The IMU Executive Committee

The IMU Executive Committee consists of nine voting members elected for four-year terms: the four officers (president, two vice presidents, and secretary) and five other members. The retiring president is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee without vote for a period of four years. The current members (terms January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2002) of the IMU Executive Committee are

J. Palis (Brazil)

Vice Presidents:
S. Donaldson (United Kingdom)
S. Mori (Japan)

P. Griffiths (USA)

V. Arnold (Russia)
J.M. Bismut (France)
B. Engquist (Sweden)
M. Grötschel (Germany)
M. Raghunathan (India)

Ex Officio Member:
D. Mumford, Past President (USA)

IMU Executive Committees 1952-2002