.zib.de:88/icm98/Participants.html) if you don't want the book parcel to get lost.) The three volume ICM'98 proceedings appear as an Extra Volume of DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA, the electronically produced "Journal der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung", both in printed and in electronic form. The editors of the Extra Volume are Gerd Fischer (Duesseldorf) and Ulf Rehmann (Bielefeld). I hope the ICM'98 participants and many others will appreciate that the ICM'98 organizers make the proceedings very quickly electronically available. This service is (and will stay) FREE OF CHARGE to everybody interested. 2. ABSTRACT BOOKS At registration in Berlin you will also obtain two abstract books, one containing the abstracts of the Plenary and Invited Lectures, and one containing the abstracts of all short communications and poster presentations. The abstract books are already printed. They have a length of 212 and 391 pages, respectively. The electronic versions of the abstract books can be found under the URL: http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/ICM98/ After the end of the Congress, the abstracts of the ad-hoc presentations will be added to the electronic version of the abstract book of short communications and poster presentations. 3. FINAL PROGRAM We are currently also finishing the "program booklet". This booklet will go to print on August 1. We keep on updating the electronic version of the program up to the beginning of the Congress so that the electronic version may be a little more up-to-date than the printed one. However, we are sure that only minor details will change. The program booklet will contain all information about - the schedule of the Plenary and Invited Lectures, - the schedule of the short communications and poster sessions (presented in several versions that will - at least we hope so - help you find your way through the schedule of events easily). The program booklet will also contain the list of authors, the schedule of all special activities, the list of exhibitors, and the schedule of all other events. Supplementary information about availability of e-mail service, the use of libraries, shopping hours, child care, social and tourist program, etc. will complete this material. The program booklet will have about 200 pages. 4. THE BERLIN INTELLIGENCER Springer-Verlag and the DMV-Mitteilungen (Notices of the German Mathematical Society) are proud to present to you the BERLIN INTELLIGENCER, a unique magazine produced on the occasion of the ICM'98. This one-time special issue treats topics from "Future of Mathematics" to "The New Architecture in Berlin". It also wants to serve and accompany you as your local guide to exploring the City. You will find your personal copy in your Congress bag. Extra copies (also for accompanying persons!) will be available, e.g., at the Springer-booth, the table of the German Mathematical Society (DMV) at the book exhibit, and at the Congress office. 5. DAILY NEWS Starting August 19, the Daily News, an informal newsletter, will appear daily during the Congress. It will highlight certain events, announce special activities, and inform about program changes, cancellations, and additions. In particular, the titles and the schedule of ad-hoc presentations and sessions will be announced in the Daily News. The editor of the Daily News is Dirk Werner (FU Berlin, werner@math.fu-berlin.de). If you want to publish messages in the Daily News please proceed as follows. Before the Congress: You can submit contributions to the Daily News to the following email address: daily_news@math.tu-berlin.de We are already accepting contributions. Please specify at what day of the Congress your message should be published. Please try to be very short, we are not prepared to publish long articles because the number of available pages is limited. Thus, the editor may have to be selective. During ICM'98: ICM'98 participants wishing to publish a message or information of general interest in the Daily News are kindly requested to fill in the `DAILY NEWS FORM' that will be available at the conference office (H 2036). Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to daily_news@math.tu-berlin.de Messages that should appear in the Daily News on a particular day of the Congress have to be submitted before 15:00 h the day before. If we receive a message later we cannot guarantee timely publication. 6. PROGRAM CHANGES (and DAILY NEWS): Program changes, cancellations, and additions, announcements of ad-hoc talks and sessions and of informal seminars will be published in the Daily News (and posted at the ICM information desks). If you want to report and publish an announcement of this type, DO NOT CONTACT THE DAILY NEWS. Please contact the program desk in the conference office (H 2036) and fill in a `PROGRAM FORM' available there. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to program@math.tu-berlin.de This e-mail address will be operational starting August 1. Every program change triggers several activities (among them a message to the Daily News) and is handled by a special group different from the Daily News team. The announcement of a program change, addition, etc. must be submitted the day before the day to which it applies, by 15:00 at the latest. Otherwise, a timely processing cannot be guaranteed. 7. AD-HOC PRESENTATIONS Here is some final information on ad-hoc sessions of short communications or poster presentations (see ICM98-CL29 and the Second Announcement for more information). We are currently accepting title and abstract submissions, schedule these talks and let the speakers know the time and room of their presentation. We will STOP doing this on July 31, simply because we will be extremely busy with other work and can't handle scheduling of talks, etc. in the last days before the Congress. Those who - after July 31 - have the wish to make a spontaneous contribution to the ICM'98 program are kindly requested to submit the title and abstract during the Congress as described in ICM98-CL29 and sketched above. Alternatively, an e-mail can be sent to program@math.tu-berlin.de. These submissions will, however, not be processed before the Congress. To find out the schedule of your presentation please contact the program desk in the conference office. Martin Groetschel President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee ************************************************************************* This is a message from the ICM'98 e-mail server distributing information about ICM'98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons who have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM'98 can be found on the ICM'98 WWW-server. Its master site in Berlin has the URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98 To subscribe to this e-mail service and to obtain the Second Announcement of ICM'98, fill out the request form on the ICM'98 server. Alternatively, send an empty e-mail to icm98@zib.de with `Second Announcement' in the `SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form. ************************************************************************* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL: http://elib.zib.de/ICM98| | (with request form for Second Announcement) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | ICM'98 General E-mail Address: icm98@zib.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Address for ICM'98 ICM'98 | | General Correspondence: c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler | | TU Berlin, MA 8-2 | | Str. des 17. Juni 135 | | D-10623 Berlin, Germany | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Winkler's personal | Phone: +49/30/314-24105 | | phone, fax, e-mail: | Fax: +49/30/314-21604 | | | E-mail: winkler@math.tu-berlin.de | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel | E-mail: groetschel@zib.de | | Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer | Phone: +49/30/84185-210 | | Informationstechnik (ZIB) | FAX: +49/30/84185-269 | | Takustrasse 7 | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch | | D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Phone: +49/30/84185-208 | | Germany | ZIB-URL: http://www.zib.de | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+