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SC 96-03Darinka Dentcheva, Andris Möller, Peter Reeh, Werner Römisch, Rüdiger Schultz, Gert Schwarzbach, Jörg Thomas
Optimale Blockauswahl bei der Kraftwerkseinsatzplanung
Erschienen in: Mathematik -Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft : Verbundprojekte zwischen Universität und Industrie. K.-H. Hoffmann et al. (eds.) Springer 1997, S. 567-577

Abstract: The paper addresses the unit commitment problem in power plant operation planning. For a real power system comprising coal and gas fired thermal as well as pumped storage hydro plants a large-scale mixed integer optimization model for unit commitment is developed. Then primal and dual approaches to solving the optimization problem are presented and results of test runs are reported.