Berlin conference logo  

World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council

Access Point Library:
Media - Information - Culture

August 1st - 9th 2003 Berlin, Germany
Patron: German Federal President Johannes Rau








General Guidelines for Papers

Professional units of IFLA are calling for papers for the IFLA General Conference to be held in Berlin, 1-9 August 2003.

We have prepared these notes to help those intending to present a paper at Berlin.

If you wish to present a paper, please remember these requirements:
  • Papers should reflect the conference theme: "Access Point Library: Media - Information-Culture". Details of the theme and sub-themes are listed on IFLANET at

  • Proposals for papers need to be submitted for approval to the IFLA Section or other professional unit by the date announced by them.

  • Speakers of approved papers are required to send the full text of their papers, including an abstract, to the officers of the Section sponsoring their session, by the date announced by the Section.

  • Officers should forward the approved original papers to Sophie Felföldi at in electronic form. They should be single-spaced, A4 page size, 12 point font size, in Word or RTF format.

  • A conference paper consists of:
    • Title of the paper
    • Name(s) of speaker(s), their Institution, city and country
    • Abstract of approximately 100 words, summarizing the presentation
    • Full text

  • The minimum length is 3 pages and the maximum length of papers is 21 pages (single-spaced A4).

  • The layout of the "title page" will be created by IFLA HQ, according to the data delivered and PDF files will be created to be used for IFLANET and the production of the CD-Rom.

  • If you are preparing a Power Point Presentation with the paper, it should be integrated into ONE SINGLE WORD document. Please see an example of such a paper on our website at:

  • POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS, without accompanying speaking texts, will be not accepted as papers. Please note that the interpreters can interpret only the texts of papers. They cannot reproduce charts, graphics or power point presentation parts of papers.

  • Papers may be written and presented in any of the IFLA working languages (English, French, German, Russian and Spanish).

  • Translations should be provided into the other languages whenever possible. Not all sessions have interpretation, so written translations (with abstracts) are very important for many conference participants.

  • Please avoid using unexplained acronyms, sets of initials, jargon and phrases which an international audience may not understand.

  • The full text of the paper and abstract must be submitted to Sophie Felfoldi, IFLA Web Manager at no later than 15th June 2003 (please note the earlier date this year, because the conference is earlier). It will then appear on IFLANET and included on the conference CD ROM. Earlier submission would be appreciated.

  • Papers submitted after this date will not be posted on IFLANET until after the conference. They will not be included in the CD ROM. Conference participants will therefore not be able to print them out at the conference. Speakers are therefore urged to comply with this deadline.

  • It is a long-established policy of IFLA that speakers are responsible for all the expenses involved in attending the conference. However, limited funds may be available to cover the day registration fees (but not other expenses) of speakers from other disciplines who would not normally attend an IFLA conference. Please contact Sjoerd Koopman or Josche Neven for details before you confirm an "outside" speaker.

  • IFLA has first publication rights to papers presented at the conference.

The quality of our conference as a whole vitally depends on the relevance and interest of the papers, together with the standard of presentation. Evaluations suggest that they are improving year by year. Please help us make the Berlin conference the best yet!

Ross Shimmon
Secretary General

October 2002


Latest Revision: October 22, 2002 Copyright ©
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions