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Solution of the Time-Dependent Schroedinger Equation for Highly Symmetric Potentials

SC 99-11 Burkhard Schmidt, Petra Zdanska: Solution of the Time-Dependent Schroedinger Equation for Highly Symmetric Potentials

Abstract: A method to solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a highly symmetric potential energy surface is developed. The angular dependence of the quantum-mechanical wavepacket to be propagated is expanded in spherical harmonics where the number of close-coupled equations for the corresponding radial functions can be efficiently reduced by symmetry adaption of the rotational basis. Various techniques to generate symmetry adapted spherical harmonics (SASHs) for the point groups of highest symmetry (octahedral, icosahedral) are discussed. Numerical instabilities occur for high angular momentum states when applying the standard technique based on transformations of spherical harmonics. Two methods to circumvent numerical instabilities occuring for the standard technique are suggested. The first is a recursive algorithm to generate high order SASHs from lower order ones. The second is a numerical scheme based on Gaussian quadratures which yields exact and stable results for a modest number of quadrature points. The technique of symmetry adapted wavepackets is applied to the photodissociation quantum dynamics of diatomic hydrogen-containing molecules embedded in rare gas clusters. Upon excitation of the molecule to a repulsive state, the hydrogenic wavepacket diffuses into the symmetric cage of the rare gas cluster.
Keywords: Schroedinger Equation, quantum mechanics, symmetry, group theory
PACS: 03.65.F, 31.15.H