Re: New Robot Announcement

John Lindroth (
Tue, 16 Jan 1996 16:49:50 +0000

> > >Exactly how is this better than Harvest, which is free?
> >
> > Harvest server software currently runs only on UNIX machines. Duppies was
> > designed for the web serving community who either do not know and don't
> > want to know UNIX or do not have a UNIX box available.
> I was under the impression that most web servers were running on a UNIX box.
> What else are you going to run a server on? I would argue that NT doesn't
> have the horsepower, and tehre aren't a lot of alternatives.

Larry's original post stated that the robot would run under the
MacOS. While our main server is on a unix workstation, many of our
departments run on Macs. And with each department's info distributed
on its own mac server, no single system gets a lot of hits. I can't say
that I think that the Mac is a great platform to run a server, but I think
they have identified a niche market that just might work.
-John Lindroth
MUSC Web Master

John Lindroth Senior Systems Programmer

Academic & Research Computing Services
Center for Computing & Information Technology
Medical University of South Carolina

Any opinions expressed are mine, not my
employer's. And they may be wrong (gasp!)