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1pixel.gif (807 bytes)

Start Menu

mAd cOw Adventure

app_index.jpg (9684 bytes)



frontpg_appl2.jpg (6203 bytes)


Anatomy of the Forms Toolbar

The FrontPage Form Toolbar:
forms_toolbar.gif (500 bytes)
Commonly Used Buttons on the Toolbar

form_check.gif (109 bytes)

one-line text box inserts a one line text box accepting one line of information from the user

form_scroll.gif (129 bytes)

scrolling text box inserts a scrollong text box accepting multi-line text entries such as user comments & suggestions

form_check.gif (109 bytes)

check box inserts a check box, can be used to present a list of items one of which can be selected

form_radio.gif (102 bytes)

radio button inserts a radio button, can be used to present a list of items, only one can be selected

form_menu.gif (121 bytes)

drop down menu inserts a drop down men, presents a list of items one or more of which can be selected

form_push.gif (97 bytes)

push button inserts a push button, used to submit a form to is form handler or reset to its initial state

back.gif (366 bytes)