Bibliographical Note
When George Washington organized the first American army in 1775, the organization of divisions and brigades almost immediately became a subject for discussion, but no comprehensive study has ever been published about their evolution in the United States military. This study, prepared from a wide range of sources, was intended to fill that gap. Many of the sources consulted are part of the archival holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, D.C. Although many record groups in the National Archives were searched, the following groups were particularly useful: 165, records of the War Department and special staffs; 168, records of the National Guard Bureau; 177, records of the Chief of Arms; 94 and 407, records of the Adjutant General; 393 and 394, records of the U.S. Army Continental Commands; and 337, records of Headquarters, Army Ground Forces. At the Military History Institute (MHI), Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, the records of the Army War College, 1920-40, were a rich source of information. Also valuable were the holdings in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., which house the papers of Leonard Wood, John J. Pershing, John McAuley Palmer, George Van Horn Moseley, John L. Hinds, Charles L. Scott, and others. The George C. Marshall Foundation, Lexington, Virginia; the Command and General Staff College Library, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; the Infantry Center and School Library, Fort Benning, Georgia; the Institute of Heraldry Library, Fort Belvoir, Virginia; and the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky, all were helpful in locating and providing documents. Since World War 11, the weekly newspaper Army Times has been a source of information about the Army, and routinely information about divisions and brigades has been culled from it by members of the Center of Military History.
The official publications of the War Department and the Department of the Army were essential to the study. They included the periodic General Regulations of the United States Army; Field Service Regulations, United States Army; and Official Army Registers; and War Department and Department of the Army regulations, general orders, circulars, bulletins, and field manuals. Another collection of official material that proved to be invaluable in preparing the work was the published Annual Reports of the War Department. Within those reports, the most frequently cited were the Report of the Secretary of War Report of the Major

General Commanding the Army, Report of the Chief of Staff, Report of the Adjutant General, and Report of the Chief of the Militia Bureau, later the Report of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau. Between 1920 and 1941 the reports were basically limited to those of the Secretary of War, the Chief of Staff, and Chief of the National Guard Bureau (the last still being published annually). Between 1948 and 1968 the reports pertaining to activities of the Department of the Army were published in the Department of Defense Reports. After 1968 the Department of the Army Historical Summaries carried on the tradition of the official Reports of the War Department. Since 1939 reports of the Chief of Staff of the Army have been published intermittently under various titles. All of the official publications listed in the notes are in the library of the U.S. Army Center of Military History (DAMN), Washington, D.C., and when cited in the notes no location was given.
The third category of documents that proved particularly significant was the unpublished annual summaries or reviews that the major commands have prepared since World War II. They included documents prepared by the Office, Chief of Army Field Forces (OCAFF), U.S. Continental Army Command (CONARC), U.S. Army Combat Developments Command (CDC), U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR), U.S. Army, Pacific (USARPAC), and others, which are a part of the holdings of the Historical Records Branch, US. Army Center of Military History, cited as DAMH-HSR.
Although many types of documents have been consulted, tables of organization and equipment (TOE) published in the twentieth century served as the skeleton for the study. The Army first published TOES in 1914 as an aid to mobilization planning, and many are required to describe a division or separate combined arms brigade. To list all used in preparing this study is prohibitive, but those cited in the notes are available in the Organizational History Branch of the Center, cited as DAMH-HSO. Along with the TOES, the subject files in the Organizational History Branch pertaining to such topics as the National Guard, Army Reserve, mobilizations, and other areas involving units; the adjutant general reference files and the unit historical data cards, both of which contain data about the changes in status of units, were indispensable. The last group of files in the Organizational History Branch without which the study could not have been prepared was the unit files. They also contain letters of instructions for changes in status of units, general orders from the commands implementing those instructions, studies prepared by staff officers concerning the organizations, newspaper articles about the units, and sundry miscellaneous papers about them.
The selective bibliography that follows has been divided into books, journals, and unpublished manuscripts.

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