
Adhering Organization:

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Erling Norrby, Secretay General
Box 50005
S-104 05 Stockholm , Sweden

Committee for Mathematics:

Swedish National Committee for Mathematics

Prof. Christer Kiselman
Dept. of Mathematics
Uppsala University
P.O. Box 480
S-751 06 Uppsala, Sweden
Telephone (h): +46 18 300708
Telephone (o): +46 18 4713216
Cellular phone: +46 708 870708
Fax (o): +46 18 4713201
E-mail: kiselman@math.uu.se

What are 'Adhering Organization' and 'Committee for Mathematics'?

Mathematical Societies:

SMS - Svenska Matematikersamfundet /
Swedish Mathematical Society

Prof. Matts Essén
Department of Mathematics
Uppsala University
P.O. Box 480
S-751 06 Uppsala, Sweden
E-Mail: sms@math.uu.se