Endnotes for Chapter VII
1 Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, July 1, 1943, to June 30, 1945, to the Secretary of War, p. 106.
2 Memo, AGF to CofS, U.S. Army, 24 Jul 42, sub: Modification of Troop Basis, 1942, 320.2/267 (S)-GNGPS (AGF, Plans Section) (7-222), and 1st Ind, same subject, 8 Aug 42, AG 320.2 (7-24-42) MS-C, AG 320.2 (7-24-42), RG 407, NARA; Palmer et al., The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 175-79; Joseph J. Hutnik and Leonard Kobrick, eds., We Ripened Fast, The Unofficial History of the Seventy-Sixth Infantry Division (Frankfurt, Germany: Otto Lembeck, 1946), pp. 19-21; Lightning: The History of the 78th Infantry Division (Washington, D.C.: Infantry Journal Press, 1947), pp. 9-11.
3 Stetson Conn, Rose C. Engelman, Byron Fairchild, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, United States Army in World War II (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1964), p. 277; Ltr, TAG to CGs AGF and II Armored Corps, 1 Jan 42, sub: Redesignation and Reorganization of the 7th Motorized Division, AG 320.2 (12-312) OB-I-GN-M (Order of Battle, Intelligence, AGF), 7th Inf Div file, DAMH-HSO.
4 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, p. 286; Palmer et al., Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 489-93,
5 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 286-87.
6 On 19 August 1942 army corps were officially redesignated as corps.
7 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 288-89, 291.
8 Ibid., pp. 274-75, 303-14; T/O 7-11, Infantry Regiment, 1 Apr 42; T/O 7-11, Infantry Regiment, 1 Mar 43. The 1942 cannon company had six 75-mm. self-propelled howitzers and two 105-mm. self-propelled howitzers.
9 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 304-05.
10 T/O 6-10, Division Artillery, Motorized, Infantry or Motorized Division, 1 Mar 43; Memo, G-3 for AGF, 6 Jun 42, sub: Organic Air Observation for Field Artillery, WDGCT (Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, General Staff) 320.2 (2-5-42), reprinted in Richard Tierney, The Army Aviation Story (Northport, Ala.: Colonial Press, 1963), pp. 68-69; William E. Vance, "History of Army Aviation," Aviation Digest 3 (Jun 1957): 7-12.
11 T/O 5-15, Engineer Battalion, Infantry Division, 1 Apr 42; T/O 5-15, Engineer Battalion, 1 Mar 43; T/O 11-7, Signal Company, Infantry Division, 1 Apr 42; T/O 11-7, Signal Company, Infantry Division, 1 Mar 43; T/0 10-17, Quartermaster Company, Infantry Division, 15 Sep 42; T/O 10-17, Quartermaster Company, Infantry Division, 1 Mar 43; Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 309-11.
12 T/O 7-1, Headquarters, Infantry or Motorized Division, 1 Jun 42; T/O 7-1, Headquarters. Infantry Division, 1 Mar 43; T/O 7-2, Headquarters Company, Infantry or Motorized Division, I Jun 42; T/O 7-2, Headquarters Company, Infantry Division, 1 Mar 43: Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 311-14.
13 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 314-17.
14 Ibid., pp. 317-18; TOE 7, Infantry Division, 15 Jul 43. While preparing the 1943 tables, the War Department combined Tables of Organization and Tables of Equipment into a single document, a Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE).
15 Memo, GNDCG (Commanding General, Army Ground Forces) for G-3, 28 Jan 43, sub: Basis of Organization of Motorized Division, 320.2/19 (Armd.F) (S)-GNDCG, Memo, Organization and Mobilization Branch, G-3, to Edwards, 18 Feb 43, sub: Conference on Motorized Division, AG 320.2 (1-283), and Memo, WDGCT for CofS, 24 Feb 43, sub: Reorganization of the Motorized Division, WDCGT 320 (2-243), AG 320.2 (2-2413), all RG 407, NARA.
16 Memo, WDGCT for CofS, 24 Feb 43, sub: Reorganization of the Motorized Division. and Ltr, TAG to CGs, II Armored Corps and other addresses, 7 May 43, sub: Redesignation and Reorganization of 6th, 8th, and 90th Motorized Divisions, both AG 320.2 (4-30-43) OB-IGNGCT-M, AG Reference files. DAMH-HSO.
17 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 337-39; Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and XIII Corps, 30 Jul 43, sub: Redesignation and Reorganization of the 4th Motorized Division, AG 322 (28 Jul 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO.
18 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, p. 324.
19 Ibid., p. 322.
20 Memo, AGF for CofS, 7 Dec 42, sub: Organization of Armored Units, 320.2 (Armd
Force) (R) (11-6-42), and Memo, WDGCT for CofS, 16 Jan 43, sub: Organizational of Armored Units, WDGCT 320 (12-7-42), both RG 407, NARA.
21 Memo, WDGCT for CofS, 16 Jan 43, sub: Organization of Armored Units; Greenfield et
al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 319-26.
22 Report of Proceedings of a Board of Officers, 27 Mar 1943, Memo, AGE for
Requirements Section, and CG, AGE, undated, sub: Comments on Han-non Board report, both Ground AG Section, Project Decimal file 1942-1943, AGF 319.1, North African Binder, RG 337, NARA.
23 Memo, AGF for Requirements Section and CG, AGF, undated, sub: Comments on
Hannon Board report; TOE 17, Armored Division, 15 Sep 43; Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 327-31.
24 TOE 17, Armored Division, 15 Sep 43; Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground
Combat Troops, pp. 327-31.
25 TOE 17, Armored Division, 15 Sep 43; Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground
Combat Troops, pp. 329-35; J. M. Pittman, "Reorganization of the Armored Division," Military Review 24 (April 1943): 44-47.
26 WD Cir 256, 1943.
27 Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and other addresses, 20 Aug 43, sub: Utilization of Personnel, AG
320.2 (31 Jul 43) PE-A-M-C, Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and XIII Corps, 30 Jul 43, sub: Redesignation and Reorganization of 4th Motorized Division, Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and other addresses, 2 Aug 43, sub: Reorganization of Infantry Divisions, AG 322 (28 Jul 43) OB-IGNGCT-M, Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and Third Army, 20 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of the 38th Infantry Division, AG 322 (18 Sep 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGE and other addresses, 23 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of the 93d Infantry Division, AG 322 (22 Sep 43) OB1-GNGCT, Ltr, TAG to CinC, Southwest Pacific Area and other addresses, 12 Oct 43, sub: Constitution of Units, AG 322 (6 Oct 43) OB-I-GNCGT-M, Ltr, TAG to CG, North African Theater of Operations, 29 Jul 43, sub: Reorganization of the 34th Infantry Division, AG 322 (26 Jul 43) OB-I-GNGCT, Ltr, TAG to CG, South Pacific Area, 20 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of the Americal Division, AG 322 (17 Sep 43) OB-I-GNGCT, Ltr, TAG to CG U.S. Army Forces. Central Pacific Area, sub: Reorganization of the 33d Infantry Division, AG 322 (30 Sep 43) OBI-GNGCT-M, Ltr, TAG to AGE and other addresses, 15 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of Armored Divisions, AG 322 (10 Sep 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGE and Third Army, 31 Aug 43, sub: Reorganization of the 4th Armored Division, AG 322 (29 Aug 43) OB-I-GNGCTM, Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGE and Armored Command, 3 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of the 16th Armored Division, AG 322 (1 Sep 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and Armored Command, 3 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of the 20th Armored Division, AG 322 (1 Sep 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, all AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO; Historical Data Cards, Divisions. The sixty infantry divisions in the United States did not include the 89th Infantry Division, which was reorganized as a light division on 1 August 1943 (see below).
28 GO 118, Fifth Army, 1944, 1st Armd Div file, DAMH-HSO; Ltr, Devers to A.C. Gillem
Jr., 29 Nov 43, Devers Papers, MHI.
29 Memo, AGF to TAG, 1 Apr 43, sub: Reorganization of the Americal Division, 320.2/19
(PTO) (S)-GNGCT/06414 (3-183), 320.2 4-1-43 (18), RG 407, NARA; Ltr, TAG to CG, South Pacific Area, 3 Apr 43, sub: Reorganization of the Americal Division, AG 320.2 (4-1-43) OB-I-GNGCT, AG Reference files, DAMN-HSO; Ltr, TAG to CG, South Pacific Area, 20 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of Americal Division; Cronin, Under the Southern Cross, pp. 104, 128; Department of the Army (DA) GO 73, 1948.
30 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 331-43.
31 Memo, AGF for G-3, 2 Mar 43, sub: Light Division, 2 Mar 43, 322.2 (Div) (S), RG 407, NARA; TOE 72 (Trk) and (Pack), Light Division, 1 Jul 43, 89th and 71st Inf Div files, DAM HHSO.
32 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 3456; Fred Clinger, Arthur Johnson, and Vincent Masel, History of the 71st Infantry Division (Augsburg, Germany: E. Kieser KG, 1946), pp. 1-2; History of the 10th Light Division, AGF Study 28 (Washington, D.C.: Historical Section, AGF, 1946), p. 1; Maynard L. Diamond, Willard E. Simms, Edward B. Baldinger, and Meyer Siegelbaum, 89th Infantry Division, 1942-1945 (Washington, D.C.: Infantry Journal Press, 1946), pp. 47-48. Also see the 10th, 71st, and 89th Infantry Divisions files in DAMH-HSO.
33 Diamond et al., 89th Infantry Division, p. 61.
34 Ibid., pp. 60-61; Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 3478; Ltr, TAG to CGs, Second Army and other addresses, 16 May 44, sub: Redesignation and Reorganization of 71st Light Division, AG 322 (12 May 44) OB-I GNGCT-M, 71st Inf Div, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, Fourth Army and other addresses, 16 May 44, sub: Redesignation and Reorganization of the 89th Light Division, AG 322 (12 May 44) OB-I-GNGCT-M, 89th Inf Div, both AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO.
35 Training in Mountain and Winter Warfare, AGF Study No. 23 (Washington, D.C.: Historical Section, AGF, 1946), pp. 11-12; TOE 70, Mountain Division, 4 Nov 44; Ltr, TAG to CG, Fourth Army, 1 Nov 44, sub: Reorganization and Redesignation of the 10th Light Division, AG 322 (25 Oct 44) OB-I-GNGCT, 10th Mt Div file, DAMH-HSO; Interview, author with Walter L. Galson, National Association of the 10th Mountain Division, Washington, D.C., 28 Nov 79, author's files.
36 Historical Data Cards for the 42d, 63d, 65th, 66th, 69th, 70th, 75th, and 106th Infantry Divisions; the 16th and 20th Armored Divisions; and the l lth, 13th, and 17th Airborne Divisions and unit files for each division in DAMH-HSO. In addition to the divisions listed, TAG also placed the 61st, 62d, 67th, 68th, 72d, 73d, and 74th Infantry Divisions and the 18th, 19th, 21st, and 22d Armored Divisions on the rolls, but they were never organized during the war. The 15th Airborne Division was also placed on the rolls but never organized.
37 "The `Rainbow Division'," National Guardsman 3 (Aug 49): 18-19; Ltr, Harry J. Collins to George C. Marshall, 19 Jun 43, Marshall Papers.
38 Ltr, TAG to CG, Airborne Command, 1 Jul 44, sub: Organization of HHC, 1st and 2d Airborne Infantry Brigades, AG 322 (29 Jun 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and Airborne Command, sub: Disbandment of HHC, 1st Airborne Infantry Brigade, 23 Nov 43, AG 322 (21 Nov 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, both 1st Bde, 1st Inf Div, file, DAMN-HSO; Ltr, TAG to Chief, Historical Section, AWC, 21 Feb 45, sub: Organizational History, AG 314.7 OB-I, and Unit Diary, Second Airborne Infantry Brigade, 1943-1944, both 2d Bde, 1st Inf Div file, DAMN-HSO.
39 Ltr, AGF to CGs, Third Army and IX Corps, 12 Sep 42, sub: Activation of Elements of the 1st Cavalry Division, 322.13/1 (1st Cav Div) (R)-GNGNT (9-122), 1st Cav Div file, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, Services of Supply and other addresses, 23 Nov 42, sub: Activation of 2d Cavalry Division, AG 320.2 (11-212) OB-I-GN-M, 2d Cav Div file, both DAMH-HSO.
40 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, p. 336; Ltr, TAG to CG, Third Army, 2 Mar 43, sub: Reorganization of 1st Cavalry Division, AG 320.2 (2-283) OB-IGNGCT-M, 1st Cav Div file, DAMN-HSO; James W. Hinds, Second Cavalry Division (no publisher, 1987), pp. 60-61.
41 Ltr, TAG to CinC, Southwest Pacific Area, 17 Sep 43, sub: Reorganization of Units in Southwest Pacific Area, AG 322 (14 Sep 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, and Ltr, TAG to CinC, Southwest Pacific Area, 13 Nov 43, sub: Redesignation and Reorganization of 1st Cavalry Division, AG 322 (9 Nov 43) OB-I-GNGCT-M, both AG Reference files, DAMN-HSO; Wright, The 1st Cavalry Division in World War II, p. 240.
42 MacGregor, Integration of the Armed Forces, p. 33; Ltr, TAG to CGs, AGF and North African Theater of Operations, 11 Apr 44, sub: Inactivation and Disbandment of Units, AG 322 (8 Apr 44) OB-I-GNGCT-M, AG file, DAMH-HSO; Hinds, Second Cavalry Division, pp. 64-67: Ltr, TAB to CGs, Fourth Army and Southern Defense Command, 24 Apr 44, sub: Assignment, Reorganization and Redesignation of Certain Cavalry Units, AG 322 (22 Apr 44) OB-I-GNGCTM, AG Reference files, DAMN-HSO; Mary Lee Stubbs and Stanley Russell Connor, ArmorCavalry Part II: Army National Guard, Army Lineage Series (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1972), pp. 167-87.
43 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, table, "Ground Forces in the Army, Dec 41-Apr 45," and pp. 163-81; Maurice Matloff, "The 90-Division Gamble," Command Decisions, Kent R. Greenfield, ed. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 365- 81.
44 Matloff, "The 90-Division Gamble," p. 374.
45 Robert W. Coakley and Richard M. Leighton, Global Logistics and Strategy: 1943-1945, United States Army in World War II (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1968), p. 246-47; Palmer et al., Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 489-92.
46 Ltr, TAG to CGs, Second Army and Airborne Command, 4 Feb 43, sub: Changes in Assignment of Units to the 82d Airborne Division and Airborne Command, AG 320.2 (2-3-43) OB-I-GN-M, 82d Abn Div file, DAMN-HSO; James E. Mrazek, The Glider War (London: Robert Hale and Company, 1975), p. 108.
47 James M. Gavin, On to Berlin, pp. 49-50.
48 Memo, AGF for CofS, 17 Dec 43, sub: Change in T/O, Airborne Division, 320.3/75 (S)GNGCT, and Memo, G- 3 for ACofS, 17 Dec 43, same subject, WDGCT 320.2, both Correspondence, Matthew Ridgway in Marshall Papers.
49 Ltr, Ridgway to Marshall, 1 Nov 44, Ltr, Ridgway to Marshall, 4 Dec 44, Summary Sheet (SS), G-3 for CofS, 8 Nov 44, sub: Reorganization of the Airborne Division, all in Matthew Ridgway, Marshall Papers; Maxwell D. Taylor, Swords and Plowshares (New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1972), pp. 97-98; TOE 71, Airborne Division, 16 Dec 44; cited material from Ltr, Marshall to Ridgway, 18 Dec 44, Marshall Papers.
50 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 15 Dec 44, sub: Reorganization of the Airborne Division, WDGCT 322 (15 Dec 44), RG 407, NARA; TOE 71, Airborne Division, 16 Dec 44.
51 SS, G-3 for DCofS, 16 Dec 44, sub: Reorganization of Airborne Divisions, 322 (16 Dec 44), RG 407, NARA; Ltr, TAG to CG US Forces in the European Theater of Operations (ETO), 16 Jan 45, sub: Reorganization of the 101st Airborne Division, AG 322 (8 Jan 45) OB-IGNGCT-M, Ltr, TAG to CG, US Forces in the ETO, 22 Feb 45, sub: Reorganization of the 13th, 17th and 82d Airborne Divisions, AG 322 (18 Feb 45) OB-I-GNGCT-M, and Ltr, TAG to CinC, USAF, Pacific, 4 Jul 45, sub: Reorganization and Redesignation of Certain Airborne Units, AG 322 (30 Jun 45), OB-I-GNGCT-M, all AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO; Edward M. Flanagan, The Angels: A History of the Ilth Airborne Division 1943-1946 (Washington, D.C.: Infantry Journal Press, 1948), pp. 1-2; also see 11th, 13th, 17th, 82d, and 101st Abn Divs files, DAM HHSO.
52 TOE 6-160-1, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery (HHB), Division Artillery, Armored Division, 12 Feb 44; TOE 7, Infantry Division, and TOE 17, Armored Division, 24 Jan 45.
53 General Board, ETO, Report 17, Types of Divisions-Postwar Army, pp. 8- 9, 1945, DAMH-Library.
54 The armored group headquarters and headquarters company was organized almost identical to the headquarters and headquarters company of a combat command in an armored division. It contained the necessary staff, communication, and transportation to enable it to function as the headquarters of a task force comparable in size to a combat command.
55 General Board, ETO, Report 17, Types of Divisions, pp. 12-13.
56 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 454-55.
57 Recoilless rifles had been developed during the war, and the weapons combined the effect of artillery with the mobility of hand-carried arms by using high velocity gas ports to counteract recoil, as opposed to absorption of recoil by springs and/or oil flowing through various orifices. 
58 Greenfield et al., Organization of Ground Combat Troops, pp. 456- 75. 
59 Ibid., pp. 476-77. 
60 Ibid., pp. 477-83; TOE 7, Infantry Division, 1 Jun 45. 
61 Hewes, From Root to McNamara, p. 112. 
62 WD Readjustment Regulations, 1-1, 12 Feb 1945. 
63 Coakley and Leighton, Global Logistics and Strategy, pp. 584-85. 
64 "Redeployment," Ms, Occupation Forces in Europe series, pp. 82-84, 89, and Bell I. Wiley, "AGF on the Eve of Demobilization Period," Ms, History of AGF during the Demobilization Period, chart, "Arrival of Major Ground Units for Redeployment to LO September 1945," both DAMH-HSR.

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