

Born 1822. Red Cloud received his name, in recognition of his bravery, from his father after the latter's death. Before this his name had been Two Arrows, Wan-nónpa. His brother-in-law, Nachíli, gave him medicine tied up in a little deerskin bag. Always before going to war Red Cloud rubbed this over his body. All the tribe regarded his medicine as very potent. He first gained notice as a leader by his success at Fort Phil Kearny in 1866, when he killed Captain Fetterman and eighty soldiers. In the following year he led a large party, two to three thousand, it is said, in an attack on a wood train at the same post, but was repulsed with great loss. Previously only chief of the Bad Face band of Oglala, he became head-chief of the tribe after the abandonment of Fort Phil Kearny. Red Cloud was prevented from joining in the Custer fight by the action of General Mackenzie in disarming him and his camp.