Re: Horror story

Jaakko Hyvatti (
Mon, 15 Jan 1996 02:04:58 +0200 (EET)

Skip Montanaro:
> 6. All the major Web servers should come with a little blurb about
> robots.txt.

That is the most important thing here!

And not only should all server installation instructions have a step
called 'Creating /robots.txt' and an example with 'Disallow:
/cgi-bin/' with it, any software that creates information or scripts
that should not be indexed, like statistics packages, query frontends,
database gateways.. should come with /robots.txt and specific instructions!

Now it is just a question of who is going to do the real work here,
to list all such software with developers contact addresses, and
formulate a letter that impresses them to include these instructions
into the next release.

I believe it might even work.