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Browsers & Plug-ins

Occasionally, depending upon the company offering the plug-in, you will be asked to choose a site to download your plug-in from. Typically, people choose the site either closest to them geographically or in a place where they think Internet traffic may be quieter. Select a site by clicking on your choice. Your computer will then suggest to you where it would like to place this plug-in software. Typically it will place the plug-in in a file called Netscape Navigator plug-ins or Microsoft Internet Explorer plug-ins. Click "ok" and the plug-in will automatically download to your computer.

Almost every plug-in site includes simple installation instructions. Make sure you choose the right plug-in for your computer and operating system (i.e. PC or Macinstosh, Windows 3.11, Windows95). Some plug-ins require more memory (RAM) than others and some will only work with newer browser versions. The site you obtain your plug-in from should supply you with all the requirements you need to use that particular plug-in before you start downloading.

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