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Citing WWW Resources
The following must be included when citing a book:
  • Author or organization resposible for creating the resource
  • Title
  • URL (http address)
  • Date accessed
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Center for Democracy and Technology. Senate Commerce
1pixel2.gif (807 bytes) Committee Passes Net Censorship Bills
, Online (assessed 4
1pixel2.gif (807 bytes) May 1998). Avaliable from

Citing your Sources   
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Keep a complete record of the print and elecronic sources that you consult and use. This includes books, documents, reference sources, electronic databases (including keywords), periodicals, and websites. This will save time and extra work when citing sources in oyur paper and compiling you bibliography.

Why is it important to properly cite sources?
It gives credit to the authors' work you used and it allows your reader to locate the sources that you used.

What is a bibliography?
A bibliography (also called a "refererence list" or "works cited") is a list of sources you cite in your paper. Style manuals give oyu direction on how to site oyur sources. Style manuals can be very general (Turabian), or subject specific (APA-American Psychological Association). Your instructor may require that you use a specific style manual. If none is required, ask your instructor for their preference. All example given in this site, follow the Turbian A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.


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