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Using Email

Certain tasks associated with email that you should be familiar with include:

We'll continue with the assumption you're using Netscape Communicator.  If not, use the Help Menu of your email software to find out how to perform the various commands.

Remember, to connect to the Internet for any of these functions,  dial in to your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Checking Mail Messages with Netscape

  • Click on the envelopes on the bottom right of your browser.This will automatically download any new messages from the server to your hard drive.
  • If prompted for a password, enter the password related to your email address.Click OK.
  • The server downloads your mail while you are online in specified intervals.However, you may check for new messages at anytime by my clicking on the Get Msg button.

getmsg.gif (393 bytes)

Reading Mail Messages with Netscape

Netscape mail provides viewing areas which can be resized by placing the cursor on the lines separating the areas and dragging the areas to the desired viewing size.

receivedemail.gif (4924 bytes)

  • Any email messages you receive are in the Inbox folder. The numbers indicate the number of messages received and the number of unread messages. Messages stay in the Inbox folder until deleted. The Delete Mail button activates only when a particular message is highlighted or being read. When a message is Deleted it goes into the Trash Folder. It stays in that folder until the Trash Folder is emptied.
  • The top viewing area indicates the Sender of an email message, the subject of the message and the date the message was received. Mail can be sorted by Sender, Subject, or Date by double clicking on the appropriate heading. Highlighting a particular email message in this area and will bring the contents of that particular message into the bottom viewing area.
  • The bottom viewing area shows the contents of the current message being read
  • The message area will disappear if you click on the Hide: Receiving and email.

Sending Messages with Netscape

  • Click on the Send button newmsg.gif (466 bytes)
  • Write the email address in the To: window
  • If you put your cursor in the space under the To: button, a selection of options will come up, to either email to another person (To:), cc someone, or send a blind carbon (bcc).  With a bcc, the person the email is addressed To: is "blind" to the the person receiving the bcc
  • Click the Attach key if you desire to attach a file or web page
  • Enter the subject of your message into the subject window
  • Write the content of the your letter in the message window
  • Click the Send button after you have completed writing your message and are ready to send the email

sendem.gif (11949 bytes)


You might want to try sending a message to yourself at this point. As soon as you send it, click the the Get Msg buttongetmsg.gif (393 bytes) . This is an easy way to practice before sending messages to others.  Also, try emailing an attachment to yourself so you can see how they work.

Summary of Netscape Mail Buttons

The buttons in Netscape Mail are pretty straight-forward, but just in case you have questions:

getmsg.gif (393 bytes) retrieves any new mail from the server that houses your mail.
sendbutton.gif (324 bytes) sends the current message highlighted or being read to the Trash Folder. (To empty the trash folder, click File, click Empty Trash Folder.)
newmsg.gif (396 bytes) activates a window for you to use to send mail.
reply.gif (355 bytes) makes it easy to reply to an email you're reading. This button activates a window with the address already inserted, thus minimizing typing errors.
forward.gif (363 bytes) forwards a particular message to another address you specify.
print.gif (314 bytes) prints the current message highlighted or being read.

Getting Out of Netscape Mail

When you are ready to leave Netscape Mail, move your cursor to the menu bar. Click File. Click Close if you want to close of the Mail window(s). Click Exit if you want to close all Netscape windows and exit all Netscape applications.

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