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1pixel.gif (807 bytes)

Start Menu

mAd cOw Adventure

app_index.jpg (9684 bytes)



frontpg_appl2.jpg (6203 bytes)

Anatomy of the Format Toolbar

The FrontPage Format Toolbar:
formatt.jpg (6508 bytes)
Commonly Used Buttons on the Toolbar

font_inc.jpg (3168 bytes)

increase text size increases the size of the text to the next larger size

font_decr.JPG (2737 bytes)

decrease text size decreases the size of the text to the next smaller size

text_color.JPG (4779 bytes)

text color use to change the color of the text

bull_list.JPG (3171 bytes)

numbered list ordered list of items

num_list.jpg (3125 bytes)

bulleted list unordered list of items

decr_indent.jpg (3395 bytes)

decrease indent use to remove the indention of a paragraph or the nesting level of a list item

incr_indent.jpg (3464 bytes)

increase indent use to indent a paragraph or increase the nesting level of a list item

back.gif (366 bytes)