Resolutions of the IMU General Assembly 1994

Resolution 1

The General Assembly resolves that the next meeting of the Assembly be held at a time and place conveniently linked to the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin, Germany, in 1998.

Resolution 2

The General Assembly thanks the Turn of the Century Committee for its report. The General Assembly asks the new Executive Committee to proceed with the planning of World Mathematical Year 2000, and to organize and coordinate activities such as

  1. an invitation to a select group of outstanding mathematicians to present their views on topics they expect to be central to mathematical activity in the next century;

  2. the selection of a number of symposia, some possibly organized together with other scientific bodies, dedicated to mathematics, its applications and to its role in society;

  3. events held under the auspices of ICMI, CDE and ICHM. The Executive Committee is asked to explore the possibilities provided by communication technology to unite activities occurring around the world.

Resolution 3

The General Assembly recommends that the name of the Chair of the Programme Committee be made public on appointment.

Resolution 4

The General Assembly recommends that the Programme Committee explores ways of involving more effectively mathematicians from applied areas in the next Congress, including the possibility of introducing sessions co-sponsored with other scientific bodies.

Resolution 5

The General Assembly recommends that the Programme Committee schedule some less formal scientific events of broad interest during the Congress.

Resolution 6

The EC is asked to redraft the electoral procedures to improve them in the light of the points that have been made in the discussion at the General Assembly, and the recommendations be sent to the national committees before the end of 1995.

Resolution 7

The General Assembly expresses its gratitude to UNESCO and ICSU for the help and support that these organizations have provided for various mathematical activities, in particular those carried out in cooperation with the Commission for Development and Exchange (CDE) and the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) of the IMU.

Resolution 8

The 12th General Assembly expresses warm thanks to the Executive Committee of the IMU for the work done during the period 1991-1994.

Resolution 9

The General Assembly gives special thanks to Professor J.L. Lions for his important contributions, first as Secretary, and then as President of the IMU, assisted by Mme Renault and Mme Theis, and to Professor J. Palis for his considerable and dedicated work as the Secretary of IMU, with the help of Mme Lima and Mme Dold. The General Assembly recognizes with gratitude the generous support provided by the Collège de France and IMPA to the IMU Secretariat.

Resolution 10

The General Assembly expresses its gratitude to the Swiss organizers of the 1994 Congress, for its hospitable reception, and for the excellent arrangements for this meeting of the Assembly.