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Printing a Presentation
You can make a paper copy of your presentation for your use or to hand out to your audience. You can print your outline, notes pages, slides or handouts.

outline.gif (1270 bytes)  notes_print.gif (2406 bytes)

slide_print.gif (3064 bytes) notes.gif (1375 bytes)

  1. Choose File/Print and a Print Box will appear.
  2. Choose a Page range option, if you want to print specific slides of your document enter them in the box. (default is All)
  3. Choose a Print What option, if you want Slides, Handouts, Notes Pages, or the Outline View.
  4. Choose the number of copies you want of the document. (default is 1)
  5. Click OK.

powerpt_printbox.jpg (21644 bytes)

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