Appendix G
(Sent with covering letter in 1967 from U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Staff Judge Advocate to all judge advocates in the Republic of Vietnam.)
1. Are the following publications available in adequate quantities:
a. DA Pamphlet 20-151, "Lectures of the Geneva Conventions of 1949."
b. DA Pamphlet 27-1, "Treaties Governing Land Warfare," 1956.
c. Field Manual 19-40, "Enemy Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees."
d. Field Manual 27-10, "The Law of Land Warfare," 1956.
e. Army Regulation 633-50, "Prisoners of War Administration, Employment and Compensation."
(These may be procured through service supply channels)
2. Number and percentage of members of your command who have received instruction in the Geneva Conventions during the past year.
3. Number and percentage of members of your command who have received instructions in the Geneva Conventions.1
4. How often does your command conduct training in the Geneva Conventions?
5. By whom (JA personnel; others: officer, noncom, etc.) is such training given?
1 Should your combat situation make it unduly difficult to obtain this information for your entire command, an estimate based on spot checks or other appropriate sampling will suffice.
6. Are copies of MACV Directives 20-4, 20-5, 190-3, and 380-I 1 available to
your command?
(If not, they may be obtained from MACAG)
7. Have these directives been properly implemented and all members of your command advised of their substance?
8. Have the MACV PW pocket cards been disseminated to all members of your command?
9. Have any instructions been promulgated by your command on treatment of enemy personnel at time of capture?
10. Are command procedures adequate to insure proper treatment of enemy personnel at time of capture?
11. Is the "interrogating officer" who determines initially whether there is doubt as to the eligibility of captured personnel to PW treatment properly qualified by training and experience?
12. No. of cases reviewed pursuant to provisions of paragraph 61(2), page 7,
MACV Dir 20-5.
In how many of these cases did you accord detained persons PW status? Refer
the issue of status to a tribunal?
13. No. of cases reviewed pursuant to provisions of paragraph 61(3) , page
7, MACV Dir. 20-5.
No. of such cases in which you concurred with interrogating officer's determination.
No. of such cases in which you accorded PW status.
14. How many war crimes investigations have been undertaken in your command since effective date MACV Directive 20-4?
15. Do records of your command reflect the names of members of your command who have violated the Geneva Conventions and the types of violations which they are alleged to have committed?
16. How many of your personnel have been disciplined for mistreatment of enemy personnel?
17. Indicate types of punishment imposed on offenders. (Use continuation sheet if necessary).
Staff Judge Advocate
page updated 31 May 2001