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World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council

Access Point Library:
Media - Information - Culture

August 1st - 9th 2003 Berlin, Germany
Patron: German Federal President Johannes Rau








Call for Papers - Public Libraries & Multilingual Collections
Satellite meeting / post-conference, Utrecht, Netherlands

Post-conference after the 69th IFLA General Conference in Berlin 2003; Organized by the section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations.

Venue: Utrecht, Netherlands

    Utrecht is a medieval university town, 40 km from Amsterdam, located in the centre of the Netherlands. The population is 250.000; one third of the citizens have non-Dutch roots. The lively city-centre offers nice shops and restaurants along the canals and a number of churches and museums. The Central Station is located in the city centre and gives easy train access to all European countries. (Berlin approx. 5 hours; to Amsterdam Schiphol- airport 35 minutes)

Date: August 11-13, 2003
(Monday and Tuesday conference; Wednesday excursion to a public library)

The conference will focus on acquisition of multilingual collections in public libraries and the marketing of library services to multicultural populations.

We kindly invite library experts worldwide to contribute to the conference with a paper about the implications for and experience of the public library in relation to the following aspects:
  • Acquisition of multilingual materials and the cataloguing of books and other media;
  • Instruments to promote and facilitate access and use of multilingual collections;
  • Marketing of library services to the multicultural communities.

The conference will enable the participants to exchange practical information about import, cataloguing and access of multilingual books and media. The participants will also have the opportunity to discuss strategies of marketing library services to the target population.

Speaking about acquisition of multilingual materials:
  • please include in your presentation some remarks about the policy of your organization/library regarding the acquisition of multilingual materials serving your communities;
  • please include in your presentation information about your experiences with book suppliers and deliverers and about your visits to international bookfairs.
Speaking about promotion and communication:
  • please include your ideas about a multicultural approach and how to make this visible in your library. (Examples of promotion material, addresses etcetera are most welcome to expose in the conference room).

Please send a short proposal to as soon as possible.
We will finalize the program in December 2002. For that date we will request a short extract of your presentation, as well as some biographical details, address and URL of your library/organization.

In January 2003 the program will be on the website of the conference.

Conference fee: 120 Euro (students 60 Euro)
The fee includes receptions, lunches August 11/12, a cultural dinner August 12, excursion August 13. From fall onwards you can book your accommodation directly with a booking form of the Utrecht Hotel Service (UHS) available at the conference website.

For more information please contact:
Lourina de Voogd
Netherlands Public Library Association
Postbox 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +(31)(70)3090214; Fax: +(31)(70)3090200


Latest Revision: November 22, 2002 Copyright ©
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
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