IMU International Mathematical Union

Bulletin no 41, April 1998

IMU News

  • IMU Homepage
  • electronical World Mathematical Year 2000 newsletter
  • Special Development Fund
  • World Directory of Mathematicians - 1998

  • IMU and ICM on the World Wide Web

    Special Development Fund

    The Special Development Fund helps IMU to fulfill the important obligation of helping developing countries within the framework of mathematical research. The means of the Fund, which go unreduced to mathematicians from developing countries, are used primarily for travel grants to young mathematicians, to make it possible for them to participate in International Congresses of Mathematicians. The Executive Committee of IMU elects an international committee to distribute the grants.

    Means to the Special Development Fund come from donations. Donations can be sent, at any time and in any convertible currency, to the following account:

    Account no. 0862-656208-21
    Schweizerische Kreditanstalt
    Stadtfiliale Zürich-Rigiplatz
    Universitätstrasse 105
    CH-8033 Zürich

    The following contributions have been received in the years 1991-1996:

    	American Mathematical Society  		US $   14.772,93 
    	Royal Society  				US $     8.780,27 
    	London Math. Society  			US $     1.730,10 
       	American Mathematical Society  		US $ 27.787,00 
      	Wiskundig Gennotschap, Netherlands  	US $   1.825,40 
       	Royal Society  				US $   8.377,21 
      	Deutsche Math. Vereinigung  		US $   6.406,74 
       	American Mathematical Society  		US $ 32.500,95 
      	Wiskundig Gennotschap, Netherlands  	US $   1.418,43 
    	American Mathematical Society		US $ 30.550,06
      	Mathematical Society of Japan  		US $ 18.881,11 
      	Royal Society  				US $   4.477,00 
      	Com. Nat. Frac. Math., France  		US $   3.404,86  
      	CNPq, Brazil  				US $   6.944,44 
    	American Mathematical Society		US $ 33.227,89
    	CNPq, Brazil  				US $ 10.000,00 
    	London  Mathematical Society		US $   3.263,12
    	American Mathematical Society		US $ 31.807,41
    	London Mathematical Society		US $   3.639,60
    	Societe Mathematique de France 
    	   and Societe des Math. Ind.	US $   2.341,81
    	American Mathematical Society	        US $ 30.872,76
    	CNPq, Brazil			        US $   9.708,05
    	Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences       US $      265,95
    	London Mathematical Society		US $   3.121,05

    World Directory of Mathematicians - 1998

    National Committees and Mathematical Societies were requested to prepare the list of mathematicians in their countries. Each mathematician should be the author of at least two papers published in journals whose articles are internationally reviewed . E-mail address and fax numbers should also be provided, when possible. The new issue of the World Directory of Mathematicians (11th Edition) will appear at the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians, 1998

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