All the information of IMU and ICM/98 are available in the IMU homepage:

The following messages about ICM98 and the International Mathematical Union, are available to all persons who have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM98 can be found in the ICM98 WWW-server (URL: This WWW-server also offers an electronic preregistration form. If you do not have access to the World Wide Web and would like to subscribe to the ICM98 circular letters, just send an e-mail to: writing PRELIMINARY PREREGISTRATION into the SUBJECT line.

To all mathematicians who have preliminarily preregistered for the International Congress of Mathematicians 1998 in Berlin

Eighth Circular Letter, October 12, 1996

Subject: ICM98-CL8: Financial support for mathematicians from
              Eastern Europe and the independent states of the former Soviet

The ICM'98 Organizing Committee has already received quite a number of
requests concerning financial support for participation at the International
Congress of Mathematicians 1998 in Berlin. The Circular Letter ICM98-CL6
describes the way how mathematicians from developing countries can apply for
financial help. The local Organizing Committee is currently making efforts
to obtain donations from German industry, government, foundations and
individuals to be able to partially support mathematicians from Eastern
Europe and the independent states of the former Soviet Union.

To secure participation of as many persons as possible the local Organizing
Committee will only support local costs in Berlin. Berlin is very close to
Eastern Europe, and it is expected that applicants will find other means to
cover their travel costs. 

To handle the applications and manage the financial support the ICM'98
Organizing Committee has set up a subcommittee, called 

Committee for Support of Mathematicians from Eastern Europe (CSMEE). 

CSMEE will distribute application forms for grants, as described above, for
mathematicians from Eastern Europe in late summer 1997. These forms will be
made available through the ICM'98 server  ( and by

Applicants will be asked to provide a brief curriculum vitae (including
academic education, degree, professional employment, and a list of

Applicants should submit their application form before  January 1, 1998 to
CSMEE to one of the following addresses:

Prof. Dr. H. Kurke              		Prof. Dr. W. Roemisch
Humboldt-Universitaet            		Humboldt-Universitaet
Institut fuer Mathematik         		Institut fuer Mathematik
Ziegelstrasse 13A                		Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin                   		D-10099 Berlin
Germany                          			Germany

All applications will be reviewed.

Further questions concerning financial support for mathematicians from
Eastern Europe to attend ICM'98 should be directed to  Professors Kurke or


Martin Groetschel
President of the ICM98 Organizing Committee

The following letter has been sent to all Adhering Organizations and National Committees of IMU and many other mathematical organizations:

To all mathematicians who have preliminarily preregistered for the International Congress of Mathematicians 1998 in Berlin

Sixth Circular Letter

Subject: ICM98-CL6: Financial support for mathematicians  from developing
            	IMU Special Development Fund

Dear colleague:

the International Mathematical Union will provide a number of travel grants
to young active mathematicians from developing countries to attend the
Organizing Committee will cover their living expenses. 

We are aware of the fact that quite a number of mathematicians eligible  for
financial support cannot be reached with this e-mail message.  Please help
us distribute the announcement below to persons who you  think are
interested in applying for the grants.

IMU would like to increase the number of travel grants and is seeking
donations to its SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT FUND for this purpose. Please consider
contributing to the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT FUND yourself or ask your national
mathematical society to take an appropriate action, see below for more details.


Martin Groetschel
President of the  ICM98 Organizing Committee

P.S.: The Circular Letter ICM98-CL5 generated several requests. I  was asked
about additional information about the Fields Medal and Nevanlinna Prize
winners. More details can be found in the IMU-server (URL: by simply clicking on the  item "Fields
Medals and Nevanlinna Prizes". Most of this material  (pictures of the
awardees, etc.) has been scanned from the book

Albers, Donald J.; Alexanderson, G. L.; Reid, Constance:
International mathematical congresses. An illustrated history 
1893 - 1986, Rev. ed. including ICM 1986. Springer-Verlag, 
New York, 1986

which contains an interesting account of the development of the ICMs and the
prizes. For the more recent congresses and prizes, we scanned material from
the proceedings volumes. We are grateful to the copyright holders for the
permission to scan the texts and pictures.

Last modified: Tue Jul 1 15:01:46 MST