SC 98-21 Andreas Brandt, Manfred Brandt: On a Two-Queue Priority System with Impatience and its
Application to a Call Center Appeared in: Methodology and Computing in Applied
Probability 1 (1999) 191-210
Abstract: We consider a s-server system with two FCFS queues, where
the arrival
rates at the queues and the service rate may depend on the number n
of customers being in service or in the first queue, but the service rate
is assumed to be constant for n>s. The customers in the first queue
are impatient. If the offered waiting time exceeds a random maximal
waiting time I, then the customer leaves the first queue after time I.
If I is less than a given deterministic time then he leaves the system
else he transits to the end of the second queue. The customers in the
first queue have priority. The service of a customer from the second queue
will be started if the first queue is empty and more than a given number
of servers become idle. For the model being a generalization of the
system balance conditions for the density of
the stationary state process are derived yielding the stability conditions
and the probabilities that precisely n customers are in service or in
the first queue. For obtaining performance measures for the second queue
a system approximation basing on fitting impatience intensities is
constructed. The results are applied to the performance analysis of a
call center with an integrated voice-mail-server. For an important special
case a stochastic decomposition is derived illuminating the connection
to the dynamics of the
Keywords: two queues,
many server,
server reservation,
occupancy distribution,
waiting time distribution,
approximate system,
stochastic decomposition,
call center application
MSC: 60K25, 68M20, 60G10