F.6 Taxis (Cabs)
There is, of course, also the possibility to take a taxi. To get an idea
about the costs, here are some typical prices:
Railway station Zoologischer Garten -> ICC approx. 18 DM
Airport Tegel -> ICC or TU Berlin approx. 25 DM
Airport Tempelhof -> ICC or TU Berlin approx. 25 DM
Airport Schönefeld -> ICC or TU Berlin approx. 70 DM
Railway station Lichtenberg -> ICC or TU Berlin approx. 35 DM
Railway station Hauptbahnhof -> ICC or TU Berlin approx. 30 DM
Please note that all the rates quoted here are average rates,
based on normal traffic conditions.
ICM'98 homepage
Please send suggestions and corrections to: helmberg@zib.de
Last modified: December 11, 1997