IMU International Mathematical Union

Bulletin no 41, April 1998

Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committees

  • Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committee of IMU 1998
  • Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committee of ICMI
  • Procedures for the Election of CDE
  • Procedures for the Election of ICHM
  • ICMI - Terms of Reference
  • CDE - Terms of Reference

  • Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committee of IMU 1998

    1. Not less than a year before the meeting of the GA, the EC shall request proposals for the membership of the EC from the National Committees for Mathematics, to be considered before the meeting of the EC in the spring before the Assembly.

    2. The EC shall then draw up its own list of nominations, making certain that each candidate is willing to serve if elected. The slate should be mailed to the National Committees at least three months before the GA, together with background on the candidates, their fields and countries/geographic areas.

    3. After the slate drawn by the EC is known, the National Committees can make further proposals of names specifically for the offices of President, Secretary, Vice-President, and Members at large. These proposals shall reach the Secretary not less than one month before the GA The same information as in (2) concerning the nominees, including their willingness to serve if elected, should be provided. The Secretary will inform all National Committees of these last proposals before the GA. The National Committees are asked to cooperate in having their delegates to the GA fully informed.

    4. The EC might modify its list in view of (3)

    5. On the first day of the meeting, the General Assembly shall appoint a Nominating Committee (NC) consisting of:

    a) the President (chairman),
    b) all Past Presidents who are present (ex-officio),
    c) eight further delegates.

    Election to (c) shall be from names either proposed by the President or proposed and seconded from the floor; and shall be by show of hands unless the meeting decides otherwise.

    6. The NC shall propose a slate drawn from the slate of the EC and the names in (1) and (3) and shall make it known to the meeting.

    No person shall be a candidate for more than one office.

    7. Further nominations can be made from the floor after the slate of the NC has been declared, provided that they are drawn from names previously offered by the National Committees as in items (1) and (3) , signed by at least ten delegates and convey the same information as in (2) and (3) above.

    8. The General Assembly shall then elect the new President, Vice-President, Secretary and Members at large by written ballots from the EC and NC slates as well as the list of nominations from the floor. (unless a candidate withdraws), but no others.
    A vote shall be invalid if more names are marked in any category than the number of places to be filled (i.e., one each for President and Secretary, two for Vice-Presidents and five for Members at large).
    A candidate for President or Secretary may be elected only if unopposed or if he or she obtains a majority of the votes cast. If the first ballot is indecisive, there shall be a second ballot.
    In the ballots for the Vice-Presidents and Members at large, the two or five candidates respectively who obtain the largest numbers of votes shall be elected. In the event of a tie, the President shall decide.

    Note: Statute (9) provides (inter alia) that: "each delegation shall be free to cast the votes to which it is entitled either as a unit or divided in such a manner as it may determine''.

    Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committee of ICMI

    The rules for the election of the Executive Committee of ICMI are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committee of IMU with the same Nominating Committee.

    The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of the EC of ICMI from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing Executive Committee of ICMI before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.

    No person can be a candidate for more than one office.

    Procedures for the Election of CDE

    The rules for the election of the Commission of Development and Exchange are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committees of IMU and ICMI with the same Nominating Committee.

    The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of CDE from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing CDE before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.

    No person can be a candidate for more than one office.

    Procedures for the Election of ICHM

    The rules for the election of the two IMU members of the Executive Committee of ICHM are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committees of IMU, CDE and ICMI, with the same Nominating Committee.

    The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of the two IMU members from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing ICHM before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.

    International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
    Terms of Reference


    1. The Commission shall consist of

    (a) the members of an Executive Committee as specified in (2) below, elected by IMU, and

    (b) one delegate from each member nation as specified in (4) below,

    2. The Executive Committee consists of four officers, namely, President, two Vice-Presidents, and Secretary, and of three further members. Furthermore, the outgoing President of ICMI, the President and the Secretary of IMU, and the representative of IMU at CTS (ICSU) are members ex-officio of the E.C.

    3. In all other respects the Commission shall make its own decisions as to its internal organization and rules of procedure.

    4. Any Adhering Organization wishing to support or encourage the work of the Commission may create, or recognize, in agreement with its Committee for Mathematics, a Sub-Commission for ICMI to maintain liaison with the Commission in all matters pertinent to its affairs. The Adhering Organization in question shall designate one member of the said Sub-Commission, if created, to serve as a delegated member of ICMI as mentioned in (1).

    5. The Commission shall be charged with the conduct of the activities of IMU, bearing on mathematical or scientific education and shall take the initiative in inaugurating appropriate programmes designed to further the sound development of mathematical education at all levels, and to secure public appreciation of its importance. In the pursuit of this objective, the Commission shall cooperate, to the extent it considers desirable with effective regional groups which may be formed spontaneously, within, or outside, its own structure.

    6. The Commission may, with the approval of the Executive Committee of IMU, coopt, as members of ICMI, suitable chosen representatives of non-IMU countries, on an individual basis.

    7. The budget of the Commission shall be submitted to the Executive Committee of IMU and the General Assembly, for approval, at such times as may be determined by agreement between the Commission and the Executive Committee of IMU.

    8. The Commission shall file an annual report of its activities with the Executive Committee of IMU, and shall file a quadrennial report at each regular meeting of the General Assembly.

    Commission on Development and Exchange
    Terms of Reference


    1. The Commission shall consist of a Chairman and ten other members including the outgoing Chairman of CDE, the President and Secretary of IMU and the representative of IMU at COSTED (ICSU). The last four are members ex-officio of the CDE. The rules for the election of the Commission are similar to those of the IMU E.C. and of the ICMI E.C., with the same Nominating Committee. The E.C. shall request proposals for the membership of CDE from the Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing CDE before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.

    2. The Commission shall elect, from among its members, a Secretary who shall act also as its Treasurer, unless the Commission appoints another member for that purpose.

    The Chairman, the Secretary (if any) and the Treasurer (if any) shall be designated as Officers of the Commission. The Commission may, in exceptional circumstances, elect the Chairman as Secretary or Treasurer, as the case may be, provided that the Commission has at least two different (elected) officers. The Commission shall make its own financial arrangements, subject to By-law 10 of the IMU.

    3. Acting in accordance with the Statutes and By-laws of the Union, and the administrative policies of the Union, as determined by the Executive Committee, the Commission shall

    (a) support and encourage the growth of Mathematics in developing countries and cooperate with appropriate bodies to that end;

    (b) support the exchange of visits with member countries of the Union which, for one reason or another (e.g. non-convertible currencies), such exchanges are not easy to arrange;

    (c) advise and assist existing agencies working towards the same objective with due regard to the non-governmental and non-political nature of IMU and to its administrative policies, and without duplicating or prejudicing the work of other Commissions and Committees of IMU at points of common interest.

    4. The Commission may accept gifts, legacies and subventions, subject to the Statutes of IMU, Section 16. The Commission shall make its own arrangements for the utilization of such funds for the activities mentioned in (3).

    5. The Commission shall report annually to the Executive Committee on its activities and provide a financial statement.

    6. The Commission shall file a quadrennial report at each regular meeting of the General Assembly.

    The Commission shall come into existence on January 1, 1979, and the Commission on Exchange'' shall be dissolved from that date.

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