Fields Medalists / Nevanlinna Prize Winner
Congratulations to the prize winners! Congratulations to the Fields
medalists and the winner of the Nevanlinna prize! At the ICM'98 opening
ceremony these prizes were awarded along with a Special Tribute to
Andrew Wiles.
For more information on the prize winners see the press releases No. 182e
and No. 183e,
from August 18, 1998 of TU Berlin.
The new Fields medalists are:

Richard E. Borcherds (Cambridge University; Kac-Moody
algebras, automorphic forms),

W. Timothy Gowers (Cambridge University;Banach space theory,

Maxim Kontsevich (IHES Bures-sur-Yvette;mathematical physics,
algebraic geometry and topology),

Curtis T. McMullen (Harvard University;complex dynamics,
hyperbolic geometry).
The winner of the Nevanlinna prize is

Peter W. Shor (AT&T Labs Florham Park,New Jersey; quantum
computation, computational geometry).
For more information see the press release No. 184e
from August 18, 1998 of TU Berlin.
Special Tribute

J. Wiles (Princeton University)
The prize winners presented talks on their work in the course of the
Here are the details:
- Richard E. Borcherds
- What is moon-shine?
Saturday, August 22, 17:15-18:00, H 2032
- W. Timothy Gowers
- Fourier analysis andSzemer'edi's theorem.
Thursday, August 20, 16:15-17:00,
MA 005
- Maxim Kontsevich
- Motivic Galois groupand deformation quantizations.
Tuesday, August 25, 15:00-15:45,
MA 001
- Curtis T. McMullen
- Rigidity and inflexi-bility in conformal dynamics.
Saturday, August 22, 15:00-15:45,
H 1012
- Peter W. Shor
- Quantum computing.
Wednesday, August 19, 9:30-10:30,
H105 (Auditorium Maximum)
Fields Medal Committee for 1998
- Yuri Manin
- Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn, Germany; Chairman
- John Ball
- Oxford University, Oxford, UK
- John Coates
- Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
- J. J. Duistermaat
- University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Michael H. Freedman
- Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
- Jürg Fröhlich
- ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
- Robert MacPherson
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
- Kyoji Saito
- University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
- Stephen Smale
- Math. City University, Hong Kong, China
Rolf Nevanlinna Prize Committee for 1998
- David Mumford
- Brown University, Providence, USA; Chairman
- Alexander Razborov
- Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia
- Bjorn Engquist
- University of California, Los Angeles, USA
- Tom Leighton
- Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
ICM'98 homepage Please send suggestions and
corrections to: pahlig@zib.de
Last modified: August 28, 1998