
Adhering Organization:

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Acad. G. Bonchev str., bl.8
1113 Sofia

Fax: (+359-2) 971-36-49
URL: http://www.math.acad.bg

Committee for Mathematics:

Prof. Academician L. Iliev
P.O. Box 373
1090 Sofia, Bulgaria

What are 'Adhering Organization' and 'Committee for Mathematics'?

Mathematical Societies:

Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians
(Bulgarian Mathematical Society)

Prof. Chavdar Lozanov, President
Acad.G.Bonchev str., bl.8
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Phone: (359 2) 72 11 89, 73 80 76
E-mail: smb@math.acad.bg
URL: http://www.math.acad.bg/~smb/index.html