- 1 Rpt of the Sec. of War, ARWD,
1899, p. 49.
- 2 Ibid.
- 3 WD GO 120, 1903.
- 4 Ltr, Capt Joseph. T. Dickman to
Brig Gen J. Franklin Bell, 16 Sep 1904, no subject, and Ltr, Brig Gen J.
Franklin Bell to Capt J. T. Dickman, I 1 Nov 04, no subject, AGO file 1168,
RG 393, NARA; Field Service Regulations, United States Army, 1905,
see table of contents.
- 5 Field Service Regulations,
1905 pp. 11-13; Arthur Wagner, Organization and Tactics, 7th
ed. (Kansas City: Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Co., 1906), pp. 11-12; Paul
Bronsart Van Schellendorff, The Duties of the General Staff, 4th
ed. (London: Harrison and Sons, 1905), pp. 223-26, 235-38; William Balck,
Taktik [Tactics], vol. 3, Kriegsgliederung, Nachrichten,
Befehle, Marschdienst (Military Organization, Communications, Orders, and
Marches), 4th ed. (Berlin: R. Eisenschmidt, 1903- 07), pp. 16-17, 28-33.
- 6 Field Service Regulations,
1905, p. 44; Memo Rpt, War Plans Division to the C of S, 5 May 1905, sub:
A Proper Proportion of field artillery for the mobile army of the U.S. AGO
file, Journal, Reports and Related Paper of the Third Division, 1903-1910,
RG 165, NARA.
- 7 N. F. McClure, "The Infantry
Division and Its Composition," Journal of the Military Service
Institution 50 (Jan-Feb 1912): 5-9.
- 8 Field Service Regulations
1905, p. 12, 87-88. Infantry and cavalry regiments were the largest permanent
units in the peacetime Army. In 1901 Congress abolished artillery regiments
(coast and field). Field artillery regiments were reestablished in 1907.
- 9 Field Service Regulations, 1905,
pp. 25-26.
- 10 Ibid., p. 12.
- 11 Ibid.
- 12 WD Cirs 28, 50, and 61, 1905.
In 1903 Congress revised the militia system, dividing the militia into Organized
Militia and Reserve Militia classes. The Reserve Militia consisted of an
unorganized manpower pool, while the Organized Militia, commonly known as
the National Guard, included those units maintained by the states, territories,
and District of Columbia. When discussing the National Guard, the District
of Columbia is treated as a state unless otherwise noted.
- 13 WD GO 7, 1903.
- 14 Timothy K. Nenninger, The
Leavenworth Schools and the Old Army (Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press,
1978), p. 22-23; Rpt of the Sec. of War, ARWD, 1899, pp. 489,
ARWD, 1902, pp. 50- 52; Jamieson, Crossing the Deadly Ground,
pp. 60-62. Camp Root, Kansas, today is Camp Whiteside, a subpost of Fort
- 15 ARWD, 1904, p. 30,
ARWD, 1906, p. 47, AR WD, 1908, p. 37, ARWD, 1909, pp. 28-32;
Rpt of the Chief of Staff, ARWD, 1904, p. 223.
- 16 Rpt of the Chief of Staff,
ARWD, 1906, pp. 552-53; Ltr, Brig Gen J. Franklin Bell to Gen Leonard
Wood, 18 Apr 12, Wood Papers, Library of Congress (hereafter cited
as LC).
- 17 Rpt of the Sec. of War, ARWD,
1909, pp. 28-32; "The First Field Army, the Initial Step in the
Correlation of the Regular Army with the National Guard," The National
Guard Magazine 6 (Apr 1910): 352- 54; WD GO 35, 1910.
- 18 McClure, "The Infantry Division,"
pp. 6-9; Field Service Regulations, 1910, p. 13.
- 19 Field Service Regulations, 1910,
p. 13.
- 20 Army and Navy Journal
46 (22 May 09): 1063; Ltr, CG, Philippine Dept, to Army C of S, 27 Jan 1914,
sub: Revision of Field Service Regulations, Wood Papers, LC; Field Service
Regulations, 1910, pp. 12-13, 15, 42-45; Edgar Raines, "MG J.
Franklin Bell and Military Reform; The Chief of Staff Years, 1906-1910"
(Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1976), p. 470; Mahon and Danysh,
Infantry Part 1, pp. 380.
- 21 Field Service Regulations,
1910, p. 15-16.
- 22 Ibid., p. 13, 34-35; Memo for
Secretary, Second Section, Army Staff, 1 Feb 1910, sub: Report of Committee
of Second Section, General Staff, on proposed scheme for organizing into
- unit the mobile troops of the regular
army and organized militia now stationed in New York and New England, AGO
Rpt of Second Section, General Staff 1 Jan-30 Apr 1910, RG 165, NARA.
- 23 Field Service Regulations,
1910, pp. 36-37.
- 24 WD GO 35, 1910.
- 25 Rpt of the Chief of Staff,
ARWD, 1910, p. 128.
- 26 Memo, Chief, Div. of Militia
Affairs, to CofS, sub: Revocation of General Orders No. 35, WD 1910, 8 Jul
11, AGO file 6106-3, RG 168, NARA; Report on Mobilization of the Organized
Militia and National Guard of the United States (Washington: D.C.:
Government Printing Office, 1916), p. 48; WD GO 6, 1914.
- 27 Rpt of the Sec. of War, Rpt of
TAG, Rpt of th QMG, ARWD, 1911, pp. 12-16, 2381, 337; Memo for record,
7 Mar 11, no subject, Wood Papers, LC.
- 28 Rpt of the Chief of Staff and
Rpt of TAG, ARWD, 1911, pp. 156-57, 2382. Russell F. Weigley,
History of the United States Army (New York: Macmillan, 1967), p. 334.
The quote is from ltr, Gen Wood to Col James G. Harbord, 26 Apr 1911, Wood
Papers, LC.
- 29 Clarence C. Clendenen, Blood
on the Border: The United States Army and the Mexican Irregulars (New
York: Macmillan, 1969), p. 1489; WCD, "Statement for release in morning
papers on Monday, Febraury 3," Wood Papers, LC.
- 30 Rpt of the Inspector General,
ARWD, 7911, pp. 267-69.
- 31 Rpt of the Chief Signal Officer,
ARWD, 1911, pp. 721, 739.
- 32 Ltr, William Howard Taft to Gen
Leonard Wood, 12 Mar 1912, no subject, Wood Papers, LC: Rpt of TAG,
ARWD, 1911, p. 242.
- 33 Ltr, John M. Palmer to J. F.
Morrison, 22 Jan 12, John McA. Palmer Papers, LC; I. B. Honey, Jr.,
General John M. Palmer, Citizen Soldiers, and the Army of a Democracy
(Westport, Corm: Greenwood Press, 1983), pp. 202-05.
- 34 Rpt on the Organization of Land
Forces of the United States, Appendix A, ARWD, 1912, p. 125.
- 35 Rpt Sec. of War, ARWD, 1912,
pp. 14-16; Ltr, AG, Mass. to Gen Wood, 3 Oct 1912, Wood Papers, LC (other
letters from state adjutants general are in the Wood Papers; Memo for CofS,
draft of Ltr to governors on the reorganization of the National Guard, 6
Nov 12, War College Division, Army Staff (hereafter cited as WCD), 7409-1,
RG 168, NARA.
- 36 WD GO 9, 1913; WCD, "Statement
for release in morning papers on Monday, February 3," 1 Feb 13, Wood
Papers, LC.
- 37 "General Orders No. 9,"
Infantry Journal 9 (Mar-Apr 1913): 706-08.
- 38 George Van Horn Moseley, "One
Soldier's Journey," Ms history, 3 vols., 1:103, Moseley Papers, LC;
Memo 52103, C, Division of Militia Affairs, to C, WCD, sub: Organized Military
Divisional Organization, 12 Jan 15, AGO file 7409-25, RG 168, NARA; WD Cir
8, 1913, and 19, 1914; "The Division Plan," National Guard
Magazine 10 (Jan 1913): 14.
- 39 Rpt of the Sec. of War and Rpt
of the C of S, ARWD, 1913, pp. 31, 174; GO 7, State of New York, 1908, printed
in Rpt of the Adjutant General, State of New York, 1908, p. 270;
GO 1, Pennsylvania National Guard, 1879, printed in Rpt of the Adjutant
General, Pennsylvania, 1879, p. 83.
- 40 Memo, WCD for C of S, 21 Feb
1914, sub: Tables of Organization, US Army, 1914, AGO file 8371,
RG 165, NARA; Tables of Organization: U.S. Army, 1914 (Washington: D.C.:
Government Printing Office, 1914), p. 19 (hereafter cited as TO, 1914).
- 41 TO, 1914, p. 19; James
A. Huston, Sinews of War: Army Logistics (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1966), p. 295; Wagner, , pp. 19-20.
- 42 TO, 1914, pp. 12-13, 19.
- 43 McClure, "The Infantry Division."
p. 10; Report on the Organization of Land Forces in ARWD, 1912,
pp. 103-04.
- 44 TO, 7914, pp. 14, 23;
Report on the Organization of Land Forces, pp. 104-05.
- 45 Field Service Regulations
1914, p. 10.
- 46 Rpt of the Sec. of War, ARWD,
1912, pp. 13-14; Rpt of the Sec. of War and Rpt of the Second Division,
ARWD, 1913, pp. 9-10, 113; Thomas P Burdett, "Mobilizations of 1911
- 1913," Military Review
53 (Jut 1974): 72.
- 47 Frederic L. Huidekoper, Military
Unpreparedness of the United States (New York: Macmillan, 1915), pp.
446-48; Rpt of the C of S, 1914, and Rpt of TAG, ARWD, 1914, pp.
13536, 179; Rpt of the C of S and Rpt of TAG, ARWD, 1915, pp. 151-52,
211-12; Clendenen, Blood on the Border, p. 162; Burden, "Mobilizations
of 1911 and 1913," p. 72: Rpt of TAG, ARWD, 1916, p. 278.
- 48 Rpt of the Second Division,
AR WD, 1913, pp. 118-l 9.
- 49 Rpt of the Chief of Staff,
ARWD, 1916, pp. 186-89; John J. Pershing, Report of Operations of the
Punitive Expedition to 30 June 1916, pp. 4-5, AGO file 2480591 RG 120, NARA;
John A. Porter, "The Punitive Expedition," Quartermaster Review
12 (Jan-Feb 1933): 18-30.
- 50 Frederick Funston, Annual Report
for FY 1916, Southern Department, p. 26, AGO file 243231, RG 120, NARA;
Robert T. Thomas and Inez V. Allen, "The Mexican Punitive Expedition
under Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing," Ms in the Organizational History
Branch, Center of Military History, hereafter cited as DAMH-HSO, p. II-2;
Porter, "The Punitive Expedition," pp. 22-23.
- 51 Rpt of the Chief of Staff,
ARWD, 1916, pp. 186-89.
- 52 Report on Mobilization of
the Organized Militia and the National Guard of the United States, 1916,
pp. 10, 50-51; "Mobilization in Spite of War Department,"
National Guard Magazine, 13 (Aug 1916): 153+; Ltr, George Van Horn Moseley
to Leonard Wood, 3 Sep 1916, no subject, Wood Papers, LC; John F. O'Ryan,
The Story of the 27th Division, 2 vols. (New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck
Crawford Co., 1921), 1:120-25; Pennsylvania in the World War: An Illustrated
History of the Twenty-Eighth Division, 2 vols. (Pittsburgh: States Publications
Society, 1921), pp. 1:120-25.
- 53 Rpt of TAG, ARWD, 1917,
p. 196- 97; GO 8 and 25, Southern Department, 1917, copies in Division General
files, DAMH-HSO; Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in
the World War (1917-19), Zone of the Interior (Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1949), pp. 602-05.
- 54 John P. Finnegan, Against
the Specter of a Dragon (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1974),
pp. 45-46; Rpt of Sec. of War, Appendix C, Statement of Proper Military
Policy, ARWD, 1915, pp. 113, 126-31.
- 55 Statement of Proper Military
Policy, pp. 126-31; Finnegan, Against the Specter of a Dragon, pp.
- 56 Weigley, History of the United
States Army, 3448; WD Bull 16, 1916; Finnegan, Against the Specter of
a Dragon, p. 44-52; "Mobilization in Spite of War Department,"
- 57 Table of Organization US Army,
1917 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1917), pp. 390,
(hereafter cited as TO 1917).
- 58 Ibid.
- 59 Ibid., pp. 57-58.
- 60 Statement of Proper Military
Policy, pp. 124-26; WD Bull 16, 1916; WD GO 22 and 50, 1916.
- 61 Rpt of the Chief of the Militia
Bureau, ARWD, 1917, pp. 850-52; Rpt of the Chief of the Militia Bureau,
ARWD, 1918, p. 1102; Ltr, Chief of the Militia Bureau, to TAGS of
all States, Territory of Hawaii, District of Columbia, and inspector-instructors
and officers in charge of militia affairs, department headquarters, 5 May
1917, sub: Organization and entry in Federal service of National Guard,
(MB) file 325.4, RG 168, NARA.