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Differential Equation Problems in Real Life. Computational Concepts, Adaptive Algorithms, and Virtual Labs.

SC 99-34 Peter Deuflhard: Differential Equation Problems in Real Life. Computational Concepts, Adaptive Algorithms, and Virtual Labs.

Abstract: This series of lectures has been given to a class of mathematics postdocs at a European summer school in Martina Franca (organized by CIME). It deals with a variety of challenging real life problems selected from clinical cancer therapy, communication technology, polymer production, and pharmaceutical drug design. All of these problems from rather diverse application areas share two common features: (a) they have been modelled by various differential equations - elliptic, parabolic, or Schrödinger-type partial differential equations, countable ordinary differential equations, or Hamiltonian systems, (b) their numerical solution has turned out to be a real challenge to computational mathematics.
Before diving into actual computation, the computational concepts to be applied are carefully considered. To start with, any numerical analyst must be prepared to totally remodel problems coming from science or engineering. The computational problems to be treated should be well-posed, important features of any underlying continuous model should be passed on, if at all possible, to the discrete model, and the computational resources employed (computing time, storage, graphics) should be adequate.
Speaking in mathematical terms, the solutions to be approximated live in appropriate infinite dimensional function spaces. Examples given in the paper are Sobolev spaces, discrete weighted sequence spaces, or certain statistically weighted function spaces. The mathematical paradigm advocated herein is that - already due to mathematical aesthetics - any infinite dimensional space should not be represented by just a single finite dimensional space (with possibly large dimension), but by a well-designed sequence of finite dimensional spaces, which successively exploit the asymptotic properties characterizing the original function space. The fascinating, but (for a mathematician) not really surprising experience is that mathematical aesthetics go directly with computational efficiency. In other words, a careful and sufficiently ingenious realization of the above paradigm will lead to efficient algorithms that actually work in challenging real life problems. The reason for this coincidence of aesthetics and efficiency lies in the fact that function spaces describe some data redundancy that can be exploited in the numerical solution process. In order to exploit these redundancies, adaptivity of algorithms is one of the key construction principles. Typically, wherever adaptivity has been successfully realized, algorithms with a computational complexity close to the (unavoidable) complexity of the problem emerge - a feature of extreme importance especially in difficult problems of science, technology, or medicine.
In traditional industrial environments, however, new efficient mathematical algorithms are not automatically accepted - even if they significantly supercede already existing older ones (if not old-fashioned ones) within market dominating software systems. Exceptions do occur where simulation or optimization is a clear market competition factor. Due to this experience the authors group has put a lot of effort in the design of virtual labs. These specialized integrated software systems permit a fast and convenient switch between numerical code and interactive visualization tools (that we also develop, but do not touch here). Sometimes only such virtual labs open the door to hospitals or industrial labs for new mathematical ideas.
Keywords: differential equations:, ordinary, partial, countable, hamiltonian, finite element methods:, adaptive, multilevel, grid generation, medical therapy planning, integrated optics, polymer chemistry, biochemistry, drug design
MSC: 65-02, 65C05, 65C20, 65F15, 65J10, 65L05, 65L08, 65N25, 65N30, 65N55, 65U05, 65Y25, 78-08, 78A50