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World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council

Access Point Library:
Media - Information - Culture

August 1st - 9th 2003 Berlin, Germany
Patron: German Federal President Johannes Rau








Convening Notice of the IFLA Council Meeting
3rd and 8th August 2003

To: Voting Members of IFLA

This Convening Notice has been sent to all voting Members together with the Voting Card. It should be forwarded to your voting delegate who will attend the IFLA Council to be held in Berlin, Germany, on Sunday 3rd August and Friday 8th August, 2003. If yours has not arrived, please contact IFLA HQ as soon as possible.

The Governing Board of IFLA has pleasure in submitting this Convening Notice of the Council meeting of the Federation.

The Council will meet at the International Congress Centre (ICC), Berlin, Germany on Sunday, 3rd August 16:45 - 18:15 and on Friday, 8th August 16:00-18:00.

Ross Shimmon
Secretary General


Council I:
Sunday, 3rd August 2003, 16:45

  1. Opening by the President, Christine Deschamps
  2. Communication by the Berlin Organizing Committee
  3. Appointment of Tellers
  4. Establishment of a Quorum
  5. Adoption of the Agenda
  6. Minutes of the previous meeting, held in Glasgow on 18th and 23rd August, 2002
  7. Formal announcement of the Results of the Postal Ballot for the Election of the President-elect and for Places on the Governing Board and Presentation of those Elected
  8. Proposals for Amendments to the Federation's Statutes (this item will depend on the result of a postal ballot)
  9. Presentation of the Annual Report by the Secretary General
  10. Presentation of the Annual Accounts 2002 by the Treasurer
  11. In memoriam of those members who have died during the past year
  12. Adjournment of the session until Friday 8th of August.

    Adjournment of Council.

Council II:
Friday, August 8th 2003, 16:00

  1. Opening by the President Christine Deschamps, who will hand over the chair to the incoming President, Kay Raseroka
  2. Presentation of Members of the Governing Board and the Professional Committee elected by the Coordinating Boards.
  3. Presentation of the Report of the Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) by the Chair, Marianne Scott.
  4. Presentation of the report of the Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Committee (FAIFE) by the Chair, Alex Byrne.
  5. Motions and Resolutions (see notes below)
  6. Closure of the Council meeting by the President.


  1. Voting will take place at Council I on agenda item 8, the proposed amendments to the Statutes, depending on the outcome of the postal ballot on this subject.
  2. Voting may also take place during Council II on any motions and resolutions submitted during the course of the congress.
  3. Voting delegates should take their seats in the designated area in the front of the hall.
  4. Voting Papers: Voting delegates can obtain the necessary voting papers at the IFLA Voting Office located in the Secretariat offices in the International Congress Centre. Please note that the voting office will NOT be in the registration area this year! Voting papers will be distributed only to those delegates who are in possession of the IFLA Voting Card 2003, duly signed by the appropriate authority. The IFLA Voting Card is enclosed with these documents if your membership fees for 2003 have been paid. The Voting Office will be open on Friday 1st August from 14:00 - 18:00, Saturday 2nd August from 09:00 - 18:00 and Sunday 3rd August from 09:00 until 16:30. Please collect your voting papers as early as possible. Please do not leave it until the last minute!
  5. If you have not paid your 2003 membership fees at the time of distribution of this convening notice, your voting card will be sent to you when you have paid. If your payment is received after 1st July 2003, you will need to confirm your payment at the Voting Office in Berlin.
  6. Representation: the relevant articles of the IFLA Statutes and Rules of Procedure are as follows: Article 15.1.1 Each Member is entitled to be represented at Council by one or more representatives. One such person shall be designated by the Member to exercise the right to vote. Article 15.8.1 Each Member may be represented at a Council Meeting by another Member. Such Member may exercise proxy votes on behalf of the Members they are representing. To obtain voting papers, representatives, or proxies of qualified Members should call at the Voting Office during the hours set out in note 4 above, with the IFLA Voting Card of the member concerned. The IFLA Voting Card should all carry the name of the representative or proxy, and the signature of the competent authority of the Member concerned.
  7. The deadline for submitting motions and resolutions to the Secretary General is Wednesday 6th August, 12:00. They may be handed in to the Secretariat offices. Please make sure that the text is legible and signed by both the proposer, and seconder in the case of a general resolution.
  8. Motions: a Motion is a proposal that the Council take certain action or that it express itself as holding certain views. A motion must be seconded. A motion may be made from the floor in a Council meeting, but must, at the same time, be handed over in writing to the Chair. A motion may be proposed and seconded by: Authorised representatives of Members, IFLA Officers [Members of the Governing Board, Directors and Officers of Core Activities, Chairs, Secretaries and Treasurers of Divisions, and Chairs and Secretaries of Sections].
  9. Resolutions: two types of Resolutions are recognised: general resolutions and professional resolutions.
    1. A general resolution is defined as a written statement aiming at a decision (be it resolved that …"). Such resolutions can be made by authorised representatives of Members and IFLA Officers (see definition in Note 6 above) only.
    2. A professional resolution is defined as a written statement indicating an intention or a position which needs further clarification by one of IFLA's professional steering bodies before any follow-up can be expected. A professional resolution needs no seconder and can take any form. No discussion normally follows acceptance of a professional resolution, although clarification can be sought and provided at the discretion of the Chair. A professional resolution may be submitted by authorised representatives of Members, or persons acting on behalf of the Core Activities, Divisions, and Sections.


Latest Revision: September 23, 2003 Copyright ©
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions