IMU Executive Committees 1952-1998

Prof. Olli Lehto (Helsinki), former member of the IMU Executive Committee and IMU Secretary from 1983 to 1990, is currently writing a book about the history of IMU. Its appearance is expected before 1998 and will be announced in this server. Prof. Lehto kindly provided the list of the Executive Committees of the current International Mathematical Union.

Vice-Presidents Secretary Members Past President
--B. Jessen E. Bompiani
M. Brelot
W.V.D. Hodge
D.D. Kosambi
K. Kuratowski
M.H. Stone
1952-54 M.H. Stone E. Borel
E. Kamke
E. Bompiani W.V.D. Hodge
S. Iyanaga
B. Jessen
1955-58 H. Hopf A. Denjoy
W.V.D. Hodge
E. Bompiani
B. Eckmann
K. Chandrasekharan
J.F. Koksma
S. MacLane
1959-62: R. Nevanlinna P. Alexandrov
M. Morse
B. Eckmann
K. Chandrasekharan
K. Chandrasekharan
C. Choquet
H. Kneser
J.F. Koksma
K. Kuratowski
H. Hopf
1963-66: G. de Rham H. Cartan
K. Kuratowski
K. Chandrasekharan J.C. Burkill
F. Hirzebruch
M.A. Lavrentiev
D. Montgomery
B. Segre
R. Nevanlinna
1967-70: H. Cartan M.A. Lavrentiev
D. Montgomery
O. Frostman M.F. Atiyah
K. Chandrasekharan
G. Hajós
E. Vesentini
K. Yoshida
G. de Rham
1971-74: K. Chandrasekharan A.A. Albert
L.S. Pontrjagin
O. Frostman M.F. Atiyah
Y. Kawada
N.H. Kuiper
M. Nicolescu
E. Vesentini
H. Cartan
1975-78: D. Montgomery J.W.S. Cassels
M. Nicolescu
G. Vranceanu
J.L. Lions E. Bombieri
M. Kneser
O. Lehto
M. Nagata
L.S. Pontrjagin
K. Chandrasekharan
1979-82: L. Carleson M. Nagata
J.V. Prohorov
J.L. Lions E. Bombieri
J.W.S. Cassels
M. Kneser
O. Lehto
C. Olech
D. Montgomery
1983-86: J. Moser L.D. Faddeev
J-P. Serre
O. Lehto S. Mizohata
G.D. Mostow
M.S. Narasimhan
C. Olech
J. Palis Jr.
L. Carleson
1987-90: L.D. Faddeev W. Feit
L. Hörmander
O. Lehto J. Coates
H. Komatsu
L. Lovász
J. Palis Jr.
C.S. Seshadri
J. Moser
1991-94: J.-L. Lions J. Coates
D. Mumford
J. Palis Jr. J. Arthur
A. Dold
H. Komatsu
L. Lovász
E. Zehnder
L.D. Faddeev
1995-98: D. Mumford V. Arnold
A. Dold
J. Palis Jr. J. Arthur
S. Donaldson
B. Engquist
S. Mori
K.R. Parthasarathy
J.-L. Lions