Endnotes for Chapter XI

1 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy, 1961 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1962), p. 401.
2 Robert A. Doughty, The Evaluation of US Army- Tactical Doctrine, 1946 76: Leavenworth Papers (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: Combat Studies Institute, 1979), p. 19.
3 Modern Mobile Army 1965-1970 (U) (Short Title: MOMAR 1), (Fort Monroe, Va.: Continental Army Command, 1960), DAMH-HSO; Gordon B. Roger, "Ground Mobility," Armor 69 (Sep-Oct 1960): 24-26.
4 Ltr, OCofS to CG, CONARC, 16 Dec 60, sub: Reorganization of Infantry and Armored Divisions and Creation of a Mechanized Division, Division General file, DAMH-HSO.
5 Ibid.; Interview, author with Col George Sedberry, 19 Jun 78, DAMH-HSO; Memo, George Donmis for General Starry, sub: Historical Background of Three Versus Four Companies, 16 May 69, Historical Office, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC).
6 Interview, author with Eddleman, 18 Sep 74, DAMH-HSO; J. Perret-Gential, "Divisions Three or Five Elements?" Military Review 41 (Feb 1961): 16-25.
7 Ltr, CG, CONARC, to CofS, 1 Mar 61, sub: Reorganization Objective Army Divisions 1961-1965, ATCG 322 (Div), Division General file, DAMH-HSO; Reorganization Objective Army Divisions 1965 (hereafter cited as ROAD 65) (Fort Monroe, Va.: U.S. Army Continental Army Command, 1960). Some speculate that the ROAD concept was worked out at the Army War College before Eddleman instructed the command to undertake the study. (See Memo, Donmis to Starry, sub: Historical Background on Three Versus Four Companies.)
8 ROAD 65, Annex E.
9 Ibid., Annex A.
10 Ibid., Annex E, Annex F.
11 Ibid., Annex B.
12 Ltr, G-3, CONARC, to DCofS for Military Operations, DA, 10 Apr 61, sub: Preparation of TOE for ROAD-65 Concept, ATTNG-O&E 320.3, and Ltr, CofS to CG, CONARC, 13 Apr 61, sub: Reorganization of Army Divisions, both Division General file, DAMH-HSO.
13 TOE 7E (Draft), Infantry Division, undated; TOE 17E (Draft), Armored Division, undated; and TOE 37E (Draft), Mechanized Infantry Division, undated.
14 Memo for Record, CONARC, Combat Developments Plans Division, 23 Mar 61, sub: DCSOPS Preliminary Report to the Vice Chief of Staff on "Reorganization Objective Army Division 1965 (ROAD-65)," ATSWD-P 322 (Army), Division General file, DAMH-HSO.
15 Reorganization Objective Army Divisions 1965 (ROAD-65) Airborne Division (Fort Monroe, Va.: Continental Army Command, 1961), DAMH-HSO.
16 CONARC, "Summary of Major Events and Problems, FY 1962," vol. 3, pp. 3-7, DAMHHSR; TOE 57E, Airborne Division, 15 Aug 1963.
17 Ltr, CONARC to DCofS for Military Operations, 31 May 61, sub: ROAD-65 Type Brigade (Separate, Airborne), ATSND-P 322 (Div), and Ltr, CONARC to Commandant, U.S. Armor School, 28 Sep 61, sub: Separate Brigade Organizations Under ROAD, ATTNG-D&R (Div), both Brigade General file, DAMH-HSO.
18 Ltr, Powell to Eddleman, 23 Feb 61, Division General file, DAMH-HSO.
19 Kennedy, Papers of the Presidents, 196 1, p. 40 1.
20 Ibid., pp. 533-36; DA Bull 5, 1961.
21 Robert W. Coakley, Walter G. Hermes, James F. Schnabel, and Earl F. Ziemke, "U.S. Army Expansion and Readiness, 1961-1962," Ms, ch. 11, DAMH-HSR. The Strategic Army Force (STRAF) was comprised of units to provide a mobilization expansion base, a source of trained units and replacements to support forces deployed overseas, and a combat-ready element designed to serve as a readily available force for use wherever needed.
22 Ibid.; Executive Order 10957, DA Bull 5, 1961; Department of the Army, Forces in Depth, "One Army" in Action, 1961-1962 (Washington, D.C.: n.p., 1962) (hereafter cited as
[320] "One Army" in Action).
23 Forrest K. Kleinman, "Front and Center: The Changing Army," Army 12 (Feb 1962): 161Department of Defense Annual Report, FY 1962, pp. 100, 110, 113; Public Affairs Division, Big Lift 1963 (U.S. Army, Europe, 1963).
24 Kleinman, "Front and Center," pp, 17-18; Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third and Sixth Armies, and Chief of Engineers, 28 Nov 61, sub: Reorganization of Units, AGAO-O (M) 322 (6 Nov 61) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CG, Third U.S. Army, 27 Feb 62, sub: Reorganization of the 82d Airborne Division, AGAO (M) 322 (16 Feb 62) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USARPAC, 14 Jun 61, sub: Change in Status of Units, AGAO-0 (M) 322 (2 Jun 61) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USARPAC, 27 Mar 62, sub: Change in Status of Units, AGAO-0 (M) 322 (14 Mar 62) DCSPER, and Ltr, TAG to CG, Sixth U.S. Army, 15 Feb 62, sub: Reorganization of the 4th Infantry Division, AGAO-O (M) 322 (15 Feb 62) DCSPER, all AG Reference files, Historical Data Cards, Divisions, DAMHHSO.
25 Coakley et al., "Army Expansion, 1961-62," pp. 124-57 passim; Memo, Deputy See of Defense to See of Defense, sub: Plan for Activation of Two Additional Active Army Divisions, 18 Jan 62, Division General file, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and other addresses, 22 Jan 62, sub: Change in Status of Units, 22 Jan 62, AGAO-O (M) 322 (22 Jan 62) DCSPER, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and other addresses, 26 Jan 62, same subject, AGAO-0 (M) 322 (26 Jan 62) DCSPER, both AG Reference files, all DAMH-HSO.
26 Ltr, CofS, U.S. Army Infantry Center, to CGs, CONARC and Third U.S. Army, 12 Mar 62, sub: Reorganization of 1st Brigade under ROAD, AGICT (Adjutant General, Infantry Center), Ltr, CONARC to CG, U.S. Army Infantry Center, same subject, 13 Jun 62; ATUR-P&O (Unit Training and Readiness-Plans and Operation Branch, DF, DCofS/Unit Training and Readiness), CONARC, to DCG and CofS, CONARC, same subject, 23 May 62, and Ltr, TAG to CG, Third U.S. Army, 20 Sep 62, sub: Change in Status of 1st and 197th Infantry Brigade, AGAO-O (M) 322 (5 Sep 62) DCSPER, all 1st Brigade, 1st Inf Div, DAMH-HSO.
27 John W. Wike, "173d Airborne Brigade," Fact Sheet for DOD Hearings, 30 Apr 63, 173d Airborne Brigade file, DAMH-HSO; Ltr, TAG to CG, Third U.S. Army, 20 Sep 62, sub: Change in Status of 1st and 197th Infantry Brigade.
28 Ltr, TAG to CG, Third U.S. Army, 20 Sep 62, sub: Change in Status of 1stand 197th Infantry Brigade.
29 Matloff, American Military History, pp. 594-95; Memo, Cofs for SA, 15 Aug 62, sub: Schedule for Conversion of Army Divisions to ROAD, 320 (15 Aug 62), Division General file, DAMH-HSO; Ltr, OTAG to TAG, 27 Aug 62, sub: Change in Status of Unit, AGAO-O (M) 322 (15 Aug 62), GO 69, U.S. Army Caribbean, 1962, and Ltr, TAG to CG, U.S. Army Caribbean, 11 Feb 63, sub: Change in Status of Units, all 193d Inf Bde file, DAMH-HSO.
30 Department of Defense Annual Report, FY 1963, p. 109; Army News Service, Release No. 46, 19 Jul 62, SA Sends Message to Army National Guardsmen and Reservists, Berlin Crisis 1961-1962, Reference Paper files, DAMH-HSO; "One Army " in Action.
31 Department of Defense Annual Report, FY 1963, pp. 111-14; Joseph R. Wisnack, "Old Ironsides' Response to the Cuban Crisis," Army 13 (Apr 1963): 26-30; Ltr, 1st Armored Division to CG, III Corps, 20 Apr 63, Incl, sub: Historical Narrative of the 1st Armored Division in the Cuban Crisis, 1962, AKDFA-CG, 1st Armd Div file, DAMH-HSO.
32 Memo, CofS to SA, 15 Aug 62, sub: Schedule for Conversion of Army Divisions to ROAD.
33 Ibid.
34 Ibid.
35 Ibid.; Fact Sheet on Reorganization of Army Division (ROAD), 10 Jan 63, Division General file, DAMH-HSO.
36 Ltr, TAG to CG, Fourth U.S. Army, and other addresses, 31 May 63, sub: Reorganization of the 2d Armored Division Under ROAD, AGAO-O (M) (10 May 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USAREUR, 21 Jun 63, sub: Reorganization of 3d Armored Division Under ROAD TOE, AGAO-0 (M) (22 May 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USAREUR, 19 Jun 63, sub: Reorganization of the 4th Armored Division Under ROAD TOE, AGAO-O (M) (22 May 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC,
USARPAC, and CG, CONARC, 15 Jul 63, sub: Reorganization of the 1st Cavalry Division, AGAO0 (M) (14 Jun 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CG, Fifth U.S. Army, 23 Oct 63, sub: Reorganization of the 1stInfantry Division, AGAO-O (M) (30 Sep 63), DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USAREUR, and other addresses, 25 Jan 63, sub: Change in Status of Units, AGAO-O (M) (22 Jan 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CINCs, USAREUR and USARPAC, 23 May 63, sub: Reorganization of 3d Infantry Division, AGAO-O (M) (18 Apr 63) DCSPER, Lit, TAG to CGs, CONARC and Sixth U.S. Army, 21 Aug 63, sub: Reorganization of the 4th Infantry Division Under ROAD, AGAO-0 (M) (29 Jul 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USARPAC, and CG, CONARC, 7 Jun 63, sub: Reorganization of the 7th Infantry Division, AGAO-O (M) (31 May 63) DCSPER, Lit, OTAG to TAG, 20 Sep 63, sub: Change in Status of Units, 20 Sep 63, AGAO-O (M) (13 Sep 63), Ltr, TAG to CinC, USAREUR, 8 May 63, sub: Reorganization of the 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized), AGAO-O (10 Apr 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USARPAC, and CG, CONARC, 17 Jul 63, sub: Reorganization of the 25th Infantry Division, AGAO-O (M) (24 Jun 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CG, Third U.S. Army, 21 Jan 64, sub: Reorganization of STRAF Units, No. 18, FY 64, AGAO-O (M) (31 Dec 63) DCSPER, Ltr, TAG to CG, Third U.S. Army, 6 Mar 64, sub: Reorganization of STRAF Units, No. 58, FY 64, AGAO-0 (19 Feb 64) DCSPER, all AG Reference files, Historical Data Cards, Divisions, DAMH-HSO,- "8th Infantry Division," Soldiers 39 (Jan 1985): 13-14.
37 TOE 7E, Infantry Division, 1963; TOE 17E, Armored Division, 1963, TOE 37E, Mechanized Infantry Division, 1963, and TOE 57E, Airborne Division, 1963, and subordinate TOEs for each division-, Midgley, Deadly Illusions, p. 116.
38 Army News Service, "Reorganization of Army Forces," Release No. 4, 9 Jan 63, Division General file, DAMH-HSO; Memo, OCofS for DCofS and other addresses, 9 Sep 61, sub: Review of Plan to Reorganize and Realign the Reserve Components of the Army, 326 (9 Sep 61), Memo, ACof'S for Reserve Components (ACSRC) for CofS, 13 Dec 61, sub: White House Briefing, ACSRC-OT-M&P (Organization and Training-Mobilization and Personnel), Ltr, Under SA to F. Edward Hebert, 20 Jun 62, no subject, all Army Reserve file, DAMH-HSO.
39 Army News Service, "Army Announces Plans for Reorganization of Reserve Components," Release Number 29, 5 Apr 62, and Msg 922374, Chief of Information, DA to, CG, CONARC, and other addresses, 040007Z Dec 62, no subject, both Army Reserve file, DAMH-HSO; Lit, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and First U.S. Army, 25 Mar 63, sub: Reorganization of the 77th Infantry Division Under ROAD, AGAO-O (M) (18 Mar 63) OCAR, Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Second U.S. Army, 27 Mar 63, sub: Reorganization of the 83d Infantry Division Under ROAD, AGAO-O (M) (18 Mar 63) OCAR, Lit, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Third U.S. Army, 26 Mar 93, sub: Reorganization of 81st Infantry Division Under ROAD, AGAO-O (M) (18 Mar 63) OCAR, Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and other addresses, 22 Mar 63, sub: Reorganization of the 90th Infantry Division Under ROAD, AGAO-O (M) (18 Mar 63) OCAR, Lit, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Fifth U.S. Army, 26 Mar 63, sub: Reorganization of the 102d Infantry Division Under ROAD, AGAO-O (M) (18 Mar 63) OCAR, Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Sixth U.S. Army, 27 Mar 63, sub: Reorganization of 63d Infantry Division Under ROAD, AGAO-O (M) (18 Mar 63) OCAR, all AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO; "DA Publishes Details on Reorganization of the Army Reserve," Army Reservist 9 (Mar 1963): 6-10; TOE 29-70 IT, Command Headquarters, Divisional, 1963; Wilson, Armies, Corps, Divisions, and Separate Brigades, pp. 436, 523, 534; GO 1, XIV U.S. Army Corps, 1963, 103d Inf Div file, DAMH-HSO1- "'Cross of Lorraine Division' 79th Command HQ (Div)," Army Reserve Magazine 11 (Nov 1965): 4-5.
40 "The Guard Goes ROAD," National Guardsman 17 (Feb 1963): 2-4-1 News Release No. 665-63, "Army Reserve Components Complete Reorganization," 10 May 63, Army Reserve file, DAMH-HSO- Annual Report of the Chief National Guard Bureau, FY 1963, p. 27.
41 "The Guard Goes ROAD," pp. 2-4; see notes based on NG letters, 1963, copies in author files.
42 Memo, CofS for SA, 15 Aug 62, sub: Schedule for Conversion of Army Divisions to ROAD, 15 Aug 62, Army News Service, ROAD Reorganization of Army Forces, 9 Jan 63, Army News Service, Reorganization of Army Divisions Begins this Month at Fort 1St, Release No. 8, 22 Jan 63, all Division General file, DAMH-HSO. [322]
43 Ltr, TAG to CG, U.S. Army Combat Developments Command, 4 Dec 62, sub: Change in Status of Units, AGAO-O (M) (26 Nov 62) DCSPER, 194th Armd Bde file, Ltr, TAG to CG, U.S. Army, Alaska, 20 May 63, sub: Change in Status of Units, AGAO-O (M) (1 May 63) DCSPER, 171st Inf Bde file, Ltr, TAG to CinC, USARPAC, 2 May 63, sub: Activation of 173d Airborne Brigade, AGAO-O (M) (26 Mar 63) DCSPER, 173d Abn Bde file, and Ltr, TAG to CinC, USARPAC, 31 Jul 63, sub: Reorganization of the 173d Airborne Brigade, AGAO-O (M) (28 Jun 63) DCSPER, 173d Abn Bde file, all DAMH-HSO. As a Table of Distribution and Allowance unit, the Berlin Brigade was not counted as a part of division and brigade forces.
44 "Reorganization of Army Reserve," Army Reservist, p, 7; "157th Infantry Brigade," Army Reserve Magazine, 12 (Jul-Aug 66): 4-5; Historical Data Card, 187th Inf Bde, GO 1, Sixth U.S. Army, 1962, 191st Inf Bde file, GO 1, XIV U.S. Army Corps, 1963, 205th Inf Bde file, all DAMHHSO. The designation of each brigade was derived from the lowest numbered infantry brigade associated with the division under the square structure.
45 Annual Report of the Chief National Guard Bureau Report, FY 1963, p. 27; see notes based on NG letters, 1963, copies in author's files.
46 Annual Report of the Chief National Guard Bureau, 1965, p. 29; Reserve Component Program of the Army, FY 1965, Annex 11, Army National Guard Unit Program, pp. 144-53.
47 Barbara A. Sorrill and Constance J. Suwalsky, The Origins, Deliberations, and Recommendations of the U.S. Army Tactical Mobility Requirements Board (Howze Board) (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: U.S. Army Combat Developments Command, 1969), pp. 10-11.
48 U.S. Army Tactical Mobility Requirements Board (Howze Board), Final Report, 20 Aug 62, p. 95, DAMH-HSR; Hamilton H. Howze, Memoirs of a Twentieth-Century Army General: A Cavalryman's Story (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996), pp. 233-57.
49 Howze Board, pp. 19, 34-50 passim and Ind 5; Howze, A Cavalryman's Story, p. 25 1; Christopher C.S. Cheng, Air Mobility: The Development of a Doctrine (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994), pp. 179-80.
50 John J. Tolson, Airmobility, 1961-1971 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1973), pp. 50-57.
51 Richard Fryklund, "Soldiers of the Sky," National Guardsman 18 (March 1964): 3-7+; SS, ACSFOR (Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development) to the Cofs, 25 Feb 65, sub: Plan for Introduction for an Air Mobile Division in the Active Army, and Memo, SD to SA and Chairman, JCS, 15 Jun 65, sub: Organization of Airmobile Division, both 1st Cav Div file, DAMH-HSO.
52 SS, ACSFOR for CofS, 25 Feb 65, sub: Plan for Introduction of an Air Mobile Division, Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third U.S. Army, and other addresses, 22 Jul 65, sub: Reorganization of 1st Cavalry Division (Amb) STRAF, No. FY 66, AGAO-O (M) (8 Jul 65) DCSPER, and GO 185, Third U.S. Army, 1965, all 1st Cav Div file, DAMH-HSO.
53 SS, ACSFOR for CofS, 25 Feb 65, sub: Plan for Introduction of an Air Mobile Division; TOE 67T, Airmobile Division, 1965; Walter G. Hermes, Vietnam Buildup, ch. 5, p. 30, undated Ms, DAMH-HD.
54 TOE 67T, Airmobile Division, 1965.

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