Circular Letter 03/1997

Rio de Janeiro, July 7, 1997

TO: National Committees for Mathematics
Adhering Organizations
From: IMU Secretariat

  1. The 13th General Assembly 1998 of the International Mathemtical Union (IMU) will be held in Dresden, August 15 - 16, on the weekend directly before the International Congress of Mathematicians Berlin 1998 (ICM98). The meeting will take place at
    Hotel Bellevue
    Große Meißner Straße 15
    D-01097 Dresden
    Tel: +49/351/81 20-733
    Fax: +49/351/81 20 749)

    Delegates may stay in Hotel Bellevue, other accomodations will also be offered. The procedures for room reservation will be announced with the invitation letters from the Local Organizing Committee to the delegates appointed by the Adhering Organizations/National Committees. More information can be found under the URL:

  2. According to the Statutes of the Union, each Adhering Organization ``shall appoint and certify to the Secretary of the Union a delegation which shall have the number of votes corresponding to the Group in which it adheres, as follows:
        	Number of votes:   	I   II   III   IV   V  
        	Group:     		I   II   III   IV   V  
         	Number of votes:     	1   2     3    4    5  

    provided that the number of delegates shall not exceed the corresponding number of votes. Any Adhering Organization which desires to ensure its full quota of representatives at meetings of the General Assembly by the appointment of alternates for its regularly named delegates may do so, provided that no such alternate shall be permitted to participate in the work of the General Assembly until he has been duly certified to the Secretary of the Union as assuming the powers and duties of the delegate he has been designated to replace. No person shall be a member of the delegation of more than one country. Voting by the General Assembly shall be by delegations, provided that each delegation shall be free to cast the votes to which it is entitled either as a unit or divided in such a manner as it may determine.''

  3. You are hereby requested to designate the delegation of your country. Please enter on the accompanying form the names of your delegates, with alternates if any, together with their addresses and return this form to the Secretariat by March 1, 1998.

  4. As provided for in the By-Laws of the Union, Adhering Organizations may propose business to be transacted at the General Assembly. Such proposals shall reach the Secretary at least four months before the meeting, i.e., preferably before March 1, 1998.

    We are now sending to all Adhering Organization and National Committees, the enclosed form for "Appointment of Delegations".

    The General Assembly of the Union consists of delegates appointed by the Adhering Organizations, together with the members of the Executive Committee. For each General Assembly, each Adhering Organization shall appoint and certify to the Secretary of the Union, a delegation which shall have the number of votes corresponding to the Group in which it adheres, that is:

    Group 			I	II	III	IV	V
    Number of votes		1	2	3	4	5

    provided that the number of delegates shall not exceed the corresponding number of votes. (Please see Statutes of IMU, pages 2 and 3).
    Thank you very much for your attention.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Jacob Palis
    Secretary of IMU
    fax: (55) 21 512-4112

13th General Assembly, 1998
DRESDEN, Germany

Appointment of Delegations You are hereby requested to designate the delegation of your country. OBS: The appointment of delegations is the responsability of the Adhering Organization

COUNTRY: _______________________________   

GROUP OF ADHERENCE: ________________




1. NAME: _____________________________________  

	E-MAIL: ______________________________

	FAX: __________________

2. NAME: _____________________________________  

	E-MAIL: ______________________________

	FAX: __________________

3. NAME: _____________________________________  

	E-MAIL: ______________________________

	FAX: __________________

4. NAME: _____________________________________  

	E-MAIL: ______________________________

	FAX: __________________

5. NAME: _____________________________________  

	E-MAIL: ______________________________

	FAX: __________________


1. NAME: _____________________________________  

	E-MAIL: ______________________________

	FAX: __________________

This form should be filled in capital letters and should be returned, not later than March 1, 1998 to:

IMU Secretariat
IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Estrada Dona Castorina, 110 - Jardim Botânico
22460- Rio de Janeiro - RJ
FAX: (55) (21) 512-4115/4112


Travel Grants for Young Mathematicians to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians

The International Mathematical Union will award travel grants to young mathematicians to help them to attend the ICM-98, Berlin, Germany, August 18-28, 1998. The grants are intended for young mathematicians from developing countries (not necessarily members of IMU). Please, notice that mathematicians from Eastern European countries, even those with strict monetary regulations, are not part of this program, but shall also be specially considered directly by the Local Organizing Committee.

The age-limit for the grantees is 35 years at the occasion of the Congress. The candidates should present evidence of research work at post-doctoral level, and they should be able to benefit from the interaction with mathematicians from other countries attending the Congress.

In addition to the name and address of the candidate, including e-mail address and fax number when available, the applications should contain a brief curriculum vitae, including date of birth, plus a list of publications (papers published or definitively accepted for publication).

The Local Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians will provide a special allowance to the grantees to cover their registration, board and lodging.

Applications for the travel grant may be sent directly to the Secretary of the Union. Applications may also be submitted through the National Committees for Mathematics, which in such a case will send all the relevant information about the candidates to the Secretary.

All applications should reach the Secretary by January 1, 1998:

International Mathematical Union
Professor Jacob Palis, Secretary
Estrada Dona Castorina, 110, Jardim Botânico
22.460-320 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Fax No. (55) (21) 512 4112
e-mail: IMU@IMPA.BR

Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committee of IMU 1998

1. Not less than a year before the meeting of the GA, the EC shall request proposals for the membership of the EC from the National Committees for Mathematics, to be considered before the meeting of the EC in the spring before the Assembly.

2. The EC shall then draw up its own list of nominations, making certain that each candidate is willing to serve if elected. The slate should be mailed to the National Committees at least three months before the GA, together with background on the candidates, their fields and countries/geographic areas.

3. After the slate drawn by the EC is known, the National Committees can make further proposals of names specifically for the offices of President, Secretary, Vice-President, and Members at large. These proposals shall reach the Secretary not less than one month before the GA The same information as in (2) concerning the nominees, including their willingness to serve if elected, should be provided. The Secretary will inform all National Committees of these last proposals before the GA The National Committees are asked to cooperate in having their delegates to the GA fully informed.

4. The EC might modify its list in view of (3)

5. On the first day of the meeting, the General Assembly shall appoint a Nominating Committee (NC) consisting of:

a) the President (chairman),
b) all Past Presidents who are present (ex-officio),
c) eight further delegates.

Election to (c) shall be from names either proposed by the President or proposed and seconded from the floor; and shall be by show of hands unless the meeting decides otherwise.

6. The NC shall propose a slate drawn from the slate of the EC and the names in (1) and (3) and shall make it known to the meeting.

No person shall be a candidate for more than one office.

7. Further nominations can be made from the floor after the slate of the NC has been declared, provided that they are drawn from names previously offered by the National Committees as in items (1) and (3) , signed by at least ten delegates and convey the same information as in (2) and (3) above.

8. The General Assembly shall then elect the new President, Vice-President, Secretary and Members at large by written ballots from the EC and NC slates as well as the list of nominations from the floor. (unless a candidate withdraws), but no others.

A vote shall be invalid if more names are marked in any category than the number of places to be filled (i.e., one each for President and Secretary, two for Vice-Presidents and five for Members at large).

A candidate for President or Secretary may be elected only if unopposed or if he or she obtains a majority of the votes cast. If the first ballot is indecisive, there shall be a second ballot.

In the ballots for the Vice-Presidents and Members at large, the two or five candidates respectively who obtain the largest numbers of votes shall be elected. In the event of a tie, the President shall decide.

Note: Statute (9) provides (inter alia) that: ``each delegation shall be free to cast the votes to which it is entitled either as a unit or divided in such a manner as it may determine''.

Procedures for the Election of the Executive Committee of ICMI

The rules for the election of the Executive Committee of ICMI are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committee of IMU with the same Nominating Committee.

The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of the EC of ICMI from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing Executive Committee of ICMI before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.

No person can be a candidate for more than one office.

Procedures for the Election of CDE

The rules for the election of the Commission of Development and Exchange are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committees of IMU and ICMI with the same Nominating Committee.

The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of CDE from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing CDE before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.

No person can be a candidate for more than one office.

Procedures for the Election of ICHM

The rules for the election of the two IMU members of the Executive Committee of ICHM are similar to those for the election of the Executive Committees of IMU, CDE and ICMI, with the same Nominating Committee.

The EC of IMU shall request proposals for the membership of the two IMU members from the National Committees for Mathematics and will conduct extensive consultations with the existing ICHM before proposing slates to the Nominating Committee.

© 1997 by Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)
$Date: 1997/07/08 13:00:00 $