Report About The Current State Of Preparations For The Imu General Assembly 1998
Dresden, Germany, August 15 - 16, 1998

The General Assembly 1998 will be held in Dresden, August 15 - 16, on the weekend directly before the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin (ICM98).

"Dresden, the capital of the ``Freistaat Sachsen'', one of the states of the Federal Republic of Germany, is one of the most beautiful cities of Germany. Dresden has been destroyed almost completely at the end of World War II. Extensive rebuilding projects are still going on to recover the beauty of the "old times" when Dresden was built under the rule of the Kings of Saxony.''

The meeting will take place at Hotel Bellevue Grosse Meissner Strasse 15 D-01097 Dresden Phone: +49/351/8120-733 Fax: +49/351/8120-749

The hotel is located on the river Elbe, close to the point where one of the most famous views of Dresden has been painted by Canaletto in 1748.

Rooms have been reserved at the Hotel Bellevue, where the GA takes place, at DM 222.00 per night for single rooms and DM 249.00 for double rooms.

In addition, the organizers will also offer hotels with lower room rates. The procedures for room reservation will be announced with the invitation letters to the General Assembly. Travel hints will also be provided.

The schedule of the GA is roughly as follows:

   * Friday, August 14, arrival of the delegates in Dresden.

   * Saturday, August 15
        o 10 am: Opening of the General Assembly
        o 1 pm: one hour break for lunch
        o 5 pm: boat tour on the river Elbe (by invitation of the State of Saxony)

   * Sunday, August 16
        o 8 am: Sessions of the Committees
             + Credentials Committee
             + Resolutions Committee
             + Committee for Finance and Dues
             + Nominating Committee
        o 9:30 am: second session of the General Assembly
        o 1 pm: Closing of the General Assembly
        o 3 pm: guided tours of Dresden
        o 8 pm: concert in the Unterkirche of the Frauenkirche
              which is currently under reconstruction

   * Monday, August 17, transfer Dresden-Berlin  (in form of a sight-seeing tour, see below).

The agenda will be dispatched by the IMU Executive Committee to the Adhering Organizations three months before the meeting. The procedure regarding proposals for the agenda is laid down in the By-Laws of IMU, paragraphs 2 and 3.

The transfer from Dresden to Berlin is planned for Monday, August 17. The fastest connection is by train, departing from Dresden every hour (the trip takes about 2 hours). The organizers will offer a coach tour from Dresden to Berlin to all delegates of the General Assembly. The coach will stop at several places of touristic interest. It is planned to visit the city of Mei\"sen with its famous Porzellan Manufaktur, known for its Dresden china.

The ICM'98 Organizing Committee is responsible for the organization of the General Assembly. For questions, please contact the president of the Organizing Committee

    Prof. Dr. Martin Groetschel
    Takustr. 7
    D-14195 Berlin
    Phone:  +49/30/84185-210, Fax:  +49/30/84185-269
In addition, a team of colleagues of the Technische Universität of Dresden will support the Organization. Local responsibility rests with
    Prof. Dr. Volker Nollau
    Technische Universität Dresden
    Institut für Mathematische Stochastik
    Willersbau B 320
    D-01062 Dresden
    Phone:   +49/351/463-2425, Fax: +49/351/463-7251
More about the General Assembly (travel advice, update of the program, etc.) can be found in the IMU WWW-server (URL:, where also pictures, maps, etc. are shown. Please use this electronic service to find the most recent information about the GA 1998.
Berlin, April 10, 1997

Martin Groetschel
President of the 
ICM'98 Organizing Committee

Wolfgang Dalitz
Last modified: Thu Jul 24 05:55:01 1997