IMU Circular Letter 02/98

Rio de Janeiro, March 13, 1998






SUBJECT:Change group of Israel


Dear Colleagues,


The Executive Committee of IMU on its 63rd Meeting decided to recommend Israel to change from Group IV to Group V, in the IMU structure, as of January 1st, 1998. So, please, find enclosed a sample of their mathematical activities. Besides 600 names of mathematicians (compiled for the 11th Edition of the World Directory of Mathematicians) covering several areas of mathematics, there are many more active research mathematicians in Israel. The enclosed document contains the list of mathematicians who have a permanent position in Israel and were invited to give talks at the international Congresses. Information of mathematics departments of 7 research universities in Israel, can be accessed by exploring the Web Site of:

Member's research articles may be found in MathSciNet. In case of any difficulty in accessing such addresses, the IMU Secretariat will be pleased to help, upon request. We also include here the corresponding Postal Ballot (Numbers 2/98), that I ask you to kindly send us back with your vote as soon as possible.


Please notice that the Postal Ballot is the responsibility of the Adhering Organizations. We are sending the correspondence also to the National Committees to keep them well informed.


Thank you very much for your cooperation,


Sincerely Yours,


Jacob Palis

Secretary of IMU