IMU International Mathematical Union

Bulletin no 41, April 1998

Report on preparations for the World Mathematical Year
WMY 2000

Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Paris (France)


On May 6th 1992 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), the then chairman of the International Mathematical Union (IMU), Professor Jacques-Louis Lions declared the year 2000 to be "The World Mathematical Year" (cf "Declaration of Rio de Janeiro on Mathematics", first number of the Newsletter 2000).

This special event has the sponsorship of UNESCO, and the International Mathematical Union, with the support of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), The Third World Academy of Sciences, The French and Brazilian Academies of Sciences, and several Governments. It aims at three main issues:

First of all, it was decided to publish a newsletter (Newsletter 2000), which would gather and widely redistribute information on initiatives taken by the international mathematical community for the preparation of WMY 2000. It then became necessary to tighten links with UNESCO and to register projects for the world mathematical year as they take shape all over the world.

My report consists of four parts:

  1. Publication and distribution of "Newsletter 2000"
  2. Relations with UNESCO
  3. Projects registered to date
  4. Subsidiary activities

1. "Newsletter 2000"

In 1993 and 1994, Hélène Gispert and Mrs Theis (Paris, France) saw to the publication and distribution of the first two issues of the newsletter (NL 1 and NL 2), from an office at the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP).

In August 1994, on the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians in Zurich, J.-L. Lions entrusted Gerard Tronel and myself with the publication and distribution of the Newsletter. It was also decided to create a larger Editorial Board with representatives in each continent. Thanks to the Director of the IHP, J. Oesterlé, the Newsletter was given an office there in 1995.

Since 1994, we have published and distributed 3 new issues (NL 3, NL 4, NL 5), on a year on average, and we hope to publish the sixth issue in time for the Berlin international congress, ICM'98.

1-1 Structure of "Newsletter 2000"

Registered office: Institut Henri Poincaré, 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 PARIS (FRANCE)
Editor in Chief: J.-L. Lions
Editors: M. Chaleyat-Maurel and G. Tronel (Paris, France)
Editorial Board:
A. Ashour (Giza, Egypt)
M. Hassan (Trieste, Italy)
M. Morimoto (Tokyo, Japan)
M. Niss (Roskilde, Denmark)
R. Rebolledo (Santiago, Chile)
A. Sierpinska (Montreal, Canada)

1-2 Headings and collection of articles

Headings: The way the Newsletter operates is quite flexible: articles are submitted by electronic mail to the Editorial Board which responds likewise.

1-3 Printing

Articles, collected mostly by e-mail, are put together by the UFR 921 (Paris, France) and the English version is revised by the staff of the Institute des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS - Bures-sur-Yvette, France). The Newsletter is printed by the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) (7000 copies). Financial support, for the paper, is given by the Comité National Français des Mathématiciens.

1-4 Distribution

Paper version:
Distribution is done with the help of the Collège de France and several Mathematics Laboratories in Paris. The Newsletter is sent to all country members of IMU and to all institutions linked with Mathematics.
Electronic version :
Thanks to P. Jarraud (Paris, France) and to the web-site hospitality of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, the five issues of the Newsletter are available on Internet at the following address: Links are made with the International Mathematical Union (IMU), American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the European Mathematical Society (EMS) web sites.
Our distribution has increased with the support of CIMPA and some relays in Africa. There is now a considerably greater demand for the newsletter.

1-5 Preparation of the 6th issue

We are presently working on the Issue No. 6 and hope to publish articles from eminent mathematicians on how they see the World Mathematical Year 2000. We would like to make it clear that this event is also of great interest for non-mathematicians : the mayor of Bures-sur-Yvette sent us an article to this effect.

1-6 Budget

We have received two grants (from the IMU and UNESCO) which allow us to pay the office rent, some mailing costs and the printing of writing stationers with the logo of WMY 2000 letterhead.

2. WMY 2000 and UNESCO

Until the beginning of 1997, the person in charge of Mathematics at UNESCO was A. Marzollo (Venice, Italy). Thanks to his support, the newsletter obtained an UNESCO grant.

After A. Marzollo retired, there was some reorganization of the UNESCO departments: the person responsible for Mathematics is now S. Raither (Paris, France) who depends on the Science Department directed by V. Zharov (Paris, France).

In March 1997, C. Guillopé and J.-P. Kahane, two French mathematicians, members of the French Commission for Sciences of UNESCO, asked me to join them for their first visit to S. Raither and V. Zharov. During this visit, A. Raither asked for clarification of the status of WMY 2000 with respect to UNESCO having found no written document explaining it.

It was therefore decided in agreement with D. Mumford and J. Palis to create a special committee to deal with the collaboration between the IMU and the UNESCO on the preparation of WMY 2000. Members of this Committee are: A. Ashour, M. Chaleyat-Maurel (President), M. Narasimhan, M. Niss, R. Rebolledo, A. Sierpinska and G. Tronel.

In order to formalize and strengthen the UNESCO support for this celebration, A. Raither suggested that a resolution be put to the General Assembly of UNESCO, scheduled for November, 1997. Luxembourg, J.-P. Pier being its principal author, presented such a resolution. It has been backed up by 15 countries and by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), whose Vice-President and Secretary of IMU, J. Palis, made at the occasion a formal intervention to support it. It was adopted by the Plenary of the General Conference (see Newsletter No. 5) and a grant of U$ 20,000 was awarded to WMY 2000.

Since then, I have been keeping up a profitable and fruitful collaboration with A. Raither for all issues concerning the WMY 2000. For instance, he suggested that organizers of events for WMY 2000 ask for grants via their national representatives in the frame of a "Participation Programme". These grants are different from that of 20.000 $ awarded through the resolution. For example, the French commission has decided to support a project called "Memory of Mathematicians". (cf list below).

3. Projects for WMY 2000

Since the World Mathematical Year was launched in 1992, most of the international mathematical organizations, the learned societies and some countries have set up special committees charged with the study and preparation of events for 2000 (for more detailed information, see the Newsletter).

At the instance of A. Raither, who wished to get a panoramic view of all the projects under way for WMY 2000, I keep an updated list of all events being prepared to my knowledge worldwide, with the name and e-mail address of a contact person for each. This document is sent out regularly to all persons concerned with WMY 2000.

I enclose an up-dated list in this report. I could also provide more detailed information about some of them, if required.

International Commission for the Mathematical Instruction (ICMI)

International Congress on the Teaching of Mathematics (ICME-9) July 31 - August 7, 2000, Makuhari/Chiba (Japan)

Contact : Mogens Niss,

ICMI WMY 2000 Committee

Contact : Miguel de Guzman,


Third European Congress of Mathematics (3ECM), July 10-14, 2000, Barcelona (Spain)

Contact : Sebastia Xambó Descamps,


Latin American Congress of Mathematics, August 2000

Contact : Jacob Palis,


to be held in London, July 17 - 22, 2000


Other meetings:


World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, May 15-20, 2000, Guanajato (Mexico)

Five Year 2000 Conferences Causality, Ecology and Environment, Financial Mathematics, Neural Networks and Learning, Quantum Stochastics, Stochastic Geometry and Imaging

Special Volume of « Bernoulli » This volume will comprise a number of special invited papers that should take stock of the developments in mathematical statistics and probability in the XXth century and speculate about stochastics and its applications in XXIst century

Contact : Ole Barndorff-Nielsen,


Alhambra 2000 (in collaboration with CIMPA (Nice, France)) European-Arab Congress of Mathematicians (with contributions from historians)


Special Meeting on the theme "Mathematical Challenges of the XXIst Century", August 2000

Contact : Felix E. Browder,

Web page :



Memory of Mathematicians Creation of a public database containing for each mathematician a description of the locations where original documents concerning him or her are stored

Contact : Hélène Gispert,


Second World Conference « Bachelier Dissertation Centenary », June 27-29, 2000, Paris (France)

Contact : Hélyette Geman,


Mathematics posters in the subways of cities all over the world A gesture towards the general public in the form of small posters on the trains, and larger ones in the stations, showing mathematical subjects of general interest

Postage stamps
Issue of stamps representing European mathematicians. Wherever possible, concerted action between countries or on the European level.

Contact : Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen,


Third Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC2000), October 23-27, 2000, Manila (Philippines)

Contact : Polly Wee Sy,



1. Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)

Contact : Bernard Hodgson,

2. Quebec

United Congress of all mathematical associations and groups of Quebec Spring 2000

Mathematics Exhibition

Contact : Richard Pallascio,


Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium
8-12 August 2000, Helsinki (Finland)

Contact : Pekka Tukia,

Studia Generalia lecture series
Autumn 2000; first lecture 1 October 2000, University of Helsinki (Finland)

Contact : Olli Martio,


1. French Committee for World Mathematical Year

Mathematics posters in the Paris underground (with the EMS) This project could involve the re-fitting of certain tube stations (Monge and Laplace).

Contact : Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel,

Postage stamps
A list of mathematicians has been submitted to the Post Office for an issue, in the year 2000, of six stamps portraying French mathematicians.

Contact : Liliane Zweig,

Mathematics and other fields of knowledge (with the Ecole Normale Supérieure and historians of mathematics)

Re-edition of books out of circulation In partnership with the CNL (Centre National du Livre) it is planned to re-edit important mathematical works no longer available.

Contact : Martin Andler,

A book « An outlook by women mathematicians » An initiative of the Association « Femmes et Mathématiques »

Film : "Four women mathematicians at the far end of the world" An initiative of the Association « Femmes et Mathématiques »

Contact : Julianne Unterberger,


Mathematics and Expo 2000, Summer 2000, Hanover
Various mathematical manifestations on the occasion of Hanover's International Trade Fair

Contact : Klaus Hulek,


Exhibition « Mathematics in contemporary art »
March-September 2000, Museo di arte contemporary del castello di Rivoli, Rivoli, Torino (Italy)

The proposition to have a commemorative stamp celebrating WMY 2000 was already submitted to the Ministero delle Poste

RAI Programme « Mathematics in western civilization » RAI, the Radio-Television National State Broadcasting Company is considering the proposition to produce a series of 3 programmes on «Mathematics in western civilization »

Contact : Alberto Conte,


The development of mathematics : 1950-2000 A collective book retracing the development of mathematics during the second half of the XXth century.

Contact : Jean-Paul Pier,


Macao 2000 : Mathematics and Civilization

A joint portuguese-chinese initiative for a congress on a general subject of the scientific and cultural role of the mathematical sciences in the history of civilization and in the future development of humanity

Contact : José Francisco Rodrigues,


Joint Mathematics Meetings (Joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America, and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), January, 19-22 , 2000, Washington, D.C.

Contact : Hope Daly, - Web page :

4. Subsidiary activities

4-1 Logo

Newsletter No. 3 launched a competition for the logo of WMY 2000. This competition was also announced by Springer. We received 10 proposals. The winning entry was that of Marie-Claude Vergne (IHÉS, Bures-sur-Yvette). It may be used on all documents related to WMY 2000.

4-2 ICM 98

We hope to spotlight WMY 2000 during the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin, so as to interest as many countries as possible. Thus we plan to have a special stand "WMY 2000" at the Congress. M. Groetschel, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee, has supported the idea. We are now working on the material to be presented on this stand.

4-3 Publicity

We are making a poster to be widely distributed all over the world and at ICM 98.

P. Jarraud and I are also working on the web site of WMY 2000, in the Jussieu server. It now contains the Newsletter, in order to give more information about the World Mathematical Year and convince the mathematical community to participate more actively in it.

May we take this opportunity to thank all the persons and Institutions who are helping us, in particular, D. Mumford and J. Palis, for their continuous support.

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