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Saving Your Document
  1. Go to File/Save As and a Save As box will appear.
  2. In the Save As box select a drive under Save In

    To save on a disk, put in the disk and choose the 3
    1/2 Floppy drive (usually the A-drive).


    To save to the hard drive, choose the C-drive, and then select an appropriate file.
  3. Name the document, web page, presentation, or workbook something that represents the information.

    Select OK

    saveasbox.GIF (5279 bytes)

In FrontPage the file name is the URL and you also give the page a title, describing the page. The title of this page is "Saving Your Document"

save_as_fp.GIF (4672 bytes)
Every 5 to 10 minutes resave your work by pressing the save.jpg (3335 bytes) icon on the Standard Toolbar.


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