Much in the spirit of IMU, an special effort was made to allow some mathematicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina, to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians/94. The Swiss Organizing Committee and the European Mathematical Society played a key role in helping them to leave that country and to reach Switzerland. From an early stage, IMU supported this action and promise to cover the expenses as needed. In financial terms, IMU granted CHF 1,810 to support Professors Muharem Avdispahic, M.R.S. Kulenovic and Huse Fatkic.

Also, as can be seen from the report of the President of the ICM/94, Prof. Henri Carnal, in this Bulletin, about 200 participants from Eastern Europe had their local expenses covered by the Swiss Organizing Committee.

These special programs were generously complemented by several European Mathematical Institutions that invited mathematicians from several parts of the world, to participate in satellites conferences or other activities, allowing them to also attend the Congress and, in some cases, the meeting of General Assembly.