Endnotes for Chapter IX
1 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, January 1, 1950 to December 1950 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1965), p. 532.
2 Ltr, TAG to CinC, Far East, 12 Jun 50, sub: Activation, Inactivation, Redesignation, and Reorganization of Certain Units in the Far East Command, AGAO-I 322 (10 Apr 50) G-1-M, AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO; Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 86-87, 90-94; Stubbs and Connor, Armor-Cavalry, p. 77.
3 Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 80-88.
4 Ltr, TAG to CinC, Far East, 26 Jul 50, sub: Reorganization of Certain Units in the Far East Command, AGAO-I 322 (21 Jul 50) G-I M, AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO; Elva Stillwaugh, "Personnel Policies in the Korean Conflict," ch. 1, pp. 32-40, Ms, DAMN-HSR.
5 Roy E. Appleman, South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu, United States Army in the Korean War (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1961), pp. 385-89; Charles G. Cleaver, "History of the Korean War," vol. 3, pt. 2, Personnel Problems, pp. 7-12, Ms, DAMHHSR; David Curtis Skaggs, "The KATUSA Experiment: The Integration of Korean Nationals into the U.S. Army, 1950-1965," Military Affairs 38 (Apr 1974): 53-58.
6 Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 92-96, 168-71.
7 Appleman, South to the Naktong, pp. 389-90; T.R. Fehrenback, This Kind of War: A Study in Unpreparedness (New York: Macmillan Company, 1963), p. 202; Ltr, Henry P. Carrington to Edgar M. Howell, 18 Nov 50, 63d Field Artillery Battalion file, DAMH-HSO; Military History Section, "A Brief History of the 34th Infantry Regiment" (United States Army Forces, Far East, Nov 1954), 34th Infantry file, DAMN-HSO.
8 Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 131-34; Max W. Dolcater, 3d Infantry Division in Korea (Tokyo: Toppan Printing Co., 1953), pp. 57-65; Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third and Second Armies, 25 Aug 50, sub: Organization and Reorganization of Certain Units, AGAO-I 322 (17 Aug 50) G-1-M, Ltr, TAG to CinC, Far East, 6 Oct 50, sub: Changes of Certain Units in the Far East Command, AGAO-I 322 (4 Sep 50), G-1-M, and Ltr TAG to CG, Third Army, 19 Mar 51, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units, AGAO-I 322 (2 Mar 51) G-1-M, all 3d Inf Div file, DAMN-HSO.
9 Stillwaugh, "Personnel Policies," ch. 6, pp. l-4.
10 Billy C. Mossman, Ebb and Flow, November 1950 July 1951, United States Army in the
Korean War (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1990), pp. 237, 247, 503; Walter
G. Hermes, Truce Tent and Fighting Front, United States Army in the Korean War (Washington,
D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1966), p. 472.
11 Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 117-20; Stillwaugh, "Personnel Policies," ch. 1, pp. 9-12; Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third, Fourth, and Sixth Armies, 16 Oct 50, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units, AGAO-I 322 (29 Aug 50), G-1-M, 4th Inf Div file, DAMH-HSO.
12 Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 122-25, 294; National Guard Bureau, "Induction and Release of Army National Guard Units," pp. 21-24, National Guard Induction, Korean War, Reference Paper files, DAMH-HSO; OCAFF Diary, "Action in Support of FECOM 3 July 1950- 30 September 1950," Ms, DAMH-HSR; Ltr, TAG to CGs, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Armies, 6 Sep 50, sub: Reorganization of Certain Units Called to Active Duty from Civilian Components, AGAO-1 322 Gen Res (23 Aug 50) G-1-M, AG Reference files. DAMH-HSO.
13 Crossland and Currie, Twice a Citizen, pp. 96-97; Ltr, TAG to CG, Third Army, 10 Aug 50, sub: Activation of the 8th Infantry Division (Training), AGAO-I 322 (7 Aug 50) G-1-M, 8th Inf Div file, GO 51, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 1950, Ltr, TAG to CG, Second Army, 10 Aug 50, sub: Activation of the 101st Airborne Division (Training), AGAO-I 322 (7 Aug 50) G-1-M, 101st Abn Div file, Ltr, TAG to CG, Fourth Army, 21 Aug 50, sub: Activation of the 5th Armored Division, 21 Aug 50, AGAO-I 322 Training Div (15 Aug 50) G-1-M, 5th Armd Div file, Ltr, TAG to CG, Fifth Army, 21 Aug 50, sub: Activation of the 6th Armored Division.
 AGAO-I 322 Training Div (15 Aug 50) G-1-M, 6th Armd Div file, Ltr, TAG to CG, Sixth Army, 10 Nov 50, sub: Activation of the 7th Armored Division, AGAO-1 322 (11 Oct 50) G-1-M, 7th Armd Div file, Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third, Fourth, and Sixth Armies, 16 Oct 50, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units, AGAO-I 322 (29 Aug 50), 4th Inf Div file, and Divisional Historical Data Cards, all DAMH-HSO.
14 Schnabel, Policy and Direction, pp. 298-300; Truman, Papers of the President, 1950, pp. 746-47; "Induction and Release of Army National Guard Units," pp. 39-41; Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third and Fourth Armies, 26 Apr 51, sub: Reorganization of Certain General Reserve Units, AGAO-I 322 Gen Res (2 Apr 51) G-1-M, AG Reference files, Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third and Fourth Armies, 1 Mar 51, sub: Activation of the 1st Armored Division, AGAO-I 322 (24 Feb 51) G-1-M, 1st Armd Div file, DAMH-HSO.
15 Stillwaugh, "Personnel Policies," ch. 1, pp. 51-60; "Induction and Release of Army National Guard Units," pp. 48-58.
16 Stillwaugh, "Personnel Policies," ch. 3, p. 1; Ltr, TAG to CG, Second Army, 21 Feb 51,
sub: Activation of the 5th Infantry Division (Training), AGAO-1 322 (2 Feb 51) G -1-M, 5th Inf
Div file, and Historical Data Card 5th Inf Div, DAMH-HSO; Robert W. Coakley, Karl E. Cocke,
Daniel P. Griffin, "Demobilization Following the Korean War," OCMH Study 29, pp. 71-73,
17 Hermes, Truce Tent and Fighting Front, pp. 202-04. Prior to the redeployment of 24th Infantry Division to Korea in summer of 1953, elements of the 1st Cavalry Division and 24th Infantry Division had served there as security forces on a rotation basis since October 1952.
18 DA Bull 15, 1952; Annual Report of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, 1953, pp. 2-3, 1954, p. 15; see notes based on NG-AROTO (National Guard Bureau-Organization and Training Branch) 325.4 
letters, 1952-54, author's files; "Illinois Declines Allotment to Reorganize 44th Division," Army Times, 9 Jan 54; "Protests Rip Illinois Guard; Generals Urge Boyle's Removal," Army Times, 16 Jan 54; Ltr, NGB to AG, Illinois, 17 Feb 54, sub: Withdrawal of Federal Recognition, National Guard Units, NG-AROTO 325.4-111, 44th Inf Div file, DAMH-HSO.
19 Truman, Papers of the President, 1950, p. 626; Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department (New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1969), pp. 437-40; Historical Data Cards for the 4th, 28th, and 43d Inf Divs and the 2d Armd Div, DAMN-HSO.
20 TOE 7, Infantry Division, 15 May 1952; TOE 17, Armored Division, 29 Dec 1952; TOE 57, Airborne Division, I Jan 1952; Lloyd Norman, "The New Look Strategy," Combat Forces Journal 4 (Feb 1954): 15-20.
21 TOE 7-11, Infantry Regiment, 15 May 1952; "Tools for the Fighting Man: Small Arms," Armed Forces Talk (18 Jan 1952) pp. 1-15; Walter H. Ramsey, "The Big Bazooka: Russian Tanks Were No Match for Our 3.5-Inch Weapon," Ordnance 35 (May-Jun 1951): 638-40.
22 TOE 7, Infantry Division, 15 May 1952; TOE 17, Armored Division, 29 Dec 1952; TOE 57, Airborne Division, 1 Jan 1952; James C. Smith, "Centralized Operations," Army Aviation Digest 1 (Mar 1955): 19-25; Joseph Bonanno, "The Helicopter in Combat," Ordnance 37 (MarApr 1954): 868-72; Donald F. Harrison, "A History of Army Aviation," ch. V, pp. 11-20, 25-27, Ms, DAMN-HSR.
23 TOE 17, Armored Division, 29 Dec 1952; Stubbs and Connor, Armor-Cavalry, pp. 7778; "The T43 Heavy Tank," Armor 63 (May Jun 1954): 32-33; "Army's New M48 Medium Tank Ready for Distribution to Armor Troops," Armor 61 (May-Jun 1952): 30-31.
24 Ltr, TAG to CinC, U.S. Army, Europe, 6 Feb 53, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units, AGAO-I (M) (28 Jan 53) G-1, and Ltr, TAG to CG, U.S. Army Forces, Far East (Main), 9 Feb 53, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units, AGAO-I (M) 322 (4 Feb 53) G-1, both AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO; OCAFF, "Summary of Major Events and Problems, FY 1953," ch. 9, pp. 1-18.
25 DA Bull 23, 1948; Morris J. MacGregor, Integration of the Armed Forces, pp. 428-59 passim.
26 MacGregor, Integration of the Armed Forces, pp. 442-45; Bernard C. Nalty and Morris J.
MacGregor, Blacks in the Military: Essential Documents (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources Inc., 1981), pp. 309-11; Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third and Fifth Armies, 9 Aug 51, sub: Change in Status of Certain General Reserve Units, AGAO-I 322 (26 Jul 51) G-1-M, 14th Inf file, DAMH-HSO; "FE Racial Integration Means New Names for 2 Regiments," Army Times, 4 Aug 52.
27 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1960), pp. 121-25; Coakley et al., "Demobilization," pp. 8-9.
28 Coakley et al., "Demobilization," pp. 69-72, 85-87.
29 Eisenhower, Papers of the Presidents, 1953, pp. 860-61; Coakley et al., "Demobilization," pp. 28-29; "Induction and Release of Army National Guard Units," pp. 21-24. In 1952 General Mark W. Clark reorganized the Far East Command as a unified command with U.S. Army Forces, Far East, as the Army's element.
30 Ltr, TAG to CinC, U.S. Army, Europe, and CG, First Army, 7 Apr 54, sub: Change in Status of Certain Divisions, AGAO-I (M) 322 (2 Apr 54) G-1, 9th Inf Div file, Ltr, TAG to CGs, Third and Fifth Armies, 27 Apr 54, sub: Change in Status of Certain Divisions, AGAO-I (M) 322 (22 Apr 54) G-1, 8th Inf Div file, Ltr, TAG to CG, Fifth Army, 27 Apr 54, sub: Reorganization of the 10th Infantry Division, AGAO-1 (M) 322 (22 Apr 54) G-1, 10th Inf Div file, Ltr, TAG to CG, First Army, 23 Apr 54, sub: Activation of the 69th Infantry Division (Training), AGAO-I (M) 322 (22 Apr 54) G-1, 69th Inf Div file, and Historical Data Cards for the 5th, 8th, 9th, 28th, 31st, 43d, and 69th Inf Divs and the 101st Abn Div, all DAMN-HSO.
31 Semiannal Report of the Secretary of Defense, 1954, pp. 56-57; Coakley et al., "Demobilization," pp. 39-43; Ltr, TAG to CG, Sixth Army, 27 Sep 54, sub: Reorganization of the 2d Infantry Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 (16 Sep 54) G-1, 2d Inf Div file, and Ltr, TAG to CG, Third Army, 27 Oct 54, sub: Reorganization of the 3d Infantry Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 (19 Oct 54) G-1, 3d Inf Div file, both DAMH-HSO; "Schofield Ready to Welcome 25th Division," Army Times, 18 Sep 54; "Induction and Release of Army National Guard Units," pp. 48-58; Report of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, 1955, pp. 14-15.
32 Coakley et al., "Demobilization," pp. 29-38.
33 Summary of Major Events and Problems, FY 1954, OCAFF, ch. 14, pp. 1-4; Ltr, TAG to CG, Fourth Army, 28 May 54, sub: Activation of the 4th Armored Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 (26 May 54) G-1, 4th Armd Div file, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, Second Army and Continental Army Command (CONARC), 9 Mar 55, sub: Change in Status of 3d Armored Division, AGAO-1 (M) 322 3d Armd Div (8 Mar 55) G-1, 3d Armd Div file, both DAMN-HSO; "4th Armored Reactivated at Ft. Hood," Army Times, 26 Jun 54; "4th Armd Build-Up Underway," Army Times. 3 Jul 54; William R. Rock, 3d Armored Division (Spearhead), A History of the 3d Armored Division (Darmstadt, Germany: Stars and Stripes, 1957), pp. 45-46.
34 Ltr, TAG to CGs, U.S. Army, Caribbean, and Third Army, 2 Dec 54, sub: Organization of the 23d Infantry Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 (17 Nov 54) G-, 23d Inf Div file, and Ltr, CGs, U.S. Army, Alaska, and Sixth Army, 27 Oct 54, sub: Organization of the 71st Infantry Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 71st Inf Div (12 Oct 54) G-1, 71st Inf Div file, both DAMH-HSO; Semiannual Report of the Secretary of the Army, 1 Jul-Dec 54, p. 20; "Scattered from Here to Yon, Two ' Wilson Divisions' Formed," Army Times, 20 Nov 54.
35 Coakley et al., "Demobilization," pp. 88-89; TOE 7R, Infantry Division, 1955; TOE 17R, Armored Division, 1955; TOE 57, Airborne Division, 1955; Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Second and Fourth Armies, 23 May 55, sub: Reorganization of 1 st, 3d, and 4th Armored Divisions, AGAO-I (M) 322 (18 May 55) G-1, Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Third, Fifth, and Sixth Armies, 23 May 55, sub: Reorganization of Certain Infantry Divisions, AGAO-I (M) 322 (19 May 55) G-1, Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Third Army, 1 Aug 55, sub: Reorganization of the IIth Airborne Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 (20 Jul 55) G-1, Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC and Third Army, 26 May 1955, sub: Reorganization of 82d Airborne Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 (24 May 55) G-1, Ltr, TAG to CinC, U.S. Army, Europe, 9 Sep 55, sub: Confirmation of Reorganization of Certain Units, AGAO-O (M) 322 (16 Aug 55) G-1, and Ltr,
TAG to CG, U.S. Army, Pacific, 5 Mar 56, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units, AGAO-O322 (27 Feb 56) DCSPER (Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel), all AG Reference files, DAMHHSO; Historical Data Cards for divisions, DAMH-HSO.
36 Memo for Record, sub: Unit Rotation Plan, 23 Feb 54, and Ltr, John E. Dahlquist to Matthew B. Ridgway, 7 Apr 54, Records of the Army Staff, G-1, 210.21 Feb-Mar 54, RG 319, NARA; "World-wide Unit Rotation," Army Combat Forces Journal 5 (Nov 1954): 37; Robert N. Young, "Operation GYROSCOPE, Rotation Plus Stability," Army Information Digest 10 (Mar 1955): 2-6; Historical Division, U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), Operation GYROSCOPE in the US Army Europe, 1957, pp. 1-2 (Secret, material used unclassified), DAMN-HSR.
37 Historical Section, USAREUR, Operation GYROSCOPE in the US Army Europe, pp. 2640; SS, G-1 for CofS, sub: Training Center Designations, Tab A, 15 Dec 55, G-1 S 323.3, Division General file, DAMH-HSO.
38 Historical Section, USAREUR, "The Replacement and Augmentation System in Europe (1945-1963)," pp. 47-48, Ms, DAMH-HSR.
39 Coakley et al., "Demobilization," pp. 72-80; U.S. Congress, Senate, Eleventh Report of the Preparedness Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services of the United States Senate under the Authority of S.Res. 18, 82d Cong., 1st Sess., Apr 1951; SS, G-1 for CofS, sub: Training Center Designations, 15 Dec 55, SS, DCSPER for CofS, same subject, 27 Jan 56, DCSPER S 323, and DOD News Release No. 152-56, sub: Army to Stop Using Division Designations to Identify Training Divisions, 23 Feb 56, all Division General file, DAMN-HSO; also see unit files of the 101st Abn, 6th and 9th Inf, and 5th and 6th Armd Divs, DAMH-HSO.
40 Lit, TAG to CG, U.S. Army, Caribbean, I Mar 56, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units, AGAO-O (M) 322 (10 Feb 56) DCSPER, 23d Inf Div file, and Ltr, TAG to CGs. CONARC and Sixth Army, 6 Sep 56, same subject, AGAO-O 322 (9 Aug 56) DCSPER, 71st Inf Div file, DAMH-HSO.
41 Memo, G-1 for G-3, 24 Oct 50, sub: Development of Army's Position in a Complete Review of Civilian Components Structure, G-1 326 (24 Oct 50), and SS, G-3 for Cots, 5 Apr 51, sub: Development of Army Position in a Complete Review of Civilian Components Structure, G-3 326 (24 Oct 50), both Army Reserve file, DAMH-HSO.
42 SS, G-3 for CofS, 18 Dec 51, sub: Implementation of the Approved Outline Plan, Army
Reserve Forces, 326 (5 Dec 51), Army Reserve Forces Conference, Department of the Army,
Army Field Forces, Continental Armies, Fort Monroe, Virginia, 5-9 Nov 1951, Memo for
Record, OCofS, 20 Dec 51, sub: Implementation of the Army Reserve Force Reserve Divisional
Reorganization, GS 326 (19 Nov 51), and DA Army Reserve Forces Program Summary, 1 Mar
52, all Army Reserve Reference files, Ltr, TAG to CG, Second Army, 18 Apr 52, sub: Change in
Status of Certain Army Reserve Divisions, AGAO-I 322 Army Res (6 Mar 52) G-3-M, Ltr,
TAG to CG, Third Army, 23 Feb 52, same subject, AGAO-I 322 Army Res (28 Jan 52), Ltr,
TAG to CG, Fourth Army, 21 Feb 52, same subject, AGAO-I 322 Army Res (30 Jan 52) G-3-M,
Ltr, TAG to CG, Fifth Army, 13 Feb 52, same subject, AGAO-I 326 (25 Jan 52) G -3-M, Ltr,
TAG to CG, Sixth Army, 22 Feb 52, same subject, AGAO-I 322 Army Res (29 Jan 52), all AG
Reference files, and Historical Data Cards, Army Reserve divisions, all DAMH-HSO. The
Section Five Committee, established in 1920, was the vehicle for reserve officers to provide
input about reserve affairs.
43 AR 140-305, 1 Feb 1952; DA Bull 7, 1952.
44 Karl Cocke, "The Reserve Components," OCMH Study 130, pp. V-38-49, VI-1-45 passim, Ms, DAMN-RAD; "General Staff Study Leading to the Preparation of Reserve Components Mobilization Preparedness Objectives Plan I," 1 Jul 53, DAMH-HSR; Ltr, TAG to CG, First Army, 15 Mar 55, sub: Designation and Organization of Certain Divisions of the Army Reserve, AGAO-I (M) 322 (21 Feb 55) Army Res, Lit, TAG to CG, Second Army, 19 May 55, same subject, AGAO-I (M) 322 Army Res (21 Mar 55) Army Res, Lit, TAG to CG, Third Army, 15 Feb 55, sub: Designation and Organization of 108th Infantry Division (Replacement Training), AGAO-I (M) 322 (9 Feb 55) Army Res, Ltr, TAG to Fourth Army, 25 Jan 55, sub: Designation and Organization of the 95th Infantry Division, AGAO-I (M) 322 95th Inf Div (18 Jan 55) Army Res, and Ltr, TAG to CG, Fifth Army, 23 May 55, sub: Designation and Organization of Certain Divisions of the Army Reserve, AGAO-I (M) 322 Army Res (11 May 55) Army Res, all AG Reference file, DAMN-HSO; GO 152, Sixth Army, 1955; Ltr, TAG to CG, Fourth Army, 11 Mar 55, sub: Change in Status of Certain Army Reserve Units, AGAO-I (M) 322 Army Res (17 Feb 55) Res, and Ltr, TAG to CGs, CONARC, and Third and Fourth Armies, 10 Jan 57, sub: Change in Status of Certain Units of the Army Reserve, both AG Reference files, DAMH-HSO.
45 Ltr, NGB to AG, California, 15 Jun 54, sub: Organization, Conversion, Reorganization, and Redesignation of National Guard Units (40th Division), NG-AROTO 325.4-Calif (4 Jun 54), 40th Inf Div file, Ltr, NGB to CofS, Div of Military and Naval Affairs, New York, 15 Dec 54, sub: Organization, Reorganization, Conversion, and Redesignation, National Guard Units of the 27th Infantry Division to be the 27th Armored Division, NG-AROTO 325.4-NY (13 Dec 54). 27th Inf Bde file, Ltr, NGB to AG, Georgia, 17 Oct 55, sub: Allotment, Conversion. Redesignation, Organization, Reorganization and Withdrawal of Federal Recognition, Army National Guard Units, NG-AROTO 325.4 (30 Sep 55) GA, GA NG file, Ltr, NG13 to AG. Florida, 17 Oct 55, sub: Allotment, Conversion, Redesignation, Organization, Reorganization and Withdrawal of Federal Recognition, Army National Guard Units, NG-AROTO 325.4-Fla, FL NG file, Ltr, NGB to AG, Tennessee, 20 Oct 54, sub: National Guard Troop Allotment (Tennessee), 20 Oct 54, NG-AROTO 325.4-Tenn, TN NG file, and GO 33, North Carolina National Guard, 18 Oct 54, NC state file, DAMH-HSO; Report of the Chief: National Gt«rrd Bureau, 1955, p. 15, and 1956, p. 21.
46 DA Bull 12, 1955; Crossland and Currie, Twice the Citizen, pp. 120-27.

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