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app_index.jpg (9684 bytes)



The Standard Toolbar:
toolbar2.gif (2666 bytes)
Commonly Used Buttons on the Toolbar

newpage.jpg (3142 bytes)

new page begins a new document

open.gif (118 bytes)

open opens a dialog box for locating and opening a previously saved word document

save.jpg (3335 bytes)

save saves the document being created, and any changes made to that document

print.gif (159 bytes)

print prints the document

abc.gif (153 bytes)

spelling & grammar checks the spelling and grammar of the document

table.jpg (3561 bytes)

insert table creates a table with columns and rows as specified

excel_import.jpg (4617 bytes)

insert Excel table
imports and Excel document

column_icon.JPG (1082 bytes)

columns makes columns in your document, run the mouse over the number of culumns you want and then click

drawing_icon.jpg (1352 bytes)

drawing brings up the drawing toolbar at the bottom of your screen

paragraph.JPG (2319 bytes)

show/hide gives the option of showing or hiding all nonprinting characters--such as tabs, spaces, and carriage returns

back.gif (366 bytes) next.gif (356 bytes)