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Types of Operating Systems

There are a vast number of OS's out there. Let's briefly go over  few of the more common ones:

  • Windows 95/98 - This is what you will find on most new PC's today. It is a very popular OS, and there are many applications that run on it. It has an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI).

  • Windows NT - Windows NT is another Microsoft operating system that is beginning to really catch on because of it's networking capabilities. Microsoft is trying to slowly phase out Windows 95/98 and replace it with some form of NT.

  • Macintosh System 7/8 - This is the operating system found on the Macintosh brand of computers. This was one of the first GUI's to become popular. Macs have the history of being easy to use, and coming equipped with all the hardware you'll need.

  • *NIX - This includes the OS's like UNIX, LINUX, etc. These are commonly called "workstations". UNIX is a command prompt OS, much like the now defunct Microsoft DOS operating system. Unix is by far the oldest of the operating systems, having been in existence for a good 20 years. *NIX systems are now becoming a little more popular as desktops with the invention of programs like X Windows, which allows *NIX systems to have a GUI. *NIX systems are still the kings of the networking world, and many of the world's servers run *NIX.


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