
The National Archives and the Library of Congress are the main depositories of records and manuscript material useful in developing the history of logistical support for Washington's army. At the National Archives the Papers of the Continental Congress, Record Group (RG) 11, are of primary importance. Of particular interest are the Reports and Letters of the Board of War (item 147, 6 volumes; item 148, 2 volumes); Reports of Committees (items 21-22, 27, 29, 31, and 34, a total of 12 volumes); Letters of Thomas Mifflin (item 161); Letters of Ephraim Blaine (item 165); and Letters of Maj.,Gen. Nathanael Greene (items 155 and 173, 7 volumes).

The Archives has gathered additional Revolutionary War Records in RG 93. For the most part this collection is fragmentary insofar as supply operations are concerned. It does, however, include Miscellaneous Numbered Documents, which provide an ingight into Ordnance supply, and the highly useful Letter Books of Samuel Hodgdon (volumes 92 and 110) and Letter Books of Col. Timothy Pickering (volumes 82-88, 125-28). The National Archives also has a microfilm copy of the Henry Knox Papers, which are owned by the New England Historic Genealogical Society and deposited at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Knox material, RG LM39, provides further information in reference to Ordnance supply during the Revolutionary War.

Ile George Washington Papers in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress furnish another basic source of information on supply support of the main Continental army. This collection is voluminous, but a detailed index of the papers-essentially a name index-simplifies the selection of relevant material. Also available at the Library of Congress are the Robert Morris Papers, which afford information on supply during the later years of the war when Morris, as Superintendent of Finance, directed conMwt arrangements for supply. Much detailed information on supply support can also be found in the letter books and papers of such Quartermaster and Commissary personnel as James Abeel, Ephraim Blaine, John Davis, and Charles Stewart.

Other manuscript collections yield pertinent material. Particularly useful are the Chaloner and White Papers deposited at the Pennsylvania Historical Society, which provide insights into Commissary operations, and the Papers of Dr. Jonathan Potts, which contain considerable information on the operations of the Hospital Department. Quartermaster activities are most fully revealed in the correspondence of Nathanael Greene. The letters


to and from Greene in possession of the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia cover the years of his service as Quartermaster General. The Greene Papers at the William Clements Library, Ann Arbor, yield additional information, though relating primarily to the Southern Army.

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