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World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council

Access Point Library:
Media - Information - Culture

1 - 9 August 2003, Berlin, Germany
Patron: German Federal President Johannes Rau






arrow Read the article by Claudia Lux:
The German Library System: structure and new developments


Individual Library Visits

Organized Library Visits

Comprehensive General Libraries

Public Libraries

Academic and Research Libraries

Special Libraries

Governmental and Law Libraries

Medical Libraries

Art Libraries

Music Libraries

Historic Libraries

Information Centres

Professional Visits




Library Visits

Individual Library Visits

Individual library visits are offered by many of the Berlin and Brandenburg libraries and can be arranged during the conference on request at the desk for individual library visits in the registration area. In some libraries, individual tours may be offered in various languages. Public transportation is included in the conference fee.

Organized Library Visits

Half-day tours to libraries and information centres in Berlin and Brandenburg will be offered mainly on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. The language of choice will be English unless stated otherwise. Please indicate your choice on the conference registration form and confirm on-site when registering. Please note that for security reasons, some of the libraries require a firm reservation in advance. Conference delegates will travel in groups from the ICC to the various libraries by public transportation. The times given below indicate the start of each library tour.

Comprehensive General Libraries

1. Berlin State Library – Foundation Prussian Cultural Heritage

1A. House 1 Unter den Linden

Monday, 4 August, 10.00 hrs (German/English), 12.00 hrs (English/Japanese/German), 14.00 hrs (Russian/Korean/German), 16.00 hrs (English/German)

Tuesday, 5 August, 10.00 hrs (English/Italian), 12.00 hrs (Polish/German), 14.00 hrs (French/Danish), 16.00 hrs (English/German)

Wednesday, 6 August, 10.00 hrs (French/English), 12.00 hrs (English/German), 14.00 hrs (Russian/Chinese/English), 16.00 hrs (English/German)

Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs (German/Korean), 12.00 hrs (English/Dutch/German), 14.00 hrs (French/Italian/Chinese), 16.00 hrs (English/German)

Friday, 8 August, 10.00 hrs (Polish/English), 12.00 hrs (English/German), 14.00 hrs (Russian/German), 16.00 hrs (English/Danish)

1B. House 2 Potsdamer Straße

Monday, 4 August, 10.00 hrs (German/English/French), 12.00 hrs (English/Persian/Spanish), 14.00 hrs (French/English/Polish), 16.00 hrs (English/German/Korean)

Tuesday, 5 August, 10.00 hrs (German/English/Chinese), 12.00 hrs (English/Czech/German), 14.00 hrs (Italian/French/German), 16.00 hrs (English/German/Amharic)

Wednesday, 6 August, 10.00 hrs (German/Polish/English), 12.00 hrs (English/Japanese/Spanish), 14.00 hrs (Italian/English/German), 16.00 hrs (French/Korean/English)

Friday, 8 August, 10.00 hrs (German/English), 12.00 hrs (English/Czech/German), 14.00 hrs (Japanese/English/German), 16.00 hrs (English/German)

1C. Westhafen (old harbour storage building)

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 15.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Both buildings of the Berlin State Library with a combined collection of 10 million items and 38,000 journals in all languages and from all regions of the world form the largest comprehensive general library in Germany. The collection also includes a large number of rare books and special collections of manuscripts, printed music, cartographic material, parliamentary papers, newspapers, children’s literature, as well as regional departments such as the one for Eastern Europe, the Orient, and East Asia. Guided tours in various languages take place in both buildings and in addition also in the newspaper repository located in an old harbour storage building.

2. The Institute for Advanced Study Berlin, Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Situated at a small campus in the Grunewald district, the library is a reference library exclusively to support the research conducted by Fellows of the Wissenschaftskolleg. The librarians support the Fellows in their bibliographic work and provide access to the scholarly and scientific holdings of other Berlin libraries, and if necessary, of libraries elsewhere in Germany. The Fellows Library consists of approximately 3,000 monographs and 2,000 offprints which were either donated or written by former and current Fellows.

3. Berlin Central and Regional Library (ZLB)

Date: every day from Monday, 4 August to Friday, 8 August, 11.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

As the regional library for the capital Berlin, the ZLB is an urban centre of communication, referance transactions and information transfer. Together, both sites provide more than 2.3 million units of electronic and printed media, user Internet PCs, and online retrieval terminals. Free access to all kinds of information and professional services are of longstanding tradition in both libraries. As a combination of public and research library, the ZLB provides special collections and databases on all fields of knowledge, fiction, travel guides, multimedia centres for children and young adults, and much more.

In addition to the general tours in one or both buildings, special tours are also offered focussing on:

3A. The America Memorial Library

Date: every day from Monday, 4 August to Friday, 8 August, 11.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation
Specialities: Information Competencies and Literacy, Humanities and Social sciences, Art/Theatre/Media, Music, Junior Library

3B. Berlin City Library with Centre for Berlin Studies

Date: every day from Monday, 4 August to Friday, 8 August, 11.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation
Natural Science, Law/Economics, Health/Medicine, Historical Collections, Centre for Berlin Studies

Public Libraries

4. The Humboldt Library in Reinickendorf

Date: Wednesday, 6 August 14.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August 10.00 hrs and 12.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

In 1989, the Humboldt Library at the Tegel port was established as a public library in the context of the IBA - International Building Exhibition - by the American architect Charles Moore in post modern style. In the library network of the municipal library Reinickendorf, about 384,000 media of all kinds are available to the reader. The Humboldt Library offers to its users nine multimedia workstations with Internet access. With its rich calendar of events filled with readings and exhibitions, it has become the local information centre and venue for cultural meetings.

5. The Philipp Schaeffer Library

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 11.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

This modern and generously designed public library in the city centre of Berlin is located near the former "Scheunenviertel", with its successful architectural shape blending well with the famous avant-garde quarter. Since its re-opening in 1996, the library offers modern technology and outstanding services (e.g. a search service, a call center, a Café). In addition to the integrated children’s library, the music and film centre as well as the computer centre are especially noteworthy. In 2000, the Library was a winner in the national benchmarking competition of public libraries (called BIX) arranged by the Bertelsmann Foundation.

6. The Municipal Library Spandau, Main Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 14.00 hrs
Additional visit: Friday, 8 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Spandau’s main library functions as an important cultural institution within the borough offering an extensive range of multimedia for education, information and entertainment, its target group emphasis on schools and kindergartens, and special events for children and adults. The collection includes 220,000 media. The Main Library forms the centre of the municipal library system (total stock 470,000 media) which includes two mobile libraries as well as the book and cassette service for seniors and the disabled. Since 2001, the Library is located in the pedestrian district of the old part of Spandau in a building classified as historical monument.

Academic and Research Libraries

7. European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), University Library and Collegium Polonicum

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Important Note: Reservation required before 1 June 2003, Passport must be presented
by Bus

In addition to providing literature and information for the European University, the University Library functions as a general research library for the city of Frankfurt (Oder). Due to the specific profile of the European University, specific tasks have arisen for the Library which include the joint German-Polish project "Collegium Polonicum" in the neighbouring city of Slubice where the library of the European University co-operates with the Adam-Mickiewicz-University of Poznan in the establishment of a separate library. The "Collegium Polonicum" serves as a new model of transnational co-operation in the area of research and education. The visit includes a guided tour in both libraries and the Dedecius Archives.

8. Free University of Berlin, University Library

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

The University Library is an academic and research library emphasising on the humanities and social sciences. Since 1999, all specialized literature is collected in de-centralized special libraries distributed over different locations on the FU campus. The information centre of the library provides extensive CD-ROM and database resources. The generous reading rooms also offer places for blind readers with specially equipped cubicles. The tour participants will visit different departmental libraries of the FU Berlin, as well as the building project of the Philological Library designed by Norman Foster.

9. The Film and Television Academy "Konrad Wolf" (HFF) and The German Broadcast Archive

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Established in 1956, the Babelsberg Film School’s library consists of four divisions: the library, the newspaper clippings archive, the AV-media archive, and the video collection. In 1993, the former Central Film Library in Berlin merged with the Film School Library in Babelsberg. The nearly complete film and media literature published in the GDR resides now in the HFF library. In addition to the complete collection of screenplays from the DEFA (the former East German state film studios), the Library contains specialised items of literature from Eastern Europe in the original languages and pre-1945 film literature. The tour will start at the German Broadcast Archive, where the TV and Broadcast archives of the former GDR are collected.

10. Humboldt University Berlin, University Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

The University Library of the Humboldt University of Berlin is one of the largest university libraries of the Federal Republic with a collection of nearly 6 million bibliographic units. Next to the systematically collected modern literature, an extensive historical collection is offered which remained almost completely undamaged during World War II. The Library consists of the central University Library and 23 branch libraries. In the context of this guided tour on the campus Unter den Linden mainly libraries in the humanities will be visited.

11. Humboldt University Berlin, Erwin Schrödinger Centre Adlershof

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

In the south-east of Berlin, a completely new quarter spreading over an area of 420 hectares is being developed: "Berlin Adlershof - the city of science, economics and media". It offers an interesting mixture of future-oriented enterprises, academic and non-academic institutes. The information and communication centre to be completed there by the end of 2002 integrates the libraries of the research and technical departments as well as the computing centre of the Humboldt University. It also serves as a public research library and offers an information service for all institutes and companies located on the so-called WISTA (Wissenschafts- und Wirtschaftsstandortes Berlin-Adlershof) Campus.

12. Technical University of Berlin, University Library
Department for Architecture and Art History, collection of architectural drawings

Date: Tuesday, 5 August, 10.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 14.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Established in 1879 as the Technical Polytechnic, the Technical University of Berlin has since developed into the largest Technical University in Germany. Almost 2.7 million books are now available in the University’s Library collections. Since 1884, the Library has been located in the University’s main building. Almost the entire collection of 250,000 volumes destroyed during World War II had to be replaced. The guided tour will focus on a recent project for a new library building funded partly by the Volkswagen AG and on the departmental library of architecture and art history including the famous collection of architectural drawings.

13. University Potsdam, University Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs
Transportation: by Bus

The University Library is the largest research library in Brandenburg and the central service unit for scientific literature and information resources of the university. Organized as an integrated library system, the library consists of three departmental libraries distributed over the three sites of the University, i.e. Babelsberg, Golm, and Am Neuen Palais. Furthermore, there are five smaller sectional libraries and the associated University Archive. The visit will focus on the main building Am Neuen Palais, which is located at the Sanssouci Castle Park.

Special Libraries

14. "Albert Einstein Research Park", Library, Potsdam

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.30 hrs and Friday, 8 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: by Bus

The Telegrafenberg in Potsdam was established in the 19th century as a research campus and consists of interesting buildings such as the "Einstein Tower" built by Mendelssohn. The library of the "Albert Einstein Research Park" provides specialized information mainly to scientists of the institutes located at the "Telegrafenberg", but also to students and researchers of the regional universities and to the general public. It is the joint library of the GeoResearchCentre Potsdam, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the Potsdam Research Unit of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research.

15. The British Council Information Centre

Date: Tuesday, 5 August, Wednesday, 6 August, Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Located at the heart of Berlin at Hackescher Markt, the British Council Information Centre offers a wide range of custom-designed research facilities on all aspects of modern Great Britain to the general public. The collection focuses on contemporary culture and society issues in the UK, with many samples of and information on current British literature, film, arts, and society. The holdings include English language learning media, special material for young learners and many electronic resources, such as CD-ROMS and DVDs.

16. The Central Archives of the Evangelical Church in Berlin (EZA)

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

The Central Archives of the Evangelical Church in Berlin (EZA) were founded in 1979 as a result of the merger of the Archive of the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD) and the Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Union (EKU). It stores and manages the archival papers and records on the history of Protestant churches in Germany since the 19th century. The "Parish Registry" forms an interesting department of the EZA consisting of around 8,000 parish registries from the former Eastern church province of the Old Prussian Union and 763 military church registries of the former Prussian armed forces and the German military service. The visit includes both the library and the archive.

17. House of the Wannsee Conference, Joseph Wulf Library-Multimedia Centre

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

In 1942, representatives of civil servants and SS-officers met in this mansion to negotiate the organisation and implementation of the "Final Solution" (the decision to deport the Jews of Europe to the East and to murder them). Since 1992, the mansion located at the Wannsee Lake is a memorial and educational centre. The Joseph Wulf Library collection relates to the history of the Jews in Europe, anti-Semitism, National Socialism, racism, neo-Nazism, memorial culture, and the confrontation with the history of National Socialism from 1945 till today. A considerable part of the holdings is in languages other than German. The guided tour includes the permanent exhibition and a discussion on the pedagogical work of the centre.

18. Ibero-American Institute – Prussian Heritage Foundation

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs (Spanish), Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs (English), Thursday, 7 August, 14.00 hrs (Portuguese)
Transportation: Public transportation

The Ibero-American Institute - Prussian Heritage Foundation, founded in 1930, is a centre of interdisciplinary scientific and cultural exchange focussing on Latin America, Spain and Portugal. With holdings of 800,000 books, 4,500 periodicals, 21,000 audio-media and 66,000 maps, the Institute houses Europe‘s largest library specializing in Ibero-American culture. It is a non-university research centre and is dedicated to enhancing the dialogue between Germany, Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

19. Information Resource Centre of the Amerika Haus - US Embassy

(Date: Wednesday, 6 August 13.30 hrs and Thursday, 7 August 10.00 hrs)

CANCELLED: Both dates of this visit as included in the Final Announcement had to be cancelled. Delegates who were already booked to one of these visits will be changed to their second or third choice they made on their registration form.

20. Maecenata Institute, Information Centre

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 15.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 10.30 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

The aim of the Maecenata Institute for Third Sector Studies as the organised basis of civil society is to promote knowledge and understanding of the third sector through academic research, documentation and information, as well as exchanges amongst academics, public leaders and professionals in the field. The Institute collects, files, evaluates and publishes information on Third Sector organisations and foundations as well as publications on both, the sector and research. The Information Centre includes books, journals, a collection of unpublished materials and electronic information. The database on German foundations is available on the Internet.

21. Foundation "Archives of the Political Parties and Mass Organisations of the GDR" in the Federal Archives, Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 14.00 hrs
Transportation: by Bus

The Federal Archives collect documents created by central authorities of the Deutscher Bund (1815-1866), the Reich (1867/71-1945), the occupation zones (1945-1949), the German Democratic Republic (1949-1990) and the Federal Republic of Germany (since 1949). In Berlin, the Federal Archives include the "Federal Film Archives", the departments "Deutsches Reich", "German Democratic Republic" and the "Foundation Archives of the Political Parties and Mass Organisations of the GDR". The latter consisting of the archives and a library. The library comprises the former collections of the libraries of political parties and mass organisations of the GDR, and the libraries of the departments "Deutsches Reich" and "German Democratic Republic". The guided tour also gives an impression of the work of the other departments of the Federal Archives.

22. Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB), Library

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs and 14.00 hrs
Public transportation

The WZB library is a resource for professionals working and conducting research in the Research Centre. Most of the collection is housed in the eight story "Library Tower" designed by Sir James Stirling. The library collection includes around 130,000 volumes of social, political and economic professional literature with more than 10,000 WZB research publications and 600 current serials. Library services are adjusted to the structure and content of the research conducted at the WZB. The guided tour will focus on library management, specifically the impact of executive and social competencies on the quality of services and the extent of innovative behaviour.

Governmental and Law Libraries

23. Berlin House of Representatives, Library and Documentation Centre

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Important Note: Identity card required
Public transportation

The library and documentation centre of the House of Representatives mainly provides delegates, parliamentary personnel and the internal administration with information and literature. The holdings include about 110.000 monographs and 550 journals. The press documentation analyses Berlin-specific articles from regional and other German language newspapers. All documents concerning the parliamentary process during the last five election periods can be retrieved in plain text from a database via WWW. The library is located in the re-constructed building of the earlier Prussian Federal State Parliament.

24. Foreign Office, Library and Political Archives

Date: Thursday, 7 August 9.30 hrs
Important Note: Identity card required
: Public transportation

The Library is the central service unit of the German Foreign Office to provide headquarters and departments abroad with information and literature. The collection of 290,000 units and 550 journals focuses on international law, European law, public law, foreign affairs, intergovernmental organisations, the history since 1870, and economics. Established in 1920, the Political Archives include about 25,000 shelf meters of printed material, in particular international law contracts of the German Reich, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, as well as the documents of the Foreign Office and the representations abroad.

Medical Libraries

25. Schering AG, ISL Information Services and Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

ISL Information Services and Library is the central information department of an international pharmaceutical enterprise. To support the company’s own research and development, the department includes a large internal library with extensive journal collections on-line and offline. In addition, the department offers various information services such as the delivery of information, archives, end-user systems, news services and internal databases. The information work focuses on Intranet offers allowing access to relevant information offsite and competencies networks bringing together experts from the company’s different areas.

38. Medical Library of the Charité - Campus Virchow Clinical Centre

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 16.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 10:00 hrs

The Charité Medical Library provides for the necessary media for more than 2500 scientists and 5000 students in Europe's largest clinical centre. Its information infrastructure offers a great variety of digital media and user oriented networked resources (immediate acces to full-texts, efficient document delivery, etc.). Five years ago a historical pavilion at the "Campus Virchow-Klinikum" was completely renovated and converted into a library. The light-flooded building with three inner courtyards and a reading-room covered with greenery offers perfect conditions for conventional ways of learning. But modern forms of problem-orientated and multimedia learning making new demands on the library will also be presented.

Art Libraries

26. Berlin Film Museum - Deutsche Kinemathek, Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August 14.00 hrs (French), Thursday, 7 August, 14.00 hrs (English)
Public transportation

Since 1999, the former special library of the German Film and Television Academy of Berlin forms part of the Berlin Film Museum. The library collection contains between 60,000 and 70,000 media units and covers publications related to film history, the history of photography, film theory, film criticism, film aesthetics, individual films, film category, film technology, film industry, film scripts and a large collection of film-specific reference books. In addition to books and grey literature, the library possesses an important collection of German and international film magazines, amounting to a total of about 220 current magazine subscriptions and over 7,000 magazine titles.

27. Berlin State Museums – Prussian Cultural Heritage, Berlin Art Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs, Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

The Berlin Art Library with its 350,000 volumes is one of the most important special libraries for art scholarship in Germany. Founded in 1868 as an exemplary collection of the German Trade Museum, the predecessor of today's Museum of Arts and Crafts ("Kunstgewerbemuseum"), it has been located in the "Cultural Forum" near Potsdamer Platz since 1994. It acquires scientific literature on the European history of art from late ancient times to the present and holds 1,300 international magazines. The Applied Arts Section holds several collections of prints and drawings, graphic collections, in particular the "Lipperheidische Costume Library", an ornamental engravings collection and the collection of posters and book art.

Music Libraries

28. Die Deutsche Bibliothek – German Music Archive Berlin (DMA)

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 15.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs, Thursday, 7 August, 9.00 hrs and 11.00 hrs
Transportation: by Bus

The German Music Archive Berlin holds the central collection of music and recorded music and is the bibliographic information centre for music in Germany. Founded in 1970, it was affiliated as a department with the Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main, continuing the work of the "Deutsche Musik-Phonothek" (1961-1969). The basis of its collection are the statutory copies of publications submitted to the German Music Archive Berlin by German music publishers and producers of recorded music in accordance with the legal deposit regulations of 1973. Printed music has been continually supplemented since 1945. The collection of recorded music on sound carriers like shellac disks, piano rolls and cylinders dates back to early production of sound carriers in 1877.

Historic Libraries

29. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 15.00 hrs, Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Located in a historical building near the State Library House 1, the Academy Library was established in the 18th century and now includes 850,000 volumes and 1,300 journals, and 150,000 manuscripts of the members of the academy. They represent a unique collection on the history of science and the period of Enlightenment. The library also contains several special collections: the dissertations of the former members of the GDR Academy of Science, the publications of the Academy’s own publishing house "Akademieverlag" (1946-1991) and numerous first editions, prize publications and memorial speeches. There are more than 30 long-term scientific edition projects.

30. Library for Research on Educational History (BBF), German Institute for International Educational Research

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

Based on the collections of the former German Teachers Library founded in 1876 and integrated into the Central Library of Education in 1951, the BBF includes also various other collections representing today the second largest special library on education in Europe. In the new building close to the Spree, the library holds a total of 690,000 units including numerous educational source documents from 1496 to 1900 and educational journals from 1739 to1945 as well as an archive with the legacies of Friedrich Fröbel, Adolph Diesterweg, Adolf Reichwein and Berthold Otto, among others.

Information Centres

31. German Historical Museum (DHM) - Library, Exhibition, Living Museum Online, Virtual Library

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Public transportation

The Library of the DHM is a research library specialising in German history. It maintains special collections for rare books (historical testimonies), on military history, newspapers, almanacs, annuals, museum and exhibition catalogues. Some of the most significant materials are digitised in the "Virtual Library". In order to meet the demands of a modern museum, the "Zeughaus" which houses the DHM, is under reconstruction and will be extended by a spectacular building designed by the American architect I.M. Pei. The guided tour starts in the Library, continues with the exhibition "Idea Europe" in the (then) newly opened Pei-Building and finishes with an introduction to the virtual exhibition system" LEMO" (Living Museum Online).

32. Fachinformationszentrum Chemie GmbH (FIZ Chemie Berlin)

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 13.30 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 9.30 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

FIZ Chemie Berlin, the German Chemistry Information Centre, functions as a major scientific information and documentation centre for chemistry in close collaboration with its corporate associates, such as the DECHEMA e.V. (German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology), as well as other scientific and technical information centres. The activities of FIZ Chemie Berlin include the maintenance of databases (e.g. ChemInform RX), software packages, printed information services, as well as activities in the e-learning sector.

33. Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB), Department of Information und Documentation

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

The collection of the Jewish Museum Berlin is based on the Berlin-focussed resources of the former Jewish Department of the Berlin Museum. A spectacular extension designed by Daniel Libeskind was added to its historic building. Its holdings have now been expanded to provide a comprehensive picture of German-Jewish history, rather than solely that of Berlin's Jews. In addition to current research literature, the library contains a large collection of books on the history and religion of German-speaking Jews. The JMB also offers a media resource centre as a learning centre for the educational work of the Museum.

34. Federal Press Office (BPA), Federal Photo Archives, Central Documentation System, Press Archives and Library

Date: Wednesday, 6 August 14.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August 10.00 hrs
Transportation: Public transportation

The Federal Photo Archives illustrate the political activities of the Federal President, the Chancellery and the Ministries. The picture collection is largely open to the public and includes about 2 million photographs on a variety of topics like buildings, landscapes, towns, countries and various branches of industry. The Central Documentation System (BPA-DOK) is an internal archive and information system, which collects, evaluates and systematically organises relevant political information from different sources. BPA-DOK provides more than 15 databases with about 6.7 million units since 1968. The library of the Federal Press Office was founded in 1949 and offers open access to materials on public relations, media, politics and contemporary history. The collection of the Press Archives include about 2,500 domestic and foreign news publications.

35. German Institute for International Politics and Security Affairs, Department of Scientific Information

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs and Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Important Note: Identity card required
Public transportation

The German Institute for International Politics and Security Affairs is an independent research centre that advises the German Parliament and the German Federal Government on all matters relating to German foreign and security policy. Since its establishment in 1962 in Ebenhausen near Munich, the Institute has gained an excellent reputation both in Germany and abroad owing to its publications, analyses, and international conferences. In January 2001, the Institute moved to Berlin. The guided tour will focus on the model of a multilingual database suited for international co-operation and common use.

Professional Visits

36. Co-operative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV)

Date: Wednesday, 6 August, 14.00 hrs
Public transportation

The Co-operative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV) is a service institution funded by the Länder Berlin and Brandenburg and their scientific libraries. The technical core of the KOBV is its search machine which – without creating a union catalogue - can search the majority of collections and media forms in the Berlin-Brandenburg region simultaneously with a single query. It also offers a variety of navigation possibilities. Due to the decentralized structure, the KOBV can accommodate a diversity of library systems: libraries can choose locally a system which fits their needs. The vision of the KOBV is an Internet-based information portal for Berlin and Brandenburg accessible at any place and any time, adjusted to the needs of the users.

37. The "Bückeburg Conservation Procedure" in the Neschen Archive Center

Date: Thursday, 7 August, 10.00 hrs
Transportation: by Bus

Experts of the archives sector have described the Bückeburg Conservation Procedure as "the procedure appropriate to modern archival material". Its readiness for production was preceded by many years of development work carried out first by experts of the Lower Saxony.
State Archives and later by Neschen AG. In January 2000, a conservation plant was installed in the building of the Federal Archives in Berlin Hoppegarten to conserve the archive documents "on the spot". The machine is also used by other agencies and archives. Following the presentation of the machine and the conservation procedure, participants will be invited to a cruise along the riverbanks of Havel and Spree including lunch.


Latest Revision: 17 July 2003 Copyright ©
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
ld part of Spandau in a building classified as historical monument.